For the month of April, 2018
(Commission File No. 001-33356),
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Corporate Taxpayer’s ID (CNPJ/MF) No. 01.545.826/0001-07
Corporate Registry (NIRE) 35.300.147.952
Publicly-Held Company
São Paulo, SP, Brasil, April 24, 2018 - GAFISA S.A. (BOVESPA: GFSA3; NYSE, GFA) (“Gafisa” or “Company”), pursuant to CVM Instruction No. 481/09, hereby informs its shareholders and the Market in general that it has received the voting map related to the Annual Shareholders’ General and Extraordinary Meeting to be held on April 27, 2018, sent by the financial institution that provides the Company’s bookkeeping services. Such map, enclosed hereto, consolidates the remote votes cast by means of custody agents and those which were sent directly to the bookkeeping agent.
The Company hereby informs that its capital stock is composed by 44,757,914 ordinary shares and the Annual General and Extraordinary Meeting will be held on April 27, 2018, at 10 a.m., at the Company’s headquarters located in the city of São Paulo, State of São Paulo, at Avenida das Nações Unidas 8,501, 19th floor.
Carlos Eduardo Moraes Calheiros
Chief Financial and Investor Relations Officer
Corporate Taxpayer’s ID (CNPJ/MF) No. 01.545.826/0001-07
Corporate Registry (NIRE) 35.300.147.952
Publicly-Held Company
Resolution Description |
Vote |
Number of Shares |
1. To approve the Management’s accounts and the financial statements for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2017. |
Approval |
3,018,230 |
Rejection |
- | |
Abstention |
88,757 | |
2. To request the adoption of the cumulative voting for the election of the board of directors, pursuant to art. 141 of Law 6,404 of 1976? |
Approval |
12,207 |
Rejection |
123,268 | |
Abstention |
2,971,512 | |
3. To establish in 7 the number of members that will compose the Board of Directors |
Approval |
3,106,987 |
Rejection |
- | |
Abstention |
- | |
4. Indication of all names that are in the slate – Slate nominated by the Company’s management |
Approval |
3,106,987 |
Rejection |
- | |
Abstention |
- | |
5. If one of the candidates that compose the chosen slate fails to integrate it, can the votes corresponding to your shares continue to be directed to the chosen slate? |
Approval |
- |
Rejection |
3,106,987 | |
Abstention |
- | |
6. In case of adoption of the cumulative voting, the votes corresponding to your shares should be distributed in equal percentages by the members of the slate you have chosen? |
Approval |
12,207 |
Rejection |
- | |
Abstention |
3,094,780 | |
7. Visualization of all the candidates that compose the slate to indicate the % (percentage) of the votes to be assigned |
Odair Garcia Senra |
1,743 |
Carlos Tonanni |
1,743 | |
Francisco Vidal Luna |
1,743 | |
Edward Ruiz |
1,743 | |
Tomás Rocha Awad |
1,743 | |
Eric Alexandre Alencar |
1,743 | |
Rodolpho Amboss |
1,743 | |
8. To establish the amount of the annual global compensation of management for the current fiscal year, in the amount of up to R$23,598,871.46, according to Managements Proposal. |
Approval |
3,106,987 |
Rejection |
- | |
Abstention |
- | |
9. Do you want to request the installation of the Fiscal Council, pursuant to article 161 of Law 6,404 / 76? |
Approval |
3,061,075 |
Rejection |
- | |
Abstention |
45,912 | |
10. In case of a second call of the General Meeting, can the voting instructions included in this bulletin also be considered for second call? |
Approval |
3,008,711 |
Rejection |
98,276 | |
Abstention |
- |
Resolution Description |
Vote |
Number of Shares |
1. To update the caput of art. 5 of the Bylaws to reflect the increase in the Company’s capital stock approved at the Extraordinary Shareholders Meeting held on December 20, 2017 and approved by the Board of Directors on February 28, 2018 (Capital Increase). |
Approval |
20,290 |
Rejection |
- | |
Abstention |
- | |
2. To change the caput of article 6 to increase the limit of the authorization for capital increase regardless of statutory reform, in view of having the current limit been exceeded because of the Capital Increase, under the terms of the Management Proposal. |
Approval |
- |
Rejection |
20,290 | |
Abstention |
- | |
3. To change article 8, paragraph 2, of the Bylaws to modify the form of appointment of the chairman of the shareholders meeting in the event of absence or impediment of the chairman of the board of directors. |
Approval |
20,290 |
Rejection |
- | |
Abstention |
- | |
4. To adapt the Bylaws to the B3 Novo Mercado Regulation, as detailed in the Management Proposal. |
Approval |
20,290 |
Rejection |
- | |
Abstention |
- | |
5. To change article 57 of the Bylaws to adjust the percentages indicated therein to those indicated in the caput of article 53, as amended at the Extraordinary Shareholders Meeting held on 01/22/2018, with the exclusion of item a of article 57, as it is incompatible with the percentage established in the caput of art. 53. |
Approval |
20,290 |
Rejection |
- | |
Abstention |
- | |
6. To amend the Bylaws to reflect general wording improvements, as proposed by Management. |
Approval |
20,290 |
Rejection |
- | |
Abstention |
- | |
7. Due to the above resolutions, to consolidate the Bylaws. |
Approval |
20,290 |
Rejection |
- | |
Abstention |
- | |
8. In case of a second call of the General Meeting, can the voting instructions included in this bulletin also be considered for second call?
Approval |
20,290 |
Rejection |
- | |
Abstention |
- | |
9. Do you want to request the installation of the Fiscal Council, pursuant to article 161 of Law 6,404 / 76? |
Approval |
20,290 |
Rejection |
- | |
Abstention |
- |
Gafisa S.A. | |
By: |
/s/ Sandro Gamba |
Name: Sandro Gamba
Title: Chief Executive Officer |