Prepared by R.R. Donnelley Financial -- Definitive Additional Materials
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April 3, 2002
A vote FOR will provide you the choice of participating in any Northrop Grumman exchange offer. A vote AGAINST eliminates this option. |
Dear TRW Shareholder:
On April 22, 2002, TRW will convene a special meeting of its shareholders for the purpose of voting on a single resolutiona resolution to authorize the acquisition of TRW shares
pursuant to Northrop Grummans $47 exchange offer commenced on March 4, 2002as it may be amended.
believe our current exchange offer represents full and fair value for TRWbased on our analysis of available public data. However, and as we have said repeatedly, we are prepared to amend our offerif TRW permits us to analyze non-public
information and if our assessment of market conditions support a higher value. TRWs board of directors has thus far refused to assist us in this regard.
Without passage of this resolution, under Ohio law TRW shareholders will not have the opportunity to accept our exchange offer, whether or not we increase the value of the offer.
We believe TRW shareholders should have the opportunity to decide for themselves.
Approval of the resolution at the special meeting will clear the way for TRW shareholders to accept our exchange offer if they wish to. We urge you to vote FOR the
exchange offer resolution and put the decision in your hands.
Further, we believe a vote in favor of permitting Northrop
Grummans offer to proceed may encourage TRWs board to reconsider its opposition to negotiation. Vote FOR the exchange offer resolution in order to ensure that the TRW shareholders have before them Northrop Grummans best
Nothing in the resolution requires TRW shareholders to accept Northrop Grummans current offer or tender their
Your vote is important.
You should know that at the special meeting, TRW is proposing to adopt extraordinary procedures that exclude the votes of some TRW shareholders. Northrop Grummans position is that this is a discriminatory voting
system and that many of the procedures TRW intends to follow at the special meeting are contrary to law. We have commenced litigation to prove it. We cannot, however, predict the outcome of our pending litigation. Therefore, it is essential that you
pay close attention to the certification requirements described in the enclosed proxy statement.
We urge you not to let your board of directors or other shareholders make this decision for
you. Mark (including completing the certification of your eligibility to vote), sign, date and mail the BLUE proxy card or voting instruction form FOR the exchange offer resolution.
TRW has adopted extraordinary procedures at this
meeting which require each stockholder to complete the form of certification on the back of each proxy cardin addition to marking and signing the proxy card itselfin order for their votes to be counted for all purposes in the vote on the
exchange offer resolution.
Be sure to complete the certification on the back of your proxy card! Dont allow your
vote to be disregarded!
Kent Kresa
Chairman and Chief Executive Officer
IMPORTANT Your vote is important. Please sign, date and promptly mail your BLUE proxy in the enclosed envelope with a completed certification of eligibility. Remember, DO NOT return any proxy sent to you by TRW. You
can change your earlier vote simply by signing, dating and mailing the enclosed BLUE proxy. If your shares
are registered in the name of a broker, only your broker can execute a proxy and vote your shares and only after receiving your specific instructions. Please call the person responsible for your account and direct him or her to execute a BLUE
proxy on your behalf today. You should also mail your BLUE proxy and certification of eligibility at once in the envelope provided. Do so for each separate account you maintain. If you have questions or need assistance, please call D.F.
King & Co., Inc., who is assisting us. D.F. King & Co., Inc. Call Toll-Free1-800-755-7250 |