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Washington, DC 20549
Report of Foreign Private Issuer
Pursuant to Rule 13a-16 or 15d-16
of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934
For November 7, 2007
Commission File Number 1-14642
ING Groep N.V.
Amstelveenseweg 500
1081-KL Amsterdam
The Netherlands
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This Report contains a copy of the following:
(1)   The Press Release issued on November 7, 2007.


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PRESS RELEASE   7 November 2007
ING results demonstrate resilience in challenging environment
  Underlying net profit up 19.2% to EUR 1,946 million supported by investment gains
  -   Underlying profit indudes a EUR 455 million net gain on the sale of part of ING’s stake in ABN Amro
  -   Profit declines 8.6%, excluding ABN Amro gain, on lower revaluations of real estate & private equity investments
  -   Strong life sales push value of new business up 47.5% to EUR 298 million; solid volume growth in banking
  -   Net profit up 46.8% to EUR 2,306 million (EUR 1.08 per share) after divestment gains and restructuring expenses
  Risk management and strong balance sheet protected ING from the direct impact of market turmoil
  -   Negligible impact from liquidity crisis on long-term funding costs of the banking business
  -   No material impairmentson EUR 3.1 billion portfolio of investments backed by subprime assets
  -   No material revaluations on debt securities held in the third quarter as credit spreads increased
  Investments continue to support growth, optimise the competitive position and sharpen focus
  -   Acquisitions of Oyak Bank in Turkey and Latin American pension business of Santander progressing on track
  -   Investments planned to optimise Belgian retail network to boost pre-tax profit by over EUR 100 million
  -   Initiatives at Wholesale to generate EUR 30 million in cost savings and EUR 100 million in revenue by 2009
Chairman’s Statement
“The third quarter was marked by turmoil in financial markets as concerns about US subprime lending triggered a liquidity crisis and a repricing of risk. Risk management protected us against the direct impact of this turmoil, demonstrating ING’s resilience in a challenging environment,” said Michel Tilmant, Chairman of ING Group. “Our strong balance sheet and large customer deposit base enabled ING to manage the liquidity crisis with only a negligible increase in funding costs. We incurred no material impairments or revaluations on our subprime residential mortgage-backed securities or leveraged finance transactions. Revaluations of debt securities held were essentially flat as lower interest rates offset credit-spread widening in the third quarter.”
“The commercial performance of the business remained robust. ING achieved strong sales of life insurance in Central Europe and Asia as well as variable annuities in the US. That drove a 47.5% increase in the value of new business to EUR 298 million. The banking businesses continued to show solid volume growth in mortgages, term deposits and current accounts. That was partially offset by outflows from high-balance customers at ING Direct UK, where management actions are being taken to stop the outflow.”
“The market turbulence has made the business environment more challenging. Strategic trading results in Wholesale Banking were impacted by the market turmoil and deal flow slowed in leveraged finance. Revaluations on real estate and private equity investments were less favourable than in recent quarters. Equity market volatility has increased. The yield curve has remained flat, and competition for deposits is intensifying for Retail Banking and ING Direct”
“The fundamentals underpinning our businesses remain strong and will support growth over the long term. We continue to invest to support ING’s wealth management strategy, including the acquisitions of Oyak Bank in Turkey and the Latin American pension business of Santander. Our stake in the Bank of Beijing increased its market value more than ten-fold to EUR 2.1 billion following that bank’s IPO in the third quarter. We also continue to invest in existing businesses to optimise our competitive position. The integration of Postbank and ING Bank in the Netherlands is on track. Investments are also planned to optimise the retail distribution model in Belgium to boost profit there by more than EUR 100 million by 2012. At Wholesale Banking we are introducing new initiatives to improve efficiency and stimulate growth, which are expected to generate EUR 30 million in cost savings and EUR 100 million in revenue benefits by 2009.”
Media Relations:
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ING Group Key Figures
Insurance Europe
Insurance Americas
Insurance Asia/Pacific
Wholesale Banking
Retail Banking
ING Direct


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ING Group: Key Figures
In EUR million   3Q2007   3Q2006   Change   2Q2007   Change   9M2007   9M2006   Change
Underlying1 profit before tax Insurance Europe
    362       511       -29.2 %     679       -46.7 %     1,483       1,617       -8.3 %
Insurance Americas
    480       512       -6.3 %     593       -19.1 %     1,606       1,453       10.5 %
Insurance Asia/Pacific
    151       168       -10.1 %     153       -1.3 %     463       481       -3.7 %
Corporate line Insurance
    291       -195               531             739       -75        
Underlying profit before tax from Insurance
    1,285       996       29.0 %     1,956       -34.3 %     4,291       3,476       23.4 %
Wholesale Banking
    404       527       -23.3 %     668       -39.5 %     1,808       1,979       -8.6 %
Retail Banking
    526       469       12.2 %     555       -5.2 %     1,620       1,491       8.7 %
ING Direct
    120       177       -32.2 %     171       -29.8 %     456       522       -12.6 %
Corporate line Banking
    53       -43               -65             -69       -88          
Underlying profit before tax from Banking
    1,103       1,130       -2.4 %     1,329       -17.0 %     3,816       3,904       -2.3 %
Underlying profit before tax
    2,388       2,126       12.3 %     3,285       -27.3 %     8,106       7,380       9.8 %
    371       418       -11.2 %     473       -21.6 %     1,339       1,561       -14.2 %
Profit before minority interests
    2,017       1,708       18.1 %     2,812       -28.3 %     6,767       5,819       16.3 %
Minority interests
    72       76       -5.3 %     76       -5.3 %     214       251       -14.7 %
Underlying net profit
    1,946       1,632       19.2 %     2,735       -28.8 %     6,553       5,568       17.7 %
Net gains/losses on divestments
    444       -83                               444       -62          
Net profit from divested units
            22               11               32       85          
Special items after tax
    -83                       -188               -271                
Net profit (attributable to shareholders)
    2,306       1,571       46.8 %     2,559       -9.9 %     6,759       5,591       20.9 %
Earnings per share (in EUR)
    1.08       0.73       47.9 %     1.18       -8.5 %     3.14       2.59       21.2 %
Net return on equity2
    23.8 %     23.1 %             23.9 %             23.8 %     23.1 %        
Assets under management (end of period)
    637,900       569,300       12.0 %     636,700       0.2 %     637,900       569,300       12.0 %
Total staff (FTEs end of period)
    123,026       120,415       2.2 %     119,097       3.3 %     123,026       120,415       2.2 %
1.   Underlying profit before tax and underlying net profit are non-GAAP measures excluding divestments and special items as specified in Appendix 2
2.   Year-to-date
Note: Small differences are possible in the tables due to rounding
Resilience amid turbulent markets
Underlying profit before tax (EUR million)
ING’s earnings and income proved resilient in the third quarter despite turmoil in financial markets as concerns about US subprime lending triggered a liquidity crisis. ING incurred no material impairments or revaluations on subprime residential mortgage-backed securities and took a small markdown of EUR 29 million on leveraged finance transactions.
Profit was supported by high investment income, including a gain on the sale of part of ING’s stake in ABN Amro, however revaluations on private equity and real estate investments diminished after several years of outstanding returns.
Underlying net profit rose 19.2% to EUR 1,946 million, including a net gain of EUR 455 million on ABN Amro shares, which is reflected in the Corporate Line Insurance. Excluding that gain, profit declined 8.6%, or
7.2% excluding currency effects. The result reflects a decline in life insurance as returns on real estate and private equity investments normalise, as well as lower non-life results as underwriting conditions in Canada and Mexico became more challenging.
Banking results were flat as growth in Retail Banking offset declines in Wholesale Banking and ING Direct. Risk costs increased, but were relatively low as the loan portfolio remained healthy.
ING benefited from a low effective tax rate thanks to high tax-exempted gains and a lower statutory tax rate in the Netherlands.
Net profit increased 46.8% to EUR 2,306 million, supported by the EUR 418 million gain on the sale of part of the Belgian business and a EUR 26 million gain on the sale of RegioBank. Net profit also includes EUR 54 million
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in restructuring charges for combining the Dutch retail banks and restructuring at Wholesale Banking as well as EUR 29 million in currency hedge expenses for the pending acquisition of Oyak Bank. The positive revaluation of EUR 1.9 billion after tax on ING’s stake in Bank of Beijing is reflected in shareholders’ equity.
Underlying profit before tax from insurance increased 29.0% including the EUR 455 million ABN Amro gain. Excluding that gain, profit from insurance declined 16.7%, reflecting EUR 105 million lower revaluation results on real estate and private equity, lower dividends, and more challenging underwriting conditions in non-life.
Profit from Insurance Europe declined 29.2%, reflecting lower investment income from real estate and private
equity in the Netherlands. That offset strong growth in Central Europe, where life results increased 15.1 %.
Insurance Americas’ profit declined 6.3% but was flat excluding currency effects as weaker results at the non-life business in Canada offset a modest increase in the US, supported by growth of assets under management.
Profit from Insurance Asia/Pacific declined to EUR 151 million from EUR 168 million, mainly due to volatility in the hedge results in Japan. Excluding that volatility, profit from Insurance Asia/Pacific was up 16.0%.
Total insurance premium income increased 5.0%, or 8.0% excluding currency effects, driven by strong sales of wealth-accumulation products. Sales momentum continued in Central & Rest of Europe, Asia/Pacific and the US.
Insurance: Key Figures
In EUR million   3Q2007   3Q2006   Change
Gross premium income
    11,395       10,848       5.0 %
Operating expenses
    1,363       1,193       14.3 %
Underlying profit before tax
    1,285       996       29.0 %
Underlying profit before tax
    972       688       41.3 %
Expenses/premiums life insurance1
    14.7 %     12.5 %        
Expenses/AUM investment products1
    0.73 %     0.74 %        
Single-premium sales
    8,992       6,085       47.8 %
Annual-premium sales
    1,041       944       10.3 %
Total new sales (APE)
    1,940       1,552       25.0 %
Value of new business
    298       202       47.5 %
Internal rate of return1
    13.4 %     13.8 %        
Underlying profit before tax
    314       308       1.9 %
Claims ratio1
    65.7 %     60.5 %        
Expense ratio1
    30.8 %     30.5 %        
Combined ratio1
    96.5 %     91.0 %        
Total new life sales increased 25.0% to EUR 1,940 million in the third quarter, led by growth in Central Europe, Asia and the US. Sales were driven by a 47.8% increase in single-premium sales, supported by demand for a new single-premium variable annuity product in the US and wealth accumulation products in Asia. The launch of a new pension fund in Romania added EUR 37 million to sales. Pricing discipline was maintained, and the value of new life business rose 47.5% to EUR 298 million.
Expenses increased 14.3%, due in part to one-off releases of employee benefit provisions in the third quarter last year. Excluding those releases, expenses were up 7.2%, driven by continued growth of the business in Central Europe, Asia/ Pacific and the US.
Results at ING’s banking business proved resilient despite the turmoil in credit markets. Underlying profit before tax declined 2.4% as growth at Retail Banking helped offset declines at Wholesale Banking and ING Direct.
Retail Banking was up 12.2%, driven by strong growth in the Netherlands and Poland as higher volumes continued to offset margin pressure from the flat yield curve and increasing competition in the Benelux.
Profit from Wholesale Banking declined 23.3% as market turbulence impacted results from Financial Markets and Structured Finance, while ING Real Estate, Leasing and General Lending continued to show solid results.
Results from ING Direct declined 32.2% due to a loss in the UK and investments to expand the product range and geographical footprint. Excluding the UK and investments in growth, profit from ING Direct rose 7.8%.
Total underlying income of the banking businesses rose 3.3% supported by the strong commercial growth in retail current accounts and mortgages. Total risk-weighted assets (RWAs) increased 4.7% in the third quarter and were up
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Banking: Key Figures
In EUR million   3Q2007     3Q2006     Change  
Total underlying income
    3,493       3,380       3.3 %
Operating expenses
    2,321       2,206       5.2 %
Gross result
    1,172       1,174       -0.2 %
Addition to loan loss provision
    69       44       56.8 %
Underlying profit before tax
    1,103       1,130       -2.4 %
Interest margin
    0.91 %     1.06 %        
Underlying cost/income ratio
    66.5 %     65.3 %        
Risk costs in bp of average CRWA
    8       5          
Risk-weighted assets (end of period)
    373,209       332,016       12.4 %
Underlying RAROC after tax1
    23.4 %     20.6 %        
Economic capital (average)
    14,322       15,626       -8.3 %
Total bank lending2
    501,779       488,889       2.6 %
1.   Year-to-date
2.   30 September compared with 30 June 2007
12.4% compared with a year earlier. That growth helped offset a narrowing of the interest margin to 0.91%, down 4 basis points from the second quarter and 15 basis points from a year earlier.
Operating expenses increased 5.2%, due entirely to investments to support the growth of the business, notably at ING Direct, ING Real Estate and the retail banking activities in developing markets. Expenses at mature businesses were flat.
Net risk costs increased, but remained low as ING’s loan portfolio continued to be healthy. The addition equalled an annualised 8 basis points on average credit-risk-weighted assets, well below the normalised level of 25-30 basis points expected over the credit cycle.
From 1 January 2008, ING will transfer the mid-corporate client business in its home markets from Wholesale to Retail Banking, subject to Works Council approval. The transfer will allow the branch distribution network to be fully rooted in the Retail organisation, and will allow Wholesale Banking to focus on providing value-added products.
Assets under Management
Despite turbulent market conditions in the third quarter, assets under management increased by EUR 1.2 billion in the third quarter to EUR 637.9 billion at the end of September. Net inflow added EUR 8.5 billion and higher market values on equities and fixed-income securities contributed EUR 5.1 billion. That was offset by exchange rates, which had a negative impact of EUR 16.0 billion, mainly due to the weaker US dollar. Acquisitions and divestments had a net positive impact of EUR 3.5 billion as the purchases of Landmark Investment Management in South Korea and Santander’s pension business in Mexico offset the sale of part of the Belgian insurance business.
Capital Management
All of ING’s capital ratios remained well within target. The leverage position of ING Group improved from 9.32% to 9.14% as core debt reduced after a dividend was upstreamed from Insurance to ING Group.
The leverage ratio for Insurance increased from 11.03% to 13.40%, and the EU capital coverage ratio decreased to 280% from 297%. ING increased its hybrid target ratio for Insurance from 15% to 25%, bringing the target in line with that of the Bank.
The Tier-1 ratio of the Bank decreased from 7.55% to 7.39% but remained above the target of 7.2%. Risk-weighted assets increased 4.7%, or EUR 16.8 billion, to EUR 373.2 billion, driven by the continued growth of the business. The winddown of two asset-backed commercial paper conduits added EUR 6 billion to RWAs.
Share Buyback
ING made progress with its EUR 5.0 billion share buyback programme, which is expected to run until June 2008. In the third quarter 19.74% of the programme was executed as 31,939,198 shares were bought back at an average price of EUR 30.90. At the end of the third quarter, 33.16% of the total programme had been completed. The impact was partially offset by the exercise of 837,746 warrants B, leading to the issue of 1,675,492 shares at a price of EUR 24.96.
Risk Management
Risk management and a strong liquidity position helped ING manage the turbulence in financial markets in the third quarter. There were no material impairments or revaluations on US subprime or other troubled asset classes.
ING’s subprime exposure amounted to EUR 3.1 billion at the end of September, representing 0.24% of total assets. Net impairments amounted to just EUR 2 million. The subprime RMBS portfolio was fair valued at 96% at the end of September against 98% in July as lower interest rates partly offset credit-spread widening. That resulted in a negative revaluation of EUR 122 million before tax.
The exposure to Alt-A residential mortgage-backed securities amounted to EUR 26.9 billion, representing 2.1 % of total assets. The portfolio’s fair value was 98% at the end of the third quarter versus 99% in July and no impairments were taken. CDO and CLO exposure was EUR 1.1 billion, or 0.1% of assets. The portfolio was fair valued at 96%, unchanged from July, and impairments of EUR 5 million were taken.
Negative fair value changes in the proprietary trading portfolio of Wholesale Banking amounted to EUR 15 million on US subprime and EUR 10 million on CDOs, which were recorded in the P&L. A markdown of EUR 29 million was taken on leveraged finance transactions.
Based on market values at 31 October there has been no material change to the fair value of our subprime, Alt-A, CDO/ CLO or leveraged finance portfolios.

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Insurance Europe: Key Figures
    Total       Netherlands       Belgium       Central & Rest of Europe  
In EUR million   3Q2007     3Q2006     Change       3Q2007     3Q2006       3Q2007     3Q2006       3Q2007     3Q2006  
Gross premium income
    2,197       2,204       -0.3 %       1,381       1,370         259       377         556       456  
Operating expenses
    446       350       27.4 %       346       270         14       16         86       68  
Underlying profit before tax
    362       511       -29.2 %       269       429         9       7         85       76  
Underlying profit before tax
    227       409       -44.5 %       136       327         7       9         84       73  
Single-premium sales
    640       805       -20.5 %       255       319         217       344         168       142  
Annual-premium sales
    168       121       38.8 %       37       32         3       5         128       84  
Total new sales (APE)
    232       201       15.4 %       63       63         24       39         145       99  
Value of new business
    92       66       39.4 %       13       15         4       8         74       43  
Internal rate of return (YTD)
    14.3 %     15.3 %               11.4 %     13.4 %       12.7 %     11.7 %       16.8 %     19.0 %
Underlying profit before tax
    135       102       32.4 %       133       102         1       -3         1       3  
Claims ratio
    53.1 %     55.5 %               50.7 %     53.7 %       71.8 %     65.4 %       46.3 %     48.5 %
Expense ratio
    36.1 %     33.3 %               36.6 %     33.5 %       10.7 %     31.7 %       45.9 %     39.5 %
Combined ratio
    89.2 %     88.8 %               87.3 %     87.2 %       82.5 %     97.1 %       92.2 %     88.0 %
Central Europe drives strong increase in VNB
Value of new business +39.4%

Sales in Central Europe +46.5%

Earnings impacted by lower revaluations of real estate and private equity
Underlying profit before tax (EUR million)
Strong sales in Central Europe drove growth in the value of new business at Insurance Europe. Sales were boosted by pension reform in Romania, where a mandatory second-pillar pension system has been introduced. A four-month sales window opened in mid-September, and ING was off to a very strong start. In the first two weeks the ING pension fund signed up some 360,000 clients, contributing EUR 34 million to value of new business and EUR 37 million in sales. Total life sales for Insurance Europe increased 15.4% to EUR 232 million and the value of new business was up 39.4% to EUR 92 million.
The Dutch life insurance market remains challenging with continued margin pressure as some competitors adopt aggressive pricing strategies, and sales of unit-linked products have diminished. Market uncertainty and less intensive marketing reduced sales of investment products in Belgium. The sale of ING’s broker and employee benefits business in Belgium resulted in a gain of EUR 418 million which is excluded from the underlying results.
Unrest in financial markets put pressure on real estate and private equity markets in the third quarter, resulting in lower revaluations after several quarters of outstanding investment returns on both asset classes.
Lower investment income put pressure on results in the third quarter, and underlying profit before tax at Insurance Europe declined 29.2% to EUR 362 million. Investment income was down 17.4%, reflecting EUR 56 million lower revaluations of real estate and EUR 58 million lower on private equity, as well as EUR 32 million less dividend income.
The life insurance activities in the Netherlands were most affected by the decline in investment income, as well as a release of employee benefits provisions last year, and profit there was down 58.4%. That offset a 15.1 % increase in life results from Central Europe and higher non-life profits in the Netherlands and Belgium.
Premium income was flat at EUR 2,197 million as higher life premiums in Central & Rest of Europe were offset by a decline in Belgium. Expenses were up EUR 96 million reflecting a EUR 79 million release of employee benefit provisions in the Netherlands last year and EUR 7 million higher investments in greenfields.

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Insurance Americas: Key Figures
    Total       United States       Canada       Latin America  
In EUR million   3Q2007     3Q2006     Change       3Q2007     3Q2006       3Q2007     3Q2006       3Q2007     3Q2006  
Gross premium income
    5,735       5,802       -1.2 %       4,522       4,509         747       731         467       562  
Operating expenses
    603       607       -0.7 %       357       357         143       138         103       112  
Underlying profit before tax
    480       512       -6.3 %       309       329         108       135         63       48  
Underlying profit before tax
    365       359       1.7 %       309       329                           56       30  
Single-premium sales
    5,704       3,935       45.0 %       5,654       3,881                           51       54  
Annual-premium sales
    388       411       -5.6 %       313       332                           75       79  
Total new sales (APE)
    958       805       19.0 %       879       720                           80       85  
Value of new business
    73       43       69.8 %       64       32                           9       11  
Internal rate of return (YTD)
    10.8 %     11.2 %               10.7 %     11.1 %                         11.9 %     12.7 %
Underlying profit before tax
    115       153       -24.8 %                         108       135         7       18  
Claims ratio
    70.9 %     62.5 %                                 65.3 %     57.4 %       83.0 %     73.2 %
Expense ratio
    28.2 %     29.4 %                                 27.8 %     29.7 %       29.0 %     28.8 %
Combined ratio
    99.1 %     91.9 %                                 93.2 %     87.1 %       112.0 %     102.1 %
Strong growth of sales and value of new business
Value of new business +69.8%

Variable annuity sales +30.1%

Insignificant earnings impact from subprime in US
Underlying profit before tax (EUR million)
Insurance Americas posted strong growth in sales and value of new business in the third quarter, however bottom-line growth was challenging due to difficult market conditions in Canada and the US.
Variable annuity sales in the US climbed 30.1%, led by the successful introduction of a new withdrawal benefit rider in August. Individual life sales rebounded, and the Institutional Markets business capitalised on increased credit spreads, resulting in a tripling in sales of funding agreements and guaranteed investment contracts. The value of new business rose 69.8% to EUR 73 million.
Disruption in the subprime mortgage market had no significant impact on results: credit-related impairments on fixed-income investments in the US, including mortgage-backed securities were immaterial.
Concerns about subprime and liquidity issues impacted equity markets in the third quarter, contributing to a higher amortisation of deferred acquisition costs and reserve increases in the US. That was partially compensated by increased fee income on higher assets under management.
Underlying profit before tax at Insurance Americas declined 6.3% to EUR 480 million, but was flat excluding currencies as higher life results in Latin America and the US were largely offset by less favourable non-life results in Canada and Mexico.
ING Canada’s underwriting results continued to soften as the market turns, reflected in a 790 basis point deterioration in the claims ratio to 65.3%. That was partially offset by a 190 basis point decline in the expense ratio which brought the combined ratio to a solid 93.2%. Profit in Canada fell 18.6% excluding currency effects to EUR 108 million.
Results in Latin America climbed 31.2% supported by a strong performance in life insurance across the region as well as improved non-life business in Brazil. That more than compensated for weak results in Mexico’s non-life business.
Total premium income was down 1.2%, due to EUR 403 million in negative currency effects. Excluding currencies, premium income was up 6.1 %.
Higher sales-related costs and increased spending on technology initiatives, customer service and distribution expansion pushed operating expenses up 5.7% excluding currency effects.

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Insurance Asia/Pacific: Key Figures
    Total       Australia & NZ       Japan       South Korea       Taiwan       Rest of Asia  
In EUR million   3Q07     3Q06     Change       3Q07     3Q06       3Q07     3Q06       3Q07     3Q06       3Q07     3Q06       3Q07     3Q06  
Gross premium income
    3,454       2,869       20.4 %       96       81         1,500       1,141         896       854         715       598         247       195  
Operating expenses
    292       238       22.7 %       56       48         47       401         67       491         62       56         60       45  
Underlying profit before tax
    151       168       -10.1 %       49       36         25       61         69       55         0       0         9       16  
Underlying profit before tax
    151       165       -8.5 %       49       36         25       61         69       55         0       0         8       13  
Single-premium sales
    2,647       1,345       96.8 %       1,224       378         1,162       791         77       97         154       56         30       23  
Annual-premium sales
    485       412       17.7 %       16       33         57       80         239       203         117       59         56       37  
Total new sales (APE)
    750       546       37.4 %       138       70         173       159         247       212         132       65         59       40  
Value of new business
    133       93       43.0 %       15       11         12       7         43       36         55       36         9       3  
Internal rate of return (YTD)
    16.7 %     17.1 %               21.3 %     16.1 %       11.5 %     12.9 %       24.8 %     35.6 %       19.2 %     19.4 %       9.1 %     8.9 %
Strong sales growth across the region
• Single-premium sales double
• Value of new business +43.0%
• AUM up 3.8% to EUR 99.4 bln
Underlying profit before tax (EUR million)
Insurance Asia/Pacific continued to show strong sales growth in the third quarter as ING capitalises on a shift from traditional life to wealth accumulation products across the region. New sales increased 37.4%, driven by single-premium sales, which almost doubled. Growth was led by strong sales of superannuation products in Australia, single-premium variable annuities in Japan, and investment-linked products in Taiwan and Korea. The value of new business was up 43.0% to EUR 133 million, in pace with new sales production, as attractive margins were maintained through product innovation and efforts to improve efficiency.
Investments continued to support growth, including the expansion of the greenfield businesses and enlargement of the tied agent networks. An exclusive 10-year bancassurance distribution agreement was signed with Public Bank in Malaysia, and in Hong Kong ING formed an alliance with China Construction Bank (Asia). The purchase of Landmark Investment Management in Korea was completed in the third quarter, adding EUR 6.9 billion to assets under management in the region, which increased 3.8% in the third quarter to EUR 99.4 billion at the end of September.
Underlying profit before tax from Insurance Asia/Pacific declined to EUR 151 million from EUR 168 million, mainly due to volatility in the hedge results in Japan. Hedge results had a positive impact of EUR 31 million in the third quarter of 2006, while the same period this year included a negative impact of EUR 8 million. Excluding that volatility, profit from Japan increased 10.0% and profit from Insurance Asia/Pacific was up 16.0%.
In South Korea, profit before tax rose 25.5% to EUR 69 million supported by growth of variable annuity sales and the impact of one-off expenses in both quarters.
Australia posted a 36.1% profit increase to EUR 49 million as strong growth in funds under management led to higher fee income, supported by continued growth of the superannuation business.
Profit from the Rest of Asia declined to EUR 9 million from EUR 16 million, reflecting expansion of the greenfields in India, China and Thailand, as well as a one-off gain in Hong Kong in the third quarter last year.
Premium income increased 20.4%, or 28.2% excluding currency effects, driven by the ongoing success of SPVA sales in Japan as well as strong sales in Taiwan, Malaysia and Hong Kong.
Operating expenses for the region increased 22.7%, driven by continued growth of the business and accelerated investments in greenfields.

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Wholesale Banking: Key Figures
                                                Structured       Leasing &       Financial                  
    Total       GL&PCM       Finance       Factoring       Markets       Real Estate       Other  
In EUR million   3Q07     3Q06     Change       3Q07     3Q06       3Q07     3Q06       3Q07     3Q06       3Q07     3Q06       3Q07     3Q06       3Q07     3Q06  
Total income
    1,288       1,339       -3.8 %       393       417         152       176         130       117         202       252         308       277         104       100  
Operating expenses
    868       821       5.7 %       260       284         89       66         70       66         183       169         138       122         129       114  
Gross result
    420       518       -18.9 %       133       133         63       110         60       51         19       83         170       155         -25       -14  
Loan loss provision
    17       -9                 -34       -6         13       -7         5       3         2       0         2       1         30       0  
Underlying profit before tax
    404       527       -23.3 %       167       139         50       117         55       48         17       83         168       154         -55       -14  
Cost/income ratio
    67.4 %     61.3 %               66.1 %     68.1 %       58.4 %     37.5 %       53.8 %     56.4 %       90.7 %     67.1 %       44.8 %     44.0 %       124.1 %     114.0 %
Risk costs (bp of CRWA)
    4       -3                 -21       -4         17       -11         10       8         3       0         3       1         930       0  
RWA (bln, end of period)
    184.6       157.5       17.2 %       68.3       62.3         30.2       26.0         19.1       15.9         28.5       23.1         37.1       27.0         1.4       3.1  
RAROC after tax1
    22.5 %     20.8 %               10.7 %     6.1 %       30.5 %     37.7 %       20.6 %     20.1 %       20.6 %     27.0 %       40.1 %     32.2 %       31.3 %     19.0 %
Economic capital1
    7,461       8,097       -7.9 %       2,248       2,836         915       992         564       576         2,203       2,246         1,252       1,037         279       410  
1.   Year-to-date. Economic capital is average over period
Income resilient despite market turmoil
Growth continues in Real Estate, Leasing, Lending
Small markdown of EUR 29 million on leveraged finance
New programme to reduce expenses, stimulate growth
Underlying profit before tax (EUR million)
Financial markets experienced significant turbulence in the third quarter as fears of losses in the US sub-prime mortgage market spread to the credit markets and liquidity dried up. Against this backdrop, income at Wholesale Banking proved fairly resilient as growth at ING Real Estate, Leasing, and General Lending helped offset losses in the strategic proprietary trading portfolio of Financial Markets. That included negative fair value changes of EUR 15 million on subprime-related assets and EUR 10 million on CDOs.
In Leveraged Finance, ING had a modest pipeline with EUR 2.3 billion in 14 deals to be distributed when markets became disrupted in August. Since then the amount in the pipeline has not changed materially, although there were changes in composition. A small markdown of EUR 29 million net of fees was taken to reflect the change in cost price of transactions that were funded in the third quarter.
A number of initiatives were started in the third quarter to stimulate growth and reduce operating expenses. A total of 300 full-time functions will be reduced across the Wholesale Bank, saving EUR 30 million in annual expenses from 2009. A provision of EUR 45 million was booked to pay for the redundencies in the third quarter.
In Financial Markets, investments are being made to support ING’s growth strategy in emerging markets, including expanding the product offering and increasing market coverage, while upgrading IT systems and centralising processing. The plan is expected to generate revenue benefits of EUR 100 million a year from 2009, and a provision of EUR 55 million is expected for the project in the fourth quarter.
Underlying profit before tax of Wholesale Banking declined 23.3% to EUR 404 million as market turbulence impacted results from Financial Markets and Structured Finance. Financial Markets reported a 79.5% drop in pretax profit as a loss on the proprietary trading portfolio was partially offset by a strong increase in the client-related business. Profit from Structured Finance declined 57.3%, reflecting lower income and the markdown in Leveraged Finance plus a small addition to loan loss provisions compared with a release last year.
Results from the rest of Wholesale Banking continued to show solid growth. ING Real Estate’s profit before tax rose 9.1%, fuelled by continued income growth from its investment management activities. General Lending & PCM posted a 20.1% increase, supported by volume growth and significant releases from loan loss provisions. Leasing & Factoring profit grew by 14.6% driven by continued growth of the portfolio.

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Retail Banking: Key Figures
    Total       Netherlands       Belgium       Poland       Rest of World  
In EUR million   3Q07     3Q06     Change       3Q07     3Q06       3Q07     3Q06       3Q07     3Q06       3Q07     3Q06  
Total income
    1,575       1,495       5.4 %       1,012       980         345       363         97       61         121       91  
Operating expenses
    1,011       988       2.3 %       577       586         273       286         72       49         89       67  
Gross result
    564       507       11.2 %       435       394         73       77         25       12         31       24  
Addition to loan loss provision
    38       38       0.0 %       33       37         5       -5         -6       -3         5       9  
Underlying profit before tax
    526       469       12.2 %       402       357         68       82         30       15         26       15  
Cost/income ratio
    64.2 %     66.1 %               57.0 %     59.8 %       78.9 %     78.8 %       74.7 %     80.3 %       74.1 %     73.6 %
Risk costs (bp of CRWA)
    14       16                 17       21         9       -11         -157       -164         24       60  
RWA (bln, end of period)
    111.2       98.4       12.9 %       79.2       70.9         21.7       19.7         1.6       0.7         8.7       7.2  
Underlying RAROC after tax1
    42.2 %     32.6 %               58.5 %     48.9 %       45.7 %     38.8 %       65.9 %     19.7 %       7.1 %     0.0 %
Economic capital1
    3,754       4,099       -8.4 %       2,004       2,119         565       711         116       127         1,069       1,142  
1. Year-to-date. Economic capital is average over period
Volume growth offsets impact of flat yield curves
RWAs up 12.9% from year ago
Underlying profit before tax up 12.2%
C/l ratio improves to 64.2%
Underlying profit before tax (EUR million)
Retail Banking showed a solid performance, underpinned by strong growth of volumes which helped offset margin pressure from the adverse yield curve environment and intensifying competition. As interest rates remain low, customers are shifting from variable-rate savings to term deposits which pay higher rates and have lower margins. Despite this challenging environment, the Retail Banking activities achieved a 5.4% increase in income in the third quarter, supported by strong growth in mortgages, term deposits and current accounts.
In this competitive environment, ING is focused on consolidating its position in the Benelux by upgrading its distribution models to maintain volume growth while reducing the cost base. Preparations for combining Postbank and ING Bank in the Netherlands are on track. The Works Council advised in favour of the integration, clearing the way to put the new structure in place.
In Belgium, ING is also investing to optimise its distribution model, including upgrading its internet platform, increasing call centre capacity and transforming the branch network. One-off investments will total EUR 94 million over five years and the programme is expected to increase pretax profit by more than EUR 100 million by 2012 with a positive contribution by 2009. Over 5 years, the workforce will be reduced by 850 positions through natural attrition.
Investments continue to expand ING’s position in fast-growing markets. ING Bank Slaski is expanding its distribution network and accelerating growth in retail lending, which increased 9.9% in the third quarter. Romania continues to expand its retail bank network, increasing the number of clients to 406,000. Preparations are underway to roll out a similar model in Ukraine next year. The agreement to acquire Oyak Bank in Turkey is expected to be finalised before the end of this year.
Strong growth in the Netherlands and Poland drove the 12.2% increase in underlying profit before tax in the third quarter. Profit in the Netherlands rose 12.6% as 6% growth in total average retail balances supported income growth. Profit in Poland doubled, supported by strong volume growth as average retail balances increased 46% from a year ago. In the Rest of the World profit was up 73.3%, mainly due to higher results from Private Banking in Asia. In Belgium profit declined 17.1 %, despite a growth of retail balances of almost 11 %, due to lower margins on savings as client rates were increased and customers shifted to term deposits where margins are lower.
Total income was up 5.4%, while underlying expenses increased just 2.3%, despite substantial investments in the emerging countries. Expenses in the Benelux declined, despite additional investments to upgrade the IT infrastructure in the Netherlands.

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ING Direct: Key Figures
In EUR million   3Q2007     3Q2006     Change  
Total income
    536       543       -1.3 %
Operating expenses
    401       351       14.2 %
Gross result
    135       192       -29.7 %
Addition to loan loss provision
    15       15       0.0 %
Underlying profit before tax
    120       177       -32.2 %
Interest margin
    0.74 %     0.85 %        
Cost/income ratio
    74.9 %     64.6 %        
Risk costs (bp of average CRWA)
    8       7          
Risk-weighted assets (bln, end of period)
    76.5       86.5       -11.6 %
RAROC after tax1
    15.8 %     12.0 %        
Economic capital1
    2,839       3,189       -11.0 %
1. Year-to-date. Economic capital is average over period
Continued investments to support growth
Record EUR 7.2 billion in mortgage production
Total retail balances up EUR 6.0 billion to EUR 303.7 billion
Profit impacted by challenges in the UK and investments to expand product offering
(EUR bln, end of period)
Underlying profit before tax (EUR million)
With its large retail funding base, ING Direct was well positioned to weather the recent liquidity crisis. However, the liquidity crisis did lead to increased competition in some markets from traditional banks that offered high client rates to attract more retail funding.
In the current interest rate environment ING Direct continues to focus less on savings growth and more on expanding the product lines, and the company continued to show solid growth. Total client retail balances grew by EUR 6.0 billion excluding currency effects to EUR 303.7 billion despite outflows in the UK.
ING Direct UK experienced a sizable outflow as it lagged rate increases by the Bank of England. That led to EUR 5.1 billion in outflows from rate-sensitive customers with high account balances as well as those with maturing term deposits sold in the first quarter. Appropriate measures are being taken to address this situation.
Client rates on the standard variable savings account in the UK were increased 25 basis points in September and another 15 bps to 5.40% on 1 October. That strongly reduced outflows in October, although it puts pressure on short-term results until assets reprice. As a result, additional losses are expected in the fourth quarter and in 2008.
Mortgage production reached its fourth consecutive quarterly record, with EUR 7.2 billion in new production excluding currency effects, bringing the total portfolio to EUR 89.0 billion at the end of September. Off-balance sheet funds, including mutual funds and brokerage accounts, increased by EUR 0.2 billion in the quarter to EUR 17.3 billion. Some 645,000 new customers were added in the third quarter, and ING Direct had 19.4 million customers at the end of September.
Underlying profit before tax declined 32.2% to EUR 120 million, mainly due to a loss of EUR 37 million at ING Direct UK. ING Direct continues to invest to expand its product offering, and investments totalled EUR 99 million in the third quarter, up from EUR 65 million a year earlier. Excluding the UK and growth investments, profit from ING Direct rose 7.8%.
Profit at ING Direct USA increased from EUR 8 million to EUR 17 million, driven by strong growth. In Germany, profit declined to EUR 88 million from EUR 94 million, due to investments to expand in payment accounts as well as lower income as margins were reduced following a client rate increase.
The number of payment accounts continued to grow in Spain, the US and Germany with 163,000 new accounts opened in the quarter, bringing the total to 670,000. ING Direct France and ING Direct UK launched guaranteed investment products in August.
Geographical expansion continued as ING Direct USA launched campaigns in Seattle and Houston. Preparations also continue for the launch in Japan.
Organic growth was complemented by the purchase of USD 1.4 billion in NetBank deposits, including 104,000 customers, in September. ING-DiBa in Germany has agreed to buy a EUR 4.3 billion mortgage portfolio from Hypo Real Estate Bank AG. In the US the purchase of ShareBuilder, an online stockbroker, was agreed adding 660,000 clients and USD 2 billion in assets under management. The later transactions will be reflected in the fourth quarter.

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Appendix 1: Key Figures per Quarter
Appendix 2: Divestments & Special Items
Appendix 3: ING Group Consolidated P&L: 3
rd Quarter
Appendix 4: ING Group Consolidated P&L: 9 Months
Appendix 5: Insurance P&L by Business Line:
Appendix 6: Insurance Investment & Other Income
Appendix 7: Banking P&L by Business Line
Appendix 8: Banking Investment & Other Income
Appendix 9: Life New Business Production
Additional information is available in the following documents published at www.ing.com
- ING Group Quarterly Report
- ING Group Statistical Supplement
- Analyst Presentation
- US Statistical Supplement
The ING Group Condensed consolidated interim accounts for the period ended 30 September 2007 (in accordance with IAS 34 “Interim Financial reporting” and including the review report from Ernst & Young) are included in the ING Group Statistical Supplement.
In preparing the financial information in this press release, the same accounting principles are applied as in the 3Q 2007 interim accounts. All figures in this press release are unaudited. Small differences are possible in the tables due to rounding.
Certain of the statements contained in this release are statements of future expectations and other forward-looking statements. These expectations are based on management’s current views and assumptions and involve known and unknown risks and uncertainties. Actual results, performance or events may differ materially from those in such statements due to, among other things, (i) general economic conditions, in particular economic conditions in ING’s core markets, (ii) changes in the availability of, and costs associated with, sources of liquidity such as interbank funding, as well as conditions in the credit markets generally, including changes in borrower and counterparty creditworthiness, (iii) the frequency and severity of insured loss events, (iv) mortality and morbidity levels and trends, (v) persistency levels, (vi) interest rate levels, (vii) currency exchange rates, (viii) general competitive factors, (ix) changes in laws and regulations, and (x) changes in the policies of governments and/or regulatory authorities. ING assumes no obligation to update any forward-looking information contained in this document.

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ING Group: Key Figures per Quarter
In EUR million   3Q2007     2Q2007     1Q2007     4Q2006     3Q2006     2Q2006     1Q2006  
Underlying profit before tax
Insurance Europe
    362       679       441       632       511       685       421  
Insurance Americas
    480       593       533       539       512       457       484  
Insurance Asia/Pacific
    151       153       159       140       168       157       156  
Corporate line Insurance
    291       531       -84       20       -195       -2       122  
Underlying profit before tax from Insurance
    1,285       1,956       1,049       1,331       996       1,297       1,183  
Wholesale Banking
    404       668       737       546       527       717       735  
Retail Banking
    526       555       539       444       469       454       568  
ING Direct
    120       171       165       172       177       190       155  
Corporate line Banking
    53       -65       -56       -14       -43       -25       -20  
Underlying profit before tax from Banking
    1,103       1,329       1,384       1,148       1,130       1,336       1,438  
Underlying profit before tax
    2,388       3,285       2,433       2,479       2,126       2,633       2,621  
    371       473       496       281       417       550       590  
Underlying profit before minority interests
    2,017       2,812       1,938       2,197       1,709       2,083       2,033  
Minority interests
    72       76       65       85       76       86       89  
Underlying net profit
    1,946       2,735       1,873       2,113       1,632       1,995       1,941  
Net gains/losses on divestments
    444                       -23       -83       -9       30  
Net profit from divested units
            11       21       11       22       28       35  
Special items after tax
    -83       -188                                          
Net profit (attributable to shareholders)
    2,306       2,559       1,894       2,101       1,571       2,014       2,006  
Earnings per share (in EUR)
    1.08       1.18       0.88       0.98       0.73       0.93       0.93  

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Divestments & Special items after tax per Quarter
In EUR million   3Q2007     2Q2007     1Q2007     4Q2006     3Q2006     2Q2006     1Q2006  
Underlying net profit
    1,946       2,735       1,873       2,113       1,632       1,995       1,941  
Net gains/losses on divestments
- sale of Belgian broker business
- sale of RegioBank
- sale of Degussa Bank
- gain on unwinding Piraeus cross-shareholding
- sale of stake in Australian non-life
- sale of William de Broe
- sale of Deutsche Hypothekenbank
Total gains/losses on divestments
    444                       -23       -83       -9       30  
Profit after tax from divested units
            11       21       11       22       28       35  
Net special items:
- restructuring provision Wholesale Banking
- restructuring provision Retail Banking
- hedge on purchase price for OYAK Bank acquisition
- provision for combining ING Bank and Postbank
    -12       -188                                          
Total special items
    -83       -188                                          
Net profit (attributable to shareholders)
    2,306       2,559       1,894       2,101       1,571       2,014       2,006  

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ING Group: Consolidated Profit & Loss Account on Underlying Basis
      ING Group1       Insurance       Banking  
In EUR million     3Q2007     3Q2006     Change       3Q2007     3Q2006       3Q2007     3Q2006  
Gross premium income
      11,395       10,848       5.0 %       11,395       10,848                    
Interest result banking operations
      2,257       2,274       -0.7 %                         2,274       2,314  
Commission income
      1,222       1,023       19.5 %       469       405         753       618  
Total investment & other income
      3,560       3,046       16.9 %       3,123       2,613         467       448  
Total underlying income
      18,435       17,191       7.2 %       14,988       13,866         3,493       3,380  
Underwriting expenditure
      11,983       11,337       5.7 %       11,983       11,337                    
Operating expenses
      3,685       3,399       8.4 %       1,363       1,193         2,321       2,206  
Other interest expenses
      312       286       9.1 %       356       341                    
Addition to loan loss provisions/impairments
      69       43       60.5 %               -1         69       44  
Total underlying expenditure
      16,048       15,065       6.5 %       13,702       12,870         2,391       2,250  
Underlying profit before tax
      2,388       2,126       12.3 %       1,285       996         1,103       1,130  
      371       418       -11.2 %       163       138         208       280  
Underlying profit before minority interests
      2,017       1,708       18.1 %       1,122       858         895       850  
Minority interests
      72       76       -5.3 %       39       58         33       18  
Underlying net profit
      1,946       1,632       19.2 %       1,084       800         862       832  
Net gains/losses on divestments
      444       -83                 418                 26       -83  
Net profit from divested units
              22                         21                 1  
Special items after tax
      -83                                           -83          
Net profit (attributable to shareholders)
      2,306       1,571       46.8 %       1,502       821         805       750  
1.   Including inter-company eliminations

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ING Group: Consolidated Profit & Loss Account on Underlying Basis
      ING Group1       Insurance       Banking  
In EUR million     9M2007     9M2006     Change       9M2007     9M2006       9M2007     9M2006  
Gross premium income
      34,240       35,039       -2.3 %       34,240       35,039                    
Interest result banking operations
      6,703       6,770       -1.0 %                         6,754       6,878  
Commission income
      3,649       3,175       14.9 %       1,411       1,218         2,238       1,957  
Total investment & other income
      11,031       9,707       13.6 %       9,204       8,074         1,930       1,677  
Total underlying income
      55,623       54,691       1.7 %       44,856       44,331         10,922       10,512  
Underwriting expenditure
      35,487       36,071       -1.6 %       35,487       36,071                    
Operating expenses
      11,074       10,367       6.8 %       4,061       3,768         7,013       6,599  
Other interest expenses
      862       867       -0.6 %       1,016       1,019                    
Addition to loan loss provisions/impairments
      94       6                 1       -3         93       9  
Total underlying expenditure
      47,517       47,311       0.4 %       40,565       40,855         7,106       6,608  
Underlying profit before tax
      8,106       7,380       9.8 %       4,291       3,476         3,816       3,904  
      1,339       1,561       -14.2 %       614       577         723       984  
Underlying profit before minority interests
      6,767       5,819       16.3 %       3,677       2,899         3,093       2,920  
Minority interests
      214       251       -14.7 %       128       211         86       40  
Underlying net profit
      6,553       5,568       17.7 %       3,548       2,688         3,006       2,880  
Net gains/losses on divestments
      444       -62                 418       30         26       -92  
Net profit from divested units
      32       85                 32       51                 34  
Special items after tax
      -271                                           -271          
Net profit (attributable to shareholders)
      6,759       5,591       20.9 %       3,998       2,769         2,761       2,822  
1.   including inter-company eliminations

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Insurance: Profit & Loss Account
      Total Insurance       Insurance Europe       Insurance Americas       Insurance Asia/Pacific       Corporate Line  
In EUR million     3Q2007     3Q2006     Change       3Q2007     3Q2006     Change       3Q2007     3Q2006     Change       3Q2007     3Q2006     Change       3Q2007     3Q2006  
Gross premium income
      11,395       10,848       5.0 %       2,197       2,204       -0.3 %       5,735       5,802       -1.2 %       3,454       2,869       20.4 %       9       -27  
Commission income
      469       405       15.8 %       114       87       31.0 %       255       247       3.2 %       99       69       43.5 %       1       2  
Direct investment income
      2,606       2,331       11.8 %       882       1,000       -11.8 %       1,379       1,094       26.1 %       426       354       20.3 %       -81       -118  
Realised gains & fair value changes
      515       282       82.6 %       94       184       -48.9 %       -124       35                 58       -56                 487       119  
Total investment & other income
      3,123       2,613       19.5 %       978       1,184       -17.4 %       1,255       1,129       11.2 %       484       298       62.4 %       407       2  
Total underlying income
      14,988       13,866       8.1 %       3,289       3,475       -5.4 %       7,245       7,178       0.9 %       4,036       3,236       24.7 %       417       -23  
Underwriting expenditure
      11,983       11,337       5.7 %       2,321       2,466       -5.9 %       6,115       6,082       0.5 %       3,543       2,823       25.5 %       4       -34  
Operating expenses
      1,363       1,193       14.3 %       446       350       27.4 %       603       607       -0.7 %       292       238       22.7 %       22       -2  
Other interest expenses
      356       341       4.4 %       159       150       6.0 %       47       -23                 50       7                 100       207  
Other impairments
              -1                         -2                                                                             1  
Total underlying expenditure
      13,702       12,870       6.5 %       2,927       2,964       -1.2 %       6,765       6,666       1.5 %       3,885       3,068       26.6 %       125       172  
Underlying profit before tax
      1,285       996       29.0 %       362       511       -29.2 %       480       512       -6.3 %       151       168       -10.1 %       291       -195  
      163       138       18.1 %       60       76       -21.1 %       126       108       16.7 %       44       45       -2.2 %       -67       -91  
Profit before minority interests
      1,123       858       30.9 %       302       435       -30.6 %       354       404       -12.4 %       107       123       -13.0 %       359       -104  
Minority interests
      39       58       -32.8 %       4       13       -69.2 %       26       34       -23.5 %       10       9       11.1 %       -2       2  
Underlying net profit
      1,084       800       35.5 %       298       422       -29.4 %       328       370       -11.4 %       97       114       -14.9 %       361       -106  
Net gains/losses on divestments
      418                         418                                                                                        
Net profit from divested units
              21                         21                                                                                
Special items after tax
Net profit from Insurance
      1,502       821       82.9 %       716       443       61.6 %       328       370       -11.4 %       97       114       -14.9 %       361       -106  
Assets under management (end of period)
      468,700       429,900       9.0 %       158,400       153,000       3.5 %       210,900       199,600       5.7 %       99,400       77,300       28.6 %                  
Staff (FTEs end of period)
      57,550       54,671       5.3 %       14,286       15,120       -5.5 %       30,939       29,710       4.1 %       12,251       9,783       25.2 %                  

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Insurance Investment & Other Income
      Total Insurance       Insurance Europe       Insurance Americas       Insurance Asia/Pacific       Corporate Line  
In EUR million     3Q2007     3Q2006     Change       3Q2007     3Q2006     Change       3Q2007     3Q2006     Change       3Q2007     3Q2006     Change       3Q2007     3Q2006  
Income from debt securities and loans
      1,849       1,723       7.3 %       679       735       -7.6 %       1,231       971       26.8 %       238       253       -5.9 %       -298       -230  
Dividend income
      156       173       -9.8 %       64       115       -44.3 %       32       20       60.0 %       60       37       62.2 %       1       1  
Rental income
      17       44       -61.4 %       9       41       -78.0 %       7       4       75.0 %       1               n.a.                    
      585       391       49.6 %       130       109       19.3 %       110       99       11.1 %       128       64       100.0 %       217       111  
Direct investment income
      2,606       2,331       11.8 %       882       1,000       -11.8 %       1,380       1,094       26.1 %       427       354       20.6 %       -80       -118  
Realised gains/losses on bonds
      23       20       15.0 %       -5       2       n.a         22       33       -33.3 %       6       -15       n.a.                    
Realised gains/losses on equities
      588       84                 71       51       39.2 %       23       13       76.9 %       13       12       8.3 %       481       8  
Realised gains/losses & fair value changes private equity
      -21       15                 -22       23       -195.7 %               -8                                                      
Change in fair value real estate investments
      33       74       -55.4 %       21       75       -72.0 %       1       3       -66.7 %       11               n.a.                    
Change in fair value non-trading derivatives
      -109       89       .         28       33       -15.2 %       -170       -6                 28       -53       n.a.         6       111  
Realised gains/losses & fair value changes on investments
      515       282       82.6 %       93       184       -49.5 %       -124       35       n.a.         58       -56       n.a.         487       119  
Total underlying investment & other income
      3,123       2,613       19.5 %       975       1,184       -17.7 %       1,256       1,129       11.2 %       485       298       62.8 %       407       1  

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Banking: Profit & Loss Account
      Total Banking       Wholesale       Retail       ING Direct       Corporate Line  
In EUR million     3Q2007     3Q2006     Change       3Q2007     3Q2006     Change       3Q2007     3Q2006     Change       3Q2007     3Q2006     Change       3Q2007     3Q2006  
Interest result
      2,274       2,314       -1.7 %       618       632       -2.2 %       1,152       1,138       1.2 %       483       510       -5.3 %       21       34  
Commission income
      753       618       21.8 %       391       304       28.6 %       338       303       11.6 %       23       13       76.9 %       1       -2  
Investment income
      158       74       113.5 %       141       58       143.1 %       17       4       325.0 %       3       13       -76.9 %       -3       -1  
Other income
      309       374       -17.4 %       139       345       -59.7 %       68       50       36.0 %       27       7       285.7 %       75       -28  
Total underlying income
      3,493       3,380       3.3 %       1,288       1,339       -3.8 %       1,575       1,495       5.4 %       536       543       -1.3 %       94       3  
Operating expenses
      2,321       2,206       5.2 %       868       821       5.7 %       1,011       988       2.3 %       401       351       14.2 %       41       46  
Gross result
      1,172       1,174       -0.2 %       420       518       -18.9 %       564       507       11.2 %       135       192       -29.7 %       53       -43  
Addition to loan loss provision
      69       44       56.8 %       17       -9                 38       38       0.0 %       15       15       0.0 %       -0       0  
Underlying profit before tax
      1,103       1,130       -2.4 %       404       527       -23.3 %       526       469       12.2 %       120       177       -32.2 %       53       -43  
      208       280       -25.7 %       55       106       -48.1 %       118       137       -13.9 %       16       59       -72.9 %       19       -22  
Profit before minority interests
      895       850       5.3 %       349       421       -17.1 %       408       332       22.9 %       104       118       -11.9 %       34       -21  
Minority interests
      33       18       83.3 %       24       8       200.0 %       10       8       25.0 %       0       0                 0       2  
Underlying net profit
      862       832       3.6 %       325       413       -21.3 %       398       324       22.8 %       104       118       -11.9 %       34       -23  
Net gains/losses on divestments
      26       -83                 0       -83                 26       0                 0       0                 0       0  
Net profit from divested units
      0       1                 0       0                 0       0                 0       1                 0       0  
Special items after tax
      -83       0                 -34       0                 -20       0                 0       0                 -29       0  
Net profit from Banking
      805       750       7.3 %       292       330       -11.5 %       404       324       24.7 %       104       119       -12.6 %       5       -23  
Net return on equity1
      17.6 %     19.7 %                                                                                                        
Interest margin
      0.91 %     1.06 %                                                                   0.74 %     0.85 %                          
Underlying cost/income ratio
      66.5 %     65.3 %               67.4 %     61.3 %               64.2 %     66.1 %               74.9 %     64.6 %                          
Risk costs in bp of average CRWA
      8       5                 4       -3                 14       16                 8       7                            
Risk-weighted assets (end of period)
      373,209       332,016       12.4 %       184,583       157,462       17.2 %       111,176       98,431       12.9 %       76,511       86,532       -11.6 %       939       -10,409  
Underlying RAROC before tax1
      27.9 %     26.9 %               24.0 %     24.9 %               54.2 %     45.6 %               19.6 %     19.6 %                          
Underlying RAROC after tax1
      23.4 %     20.6 %               22.5 %     20.8 %               42.2 %     32.6 %               15.8 %     12.0 %                          
Economic capital (average over period)1
      14,322       15,626       -8.3 %       7,461       8,097       -7.9 %       3,754       4,099       -8.4 %       2,839       3,189       -11.0 %       269       241  
Staff (FTEs end of period)
      65,475       65,753       -0.4 %       19,939       20,473       -2.6 %       37,006       37,586       -1.5 %       8,530       7,694       10.9 %                  
1. Year-to-date

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Banking Commission, Investment & Other Income
    Total Banking     Wholesale Banking     Retail Banking     ING Direct     Corporate Line  
In EUR million   3Q2007     3Q2006     Change     3Q2007     3Q2006     Change     3Q2007     3Q2006     Change     3Q2007     3Q2006     Change     3Q2007     3Q2006  
Funds transfer
    152       152       0.0 %     38       44       -13.6 %     107       103       3.9 %     6       6       0.0 %     0       -1  
Securities business
    169       135       25.2 %     46       39       17.9 %     107       92       16.3 %     18       8       125.0 %     -1       -4  
Insurance broking
    43       42       2.4 %     2       4       -50.0 %     40       38       5.3 %     0       1       -100.0 %     0       -1  
Management fees
    238       175       36.0 %     151       99       52.5 %     85       74       14.9 %     2       1       100.0 %     0       1  
Brokerage and advisory fees
    40       49       -18.4 %     37       44       -15.9 %     1       3       -66.7 %     1       1       0.0 %     0       1  
    111       65       70.8 %     116       74       56.8 %     -2       -7               -5       -4               2       2  
Total underlying commission income
    753       618       21.8 %     391       304       28.6 %     338       303       11.6 %     23       13       76.9 %     1       -2  
Rental income
    65       35       85.7 %     67       38       76.3 %     0       0               0       0               -2       -3  
Other investment income
    54       27       100.0 %     40       24       66.7 %     14       4       250.0 %     -0       -3               0       2  
Direct income from investments
    119       62       91.9 %     107       62       72.6 %     14       4       250.0 %     -0       -3               -2       -1  
Realised gains/losses on bonds
    -5       3       -266.7 %     -7       -13               -0       0               3       16       -81.3 %     -1       0  
Realised gains/losses on equities
    11       0               8       0               3       0               0       0               0       0  
Change in fair value real estate
    32       9       255.6 %     32       9       255.6 %     0       0               0       0               0       0  
Realised gains/losses & fair value changes
    39       12       225.0 %     34       -4               3       0               3       16       -81.3 %     -1       0  
Total underlying investment income
    158       74       113.5 %     141       58       143.1 %     17       4       325.0 %     3       13       -76.9 %     -3       -1  
Valuation results non-trading derivatives
    -32       -52               52       -142               14       -2               -4       1       -500.0 %     -94       91  
Net trading income
    211       185       14.1 %     22       289       -92.4 %     15       19       -21.1 %     25       1       2400.0 %     150       -124  
    130       241       -46.1 %     65       198       -67.2 %     39       33       18.2 %     6       5       20.0 %     20       5  
Total underlying other income
    309       374       -17.4 %     139       345       -59.7 %     68       50       36.0 %     27       7       285.7 %     75       -28  
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Life Insurance Value of New Business Statistics
    Value of New     Internal Rate of                                                     Present Value of                     Investment in New     Acquisition Expense  
    Business     Return (YTD)     Single Premiums     Annual Premiums     New Sales (APE)     Premiums     VNB/PV Premiums     Business     Overruns  
In EUR million   3Q07     3Q06     3Q07     3Q06     3Q07     3Q06     3Q07     3Q06     3Q07     3Q06     3Q07     3Q06     3Q07     3Q06     3Q07     3Q06     3Q07     3Q06  
    13       15       11.4 %     13.4 %     255       319       37       32       63       63       561       620       2.4 %     2.4 %     34       32       3       2  
Belgium (& Luxembourg)
    4       8       12.7 %     11.7 %     217       344       3       5       24       39       244       449       1.8 %     1.8 %     8       15       1       0  
Rest of Europe
    74       43       16.8 %     19.0 %     168       142       128       84       145       99       2,115       943       3.5 %     4.6 %     64       30       4       3  
Insurance Europe
    92       66       14.3 %     15.3 %     640       805       168       121       232       201       2,920       2,012       3.1 %     3.3 %     106       77       7       5  
    64       32       10.7 %     11.1 %     5,654       3,881       313       332       879       720       6,897       5,223       0.9 %     0.6 %     267       274       5       12  
Latin America
    9       11       11.9 %     12.7 %     51       54       75       79       80       85       145       153       6.0 %     7.2 %     26       30       2       0  
Insurance Americas
    73       43       10.8 %     11.2 %     5,704       3,935       388       411       958       805       7,042       5,376       1.0 %     0.8 %     293       304       7       12  
Australia & NZ
    15       11       21.3 %     16.1 %     1,224       378       16       33       138       70       1,336       452       1.1 %     2.4 %     14       18       0       0  
    12       7       11.5 %     12.9 %     1,162       791       57       80       173       159       1,417       1,149       0.8 %     0.6 %     53       51       2       -11  
South Korea
    43       36       24.8 %     35.6 %     77       97       239       203       247       212       1,037       938       4.1 %     3.8 %     22       21       -1       3  
    55       36       19.2 %     19.4 %     154       56       117       59       132       65       942       832       5.8 %     4.3 %     38       17       -3       -4  
Rest of Asia
    9       3       9.1 %     8.9 %     30       23       56       37       59       40       271       190       3.2 %     1.6 %     15       17       1       7  
Insurance Asia/Pacific
    133       93       16.7 %     17.1 %     2,647       1,345       485       412       750       546       5,003       3,561       2.7 %     2.6 %     142       124       -1       -5  
    298       202       13.4 %     13.8 %     8,992       6,085       1,041       944       1,940       1,552       14,966       10,949       2.0 %     1.8 %     541       505       13       12  
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     Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, the registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned, thereunto duly authorized.
  ING Groep N.V.
  By:   /s/ H. van Barneveld    
    H. van Barneveld   
    General Manager Corporate Control & Finance   
  By:   /s/ W.A. Brouwer    
    W.A. Brouwer   
    Assistant General Counsel   
Dated: November 7, 2007