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Healthcare TV Series Features Microbe Formulas
Planet TV Presents "New Frontiers" Documentary Episode Featuring Innovative Idaho Health Company
MERIDIAN, ID, UNITED STATES, June 11, 2021 / -- Planet TV Studios is producing a healthcare documentary series called “New Frontiers” and will feature Idaho health company Microbe Formulas. The series is designed to explore cutting-edge healthcare organizations that are shaping the future of health management in our nation.
The documentary episodes will air on national television on Bloomberg TV, reaching 71 million viewers. It will also be available on-demand through Amazon Prime Video, Google Play, iTunes, Roku, and many other platforms.
Microbe Formulas, established in 2017, has set out to restore hope and health around the globe through producing all-natural herbal supplements, educational media, and guided wellness programs. The company began with two doctors who wanted to provide effective, natural solutions for gut health and detoxification.
Dr. Jay Davidson and Dr. Todd Watts, co-founders of Microbe Formulas, were drawn together through the commonality of personal unresolved health issues. This ultimately motivated them to dive into holistic medicine to find “solutions that work.” Over time, the two doctors discovered the importance of drainage, gut health, and natural detox support.
The company has multiple innovative supplements to offer, as well as a 4-month protocol. In particular, two areas make them stand out: one, their flagship gut product Mimosa Pudica Seed and two, their proprietary BioActive Carbon technology within the majority of their supplements. Microbe’s episode of “New Frontiers’’ will go into more detail on these special materials and their benefits, along with sharing stories of hope and health.
The air date for Microbe’s episode is not yet determined.
About Microbe Formulas: Microbe Formulas is a wellness company that believes a “healthy microbiome is a healthy you.” This starts with opening drainage pathways, supporting energy at the mitochondrial level, and detoxing unwanted substances. Their core values are front and center in the company mission: “Creating solutions that work is what we do. Restoring hope and health is who we are.”
If you would like more information about this topic, please contact Shawnda Huffman, Vice President of Communications for Microbe Formulas, at 740-649-5433 or
Shawnda Huffman
Microbe Formulas
email us here

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