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Report of Foreign Private Issuer
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For the month of February, 2012

Commission File Number 1-15106

(Exact name of registrant as specified in its charter)

Brazilian Petroleum Corporation - PETROBRAS
(Translation of Registrant's name into English)

Avenida República do Chile, 65
20031-912 - Rio de Janeiro, RJ
Federative Republic of Brazil
(Address of principal executive office)

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This report on Form 6-K is incorporated by reference in the Registration
Statement on Form F-3 of Petróleo Brasileiro -- Petrobras (No. 333-163665).




Rio de Janeiro February 9, 2012 Petrobras today announced its consolidated results stated in millions of Reais, prepared in  accordance with the International Financial Reporting Standards IFRS issued by the International Accounting Standards Board   IASB. 


Consolidated net income attributable to the shareholders of Petrobras reached R$5,049 million in the fourth quarter of 2011 and R$33,313 million for the year ended December 31, 2011. Adjusted EBITDA for the year ended December 31, 2011 was R$62,246 million, 5% higher compared to the year ended December 31, 2010.


R$ million
                    Year ended December 31,
3Q-2011   4Q-2011    4Q-2010   

4Q-2011 x

      2011    2010    2011 x
6,336    5,049    10,602    (20)    Consolidated net income attributable to the shareholders of Petrobras   33,313    35,189    (5) 
2,581    2,670    2,628    3    Total domestic and international oil and natural gas production (mbbl/d)   2,622    2,583    2 
16,429    14,054    14,345    (14)    Adjusted EBITDA    62,246    59,391    5 


Proven reserves reached 16.41 billion barrels of oil equivalent (boe), up 2.7% from 2010 (SPE/ANP criterion). The Reserve Replacement Index (RRI) was 148% and the reserve-production ratio 18.5 years. For twenty straight years, the Company has achieved an RRI in Brazil above 100%.

Oil and natural gas output in 2011 reached the daily average of 2,622,000 boe. In Brazil, average oil and LNG output was 2,022,000 bpd, up 1% from the 2010 average.

Pre-salt output rose significantly from a daily average of 103,000 boe in January to 200,600 boe in December. The execution of the Lula Project, which ended the year producing 82,100 boe/d, is worthy of mention. At the end of the year, the declaration of commerciality for the Guará area (Sapinhoá) was announced, with an estimated total recoverable volume of 2.1 billion boe.

Eleven drilling rigs went into production - six will operate in water depths of more than 2,000 meters (another three were undergoing acceptance tests at the end of the year).

The oil products output increased 3% and the domestic feedstock processed increased 4% in 2011.

Capital expenditures and investments in 2011 amounted to R$73 billion and 47% of which was invested in Exploration & Production and 37% in Refining, Transportation and Marketing.

Dividends proposed amounted to R$12,001 million and correspond to R$0.92 per share. This amount includes R$10,436 million of interest on shareholders equity, R$7,827 million of which were paid in 2011.



Investor Relations Department I E-mail: petroinvest@petrobras.com.br / acionistas@petrobras.com.br
Av. República do Chile, 65 - 2202 - B - 20031-912 - Rio de Janeiro, RJ I Tel.: 55 (21) 3224-1510 / 9947 I 0800-282-1540

10/2/2012 20:39:30


This document may contain forecasts that merely reflect the expectations of the Company’s management. Such terms as “anticipate”, “believe”, “expect”, “forecast”, “intend”, “plan”, “project”, “seek”, “should”, along with similar or analogous expressions, are used to identify such forecasts. These predictions evidently involve risks and uncertainties, whether foreseen or not by the Company. Therefore, the future results of operations may differ from current expectations, and readers should not base their expectations exclusively on the information presented here.




Comments from the CEO
Mr. José Sergio Gabrielli de Azevedo

In 2011, the Company once again showed its ability to achieve results in a challenging economic environment. Our consolidated net income was R$ 33,313 million and our Adjusted EBITDA was R$ 62,246 million.

We boosted oil and gas output, installed new production systems, completed work on gas distribution infrastructure and achieved levels of operational excellence in Refining - 14 new units belonging to the plants modernization projects came on stream. We also increased our fleet of drilling rigs and added new reserves.

The startup of new production projects and the start of extended well tests offset the natural decline of fields and ensured a 1% increase in the domestic oil and liquid natural gas output, which reached 2,022,000 bpd. Our exploration activities led to significant discoveries both in the post-salt and pre-salt regions. We end the year with 16.4 billion barrels of oil equivalent (ANP/SPE criterion), which yielded a reserve replacement index of 148% and a Reserve/Production ratio of 18.5 years. With the results of 2011, the Company has replaced its proven reserves in Brazil for 20 consecutive years.

In the pre-salt region, the declaration of commerciality for the Guará area, which is now called Sapinhoá, is worthy of mention. The pre-salt's exploration success rate is still high: 37 wells were drilled in 2011, with announcements of hydrocarbon discoveries for all of them. Petrobras share of the pre-salt's oil output, which rose from 71,000 bpd in January to 133,000 bpd in December, has significantly contributed to the Company's overall output (6.6% in December). Results from the Lula Pilot Project confirm the area's potential: of the six production wells included in the project, the first turned out to be the Company's most productive well for eight consecutive months; as of December, the three wells currently producing are among the 30 most productive wells in Brazil. The expressive learning curves achieved and the potential of new technologies will increase the projects profitabilities.

Natural gas output amounted to 56.4 million m³/day, up 6.2% from last year. The startup in September of the Lula-Mexilhão gas pipeline, with its 10 million m3/day capacity, has made Brazil's natural gas market more flexible.

Fueled by the growing Brazilian economy, the domestic sale of oil products rose 9%. Gasoline sale rose 24% from 2010 and reached record levels. Annual jet fuel sale rose 12% from 2010 and diesel sale rose by 9%. In this context, we are moving ahead with four new refineries designed to meet future demand thus ensuring higher profits for the Company.

The success of the Progredir Program, one of our initiatives to develop our chain of suppliers in Brazil, also deserves attention. Financing reached R$1.024 billion with significant reductions in fund raising costs.

Our results represent the realization of our expectations, and indicate that our sustainable development strategy, based on social and environmental responsibility, operational safety, investments in technology, and recognition of human resources, is in the right way. I am very proud to have had the opportunity to be a part of these achievements after nearly 7 years as CEO, and to see that during this period Petrobras has consolidated its position of leadership as an integrated energy company and has built the foundations to continue growing. I am fortunate to be replaced by Maria das Graças Silva Foster, an executive of recognized ability who is committed to the Company's success.




Main Items and Consolidated Economic Indicators

                    Year ended December 31,
3Q-2011    4Q-2011    4Q-2010    4Q-2011 x
  Income statement data    2011    2010    2011 x
63,554    65,257    54,228    3    Sales revenues    244,176    211,842    15 
20,068    17,306    18,626    (14)    Gross profit    77,237    76,225    1 
                Income before financial results, profit-sharing and income             
12,372    7,752    11,110    (37)    taxes    45,403    46,394    (2) 
(5,227)    400    1,880    (108)    Financial income (expenses), net    122    2,620    (95) 
                Consolidated net income attributable to the shareholders             
6,336    5,049    10,602    (20)    of Petrobras    33,313    35,189    (5) 
0.49    0.39    1.07    (20)    Basic and diluted earnings per share (1)    2.55    3.57    (29) 
262,546    291,564    380,247    11    Market capitalization (Parent Company)    291,564    380,247    (23) 
32.0    27.0    34.0    (5)    Gross margin (%)    32.0    36.0    (4) 
19.0    12.0    20.0    (7)    Operating margin (%) (2)    19.0    22.0    (3) 
10.0    8.0    20.0    (2)    Net margin (%)    14.0    17.0    (3) 
16,429    14,054    14,345    (14)    Adjusted EBITDA R$ million (3)    62,246    59,391    5 
                Net income by business segment (in millions of Reais)             
10,346    10,328    7,848        • Exploration & Production    40,594    29,691    37 
(3,168)    (4,412)    1,427    39    • Refining, Transportation and Marketing    (9,955)    3,729    (367) 
1,361    483    359    (65)    • Gas & Power    3,109    1,285    142 
(68)    (40)    (36)    (41)    • Biofuel    (157)    (92)    71 
299    270    295    (10)    • Distribution    1,175    1,276    (8) 
217    291    61    34    • International    1,949    1,277    53 
(2,571)    (795)    1,406    (69)    • Corporate    (1,237)    (1,023)    21 
18,827    21,715    19,911    15    Capital expenditures and investments (in millions of Reais)    72,546    76,411    (5) 
113.46    109.31    86.48    (4)    Brent crude (U.S.$/bbl)    111.27    79.47    40 
1.64    1.80    1.70    10    Average commercial selling rate for U.S. dollar (R$/U.S.$)    1.67    1.76    (5) 
1.85    1.88    1.67    2    Period-end commercial selling rate for U.S. Dollar (R$/U.S.$)    1.88    1.67    13 
12.20    11.32    10.66    (1)    Selic interest rate average (%)    11.67    9.82    2 
                Average Price indicators             
166.78    173.13    159.00    4.0    Domestic basic oil product prices (R$/bbl)    167.87    158,43    6 
                Sales price Brazil             
102.86    103.10    79.70        • Crude oil (U.S. dollars/bbl) (4)    102.24    74.66    37 
54.62    53.51    41.43    (2)    • Natural gas (U.S. dollars/bbl) (5)    52.96    41.19    29 
                Sales price International             
88.71    97.11    73.90    9    • Crude oil (U.S. dollars/bbl)    91.37    66.42    38 
15.92    21.31    14.80    34    • Natural gas (U.S. dollars/bbl)    17.28    14.15    22 


The Company, from the fourth quarter of 2011 on, is adopting accounting practice under CPC 19 (R1), approved by CVM Resolution 666/11, which allows the use of the equity method for evaluating and reporting investments in jointly controlled entities. Previously, these investments were consolidated in the accounts of assets, liabilities, revenues and expenses in proportion to shareholding.

Despite the CPC 19 (R1) adoption have generated changes in assets, liabilities, revenues and expenses accounts and also in financial indicators, there was no effect on net income and on shareholders equity attributable to the shareholders of Petrobras.

The effect of the investments in jointly controlled entities excluded from consolidation was a decrease of R$553 million in income before financial results, profit-sharing and income taxes in the nine-month period ended September 30, 2011, against the increase in equity in earnings of investments.

Thus, for comparison, the information previously disclosed was retrospectively adjusted to the date of January 1, 2010, disclosed according to Note 3 of our Petrobras financial statements.

(1) Net income per share calculated based on the weighed average number of shares.
(2) Calculated based on income before financial results, profit-sharing and income taxes.
(3) Income before financial income (expenses), net, equity in earnings of investments and depreciation, depletion and amortization.
(4) Average exports and of the internal transfer prices from Exploration & Production to Refining, Transportation and Marketing.
(5) As of September 2011, we have factored in natural gas realization prices.





4Q-2011 x 3Q-2011 Results:

Gross Profit(6)

Gross profit reached R$17,306 million in the fourth quarter of 2011, a 14% decrease compared to the R$20,068 million in the third quarter of 2011, mainly due to:

•         Sales revenues, which increased by 3% to R$65,257 million in the fourth quarter of 2011 compared to R$63,554 million in the third quarter of 2011, primarily due to higher domestic oil products prices, due mainly to a 2% increase in diesel prices and a 10% increase in gasoline prices in November 2011, to the 12% increase on gasoline sales and also to the effect of the 10% decrease in the value of the Real against the U.S. dollar on export prices (considering the quarterly average commercial selling rate variation for R$/U.S.$).

Part of crude oil and oil products exports volumes shipped in Brazil to the foreign market was underway and was not delivered abroad to international clients at the end of the fourth quarter of 2011 and then, the corresponding revenue was not recognized in income statement in the period.

•         Cost of sales, which increased by 10% to R$47,951 million in the fourth quarter of 2011 compared to R$43,486 million in the third quarter of 2011, mainly due to the 10% decrease in the value of the Real against the U.S. dollar on our U.S. dollars expenses (considering the quarterly average commercial selling rate variation for R$/U.S.$), to the higher participation of oil product imports, mainly gasoline, on the increased sales volumes and the recognition of depreciation, depletion and amortization of assets which were already in operation (R$670 million), as well as changes in rates of incidence on special participation over fields, which increase proportionally over fields, when their output and/or profitability increase.

Income before financial results, profit-sharing and income taxes

Income before financial results, profit-sharing and income taxes decreased by 37% to R$7,752 million in the fourth quarter of 2011 compared to R$12,372 million in the third quarter of 2011, due to the 24% increase in operating expenses, mainly due to:

•        Higher exploration costs (R$717 million), due to higher write-off amounts of dry wells in Brazil;

•        Increased other expenses, net (R$657 million), mainly due to higher losses on the realization of assets (impairment);

•        Increased administrative and general expenses (R$222 million), generated by higher personnel expenses attributable to salary increases arising out of the Collective Bargaining Agreement and increased third-party technical services.

Financial Income (Expenses), Net

Financial income (expenses), net reached an income of R$400 million in the fourth quarter of 2011 compared to an expense of R$5,227 million in the third quarter of 2011, which were affected by the lower exchange depreciation over debt (1.2% decrease in the value of the Real against the U.S. dollar in the fourth quarter of 2011, compared to the 18.8% decrease in the value of the Real against the U.S. dollar in the third quarter of 2011).

Net Income

Net income reached R$5,049 million in the fourth quarter of 2011, a 20% decrease compared to the R$6,336 million in the third quarter of 2011, due to the decrease of income before financial results, profit-sharing and income taxes, partially offset by the lower exchange depreciation on financial income (expenses), net and on equity in earnings of investments. Also contributed to the lower net income the higher tax burden on offshore operations and the non-controlling interests, due to the impact of the exchange rate variation on special purpose entity (SPE) debt expressed in U.S. dollars.

(6) Fore more details, see appendix 1.





2011 x 2010 Results:

Gross Profit(7)

Gross profit reached R$77,237 million in 2011, a 1% increase compared to R$76,225 million in 2010, mainly as a result of:

- Sales revenues, which increased by 15% to R$244,176 million in 2011 compared to R$211,842 million in 2010, due to:

•     Increase in international Brent crude oil (40% increase) and oil products prices, which increased the prices of exports, international sales, trading operations and domestic oil products indexed to international prices;

•     Increase in domestic gasoline and diesel prices in November 2011, in 10% and 2%, respectively;

•     Higher domestic demand for oil products (6%), mainly of gasoline (24%), reflecting its higher competitive advantage compared to ethanol, diesel (9%) and jet fuel (12%); and

•     2% increase in oil and gas production in Brazil.

These effects were partially offset by lower crude oil exports, due to increased domestic feedstock processed by the refineries.

- Cost of sales, which increased by 23% to R$166,939 million in 2011, due to:

•     Higher domestic demand for oil products (6%);

•     Higher crude oil and oil products import volumes to support the domestic market;

•     Higher international prices on crude oil and oil products imports, trading operations and government participation.

Income before financial results, profit-sharing and income taxes

Income before financial results, profit-sharing and income taxes decreased by 2% to R$45,403 million in 2011 compared to R$46,394 million in 2010, due to the increase in operating expenses as a result of:

•     Increased administrative and general expenses (R$845 million), generated by higher personnel expenses attributable to salary increases arising out of the Collective Bargaining Agreement for 2011, by increased workforce and by higher personnel training costs and increased third-party technical services;

•     Higher exploration costs (R$631 million), due to increased operational activity and higher write-off amounts of dry wells in Brazil;

•     Higher research and development expenses (R$705 million), due to higher expenses related to the development of the technological project called Sistema de Separação Submarina de Água e Óleo SSAO (System of Submarine Separation of Water from Oil) and to the increased hired projects with institutions approved by the Agência Nacional do Petroleo (National Petroleum Agency, or ANP), according to ANP Rule 5/2005;

•     Higher losses on the realization of assets (impairment - R$588 million) (8).

These effects were partially offset by decreased losses from legal and administrative proceedings (R$1,164 million decrease) (9) compared to 2010 and gains from legal and arbitral proceedings in 2011 (R$883 million) generated by the recovery of COFINS tax amounts and also to the indemnification of the assembly of platform P-48.

Financial Income (Expenses), Net

Financial income (expenses), net reached R$122 million in 2011, a 95% decrease compared to R$2,620 million in 2010, mainly as a result of:

•     The 12.6% decrease in the value of the Real against the U.S. dollar over debt in 2011, compared to the 4.3% increase in the value of the Real against the U.S. dollar in 2010, which generated exchange variation expense of R$3,999 million in 2011 compared to an exchange variation gain of R$1,341 million in 2010;

•     Higher financial income with increased financial investments in Brazil (R$2,119 million).

Net Income

Net income reached R$33,313 million in 2011, a 5% decrease compared to R$35,189 million in 2010, due to the decreased income before financial results, profit-sharing and income taxes and the lower financial income (expenses), net, partially offset by the decreased income tax expenses and also by the non-controlling interests, due to the impact of the exchange rate variation on special purpose entity (SPE) debt expressed in U.S.dollars.

(7) Fore more details, see appendix 2.
(8) See Other Operating Income (Expenses) by Segment on page 25.
(9) Fore more details, see appendix 4.





Petrobras is an integrated energy company, with the greater part of its oil and gas production in the Exploration & Production segment being transferred to other business segments of the Company.

In the computation of the results by business segment, transactions carried out with third parties and the transfers between the business departments are considered and they are valued by internal transfer prices defined between the departments using calculation methodologies based on market parameters.


                (R$ million)    Year ended December 31,
3Q-2011    4Q-2011    4Q-2010    4Q-2011 x
  Net Income    2011    2010    2011 x
10,346    10,328    7,848    -       40,594    29,691    37 

(4Q-2011 x 3Q-2011): Net income remained relatively constant in the fourth quarter of 2011 compared to the third quarter of 2011, because the increased domestic oil sale/transfer prices, the impact of the depreciation of the Real and the increased oil and NGL production were offset by: i) higher production taxes; ii) higher costs with write-off amounts of dry and economically unviable wells; and iii) recognition of estimated losses on the realization of assets (impairment).

The spread between the average domestic oil sale/transfer price and the average Brent price decreased from U.S.$10.60/bbl in the third quarter of 2011 to U.S.$6.21/bbl in the fourth quarter of 2011.

(2011 X 2010): The increase in net income from Exploration & Production in 2011 compared to 2010 was primarily due to higher domestic oil sale/transfer prices and to the increase in oil and NGL production.

These effects were partially offset by increased expenses from government participation charges.

The spread between the average domestic oil sale/transfer price and the average Brent price rose from U.S.$4.81/bbl in 2010 to U.S.$9.03/bbl in 2011.


                    Year ended December 31,
3Q-2011    4Q-2011    4Q-2010    4Q-2011 x
  Exploration & Production Brazil
(mbbl/d) (*) 
  2011    2010    2011 x
1,978    2,049    2,030    4    Crude oil and NGLs    2,022    2,004    1 
356    367    354    3    Natural gas (10)    355    334    6 
2,334    2,416    2,384    4    Total    2,377    2,338    2 


(4Q-2011 x 3Q-2011): Increased production due to lower number of maintenance stoppages, to the startup of production of new wells in platforms P-57 in the Jubarte field, P-56 in the Marlim Sul field, higher productivity in Marlim and Mexilhão fields and the pre-salt production effects of the FPSO-Cidade de Angra dos Reis (Lula field) and the start-up of Carioca Nordeste extended well test (EWT).

(2011 X 2010): Increased production in the Jubarte, Cachalote, Baleia Franca (Parque das Baleias), Marlim Leste, Barracuda, Mexilhão and Uruguá fields and also the contribution of pre-salt production in Lula field and the Carioca Nordeste extended well test (EWT) production more than offset the natural decline in crude oil and NGL production from mature fields.

(*) Unaudited.
(10) Does not include LNG. Includes reinjected gas.



                    Year ended December 31,
3Q-2011    4Q-2011    4Q-2010    4Q-2011 x
  Lifting Costs Brazil (*)    2011    2010    2011 x
13.37    12.49    10.29   



Excluding production taxes 

  12.59    10.03    26 
31.25    33.31    25.58    7   

Including production taxes 

  32.52    24.64    32 
22.31    22.47    17.34    1   

Excluding production taxes 

  21.19    17.58    21 
54.11    60.04    43.47    11   

Including production taxes 

  55.04    43.48    27 


Lifting Costs - Excluding production taxes U.S.$/barrel

(4Q-2011 x 3Q-2011): Excluding the impact of the depreciation of the Real, our unit lifting costs in Brazil, excluding production taxes (consisting of royalties, special government participation charges and rental of areas) remained relatively constant in the fourth quarter of 2011 compared to the third quarter of 2011.

(2011 X 2010): Excluding the impact of the depreciation of the Real and the increased production volumes, our unit lifting costs in Brazil, excluding production taxes (consisting of royalties, special government participation charges and rental of areas) increased by 25% in 2011 compared to 2010 due to higher initial unit costs of the new production systems of Lula, Uruguá, Mexilhão and Parque das Baleias fields. Other factors that contributed to the increase in unit lifting costs are the higher number of interventions, maintenances and scheduled stoppages in platforms and wells of Marlim, Albacora, Albacora Leste, Roncador, Golfinho and Espadarte fields, besides the salary increases arising out of the Collective Bargaining Agreement for 2010 and 2011.

Lifting Costs - Including production taxes U.S.$/barrel

(4Q-2011 x 3Q-2011): Our unit lifting costs in Brazil, including production taxes, increased by 10% in the fourth quarter of 2011 compared to the third quarter of 2011, due to increased production and to changes in rates of incidence on special participation over fields, specially in Jubarte, Marlim, Marlim Sul, Albacora and Albacora Leste fields.

(2011 X 2010): Excluding the impact of the depreciation of the Real, our unit lifting costs in Brazil, including production taxes, increased by 30% in 2011 compared to 2010, primarily attributable to the increase in the reference price for domestic oil, reflecting higher international oil benchmark prices.

(*) Unaudited.





                (R$ million)    Year ended December 31,
3Q-2011    4Q-2011    4Q-2010    4Q-2011 x
  Net Income    2011    2010    2011 x
(3,168)    (4,412)    1,427    39        (9,955)    3,729    (367) 



(4Q-2011 x 3Q-2011): The decreased result for our RTM segment in the fourth quarter of 2011 compared to the third quarter of 2011 was primarily due to higher oil acquisition/transfer costs and higher oil product imports, due to the impact of the depreciation of the Real, despite higher oil product production volumes and the increased feedstock processed. These effects were partially offset by higher oil product sales prices, mainly for diesel (2% increase) and gasoline (10% increase) in the domestic market and also by results from investments in the petrochemical sector, which was affected by exchange losses on debt in the third quarter of 2011.

(2011 X 2010): The decrease in net income for our RTM segment in 2011 compared to 2010 was due to higher oil acquisition/transfer costs and higher oil product imports (40% increase in international Brent crude oil in U.S.$/bbl). These effects were partially offset by higher oil products domestic and international sales prices.

                    Year ended December 31,
3Q-2011    4Q-2011    4Q-2010    4Q-2011 x
  Imports and Exports of Crude Oil and
Oil Products (mbbl/d) (*) 
  2011    2010    2011 x
316    380    270    20    Crude oil imports    362    316    15 
499    394    188    (21)    Oil product imports    387    299    29 
815    774    458    (5)    Imports of crude oil and oil products    749    615    22 
400    418    441    5    Crude oil exports (11)    435    497    (12) 
222    222    215        Oil product exports    217    200    9 
622    640    656    3    Exports of crude oil and oil products(12)    652    697    (6) 
(193)    (134)    198    (31)    Exports (imports) net of crude oil and oil products    (97)    82    (218) 


(4Q-2011 x 3Q-2011): Lower oil product imports, due to sazonal aspects of the agricultural and industrial activities.

Higher crude oil exports, due to the availability generated by increased production.

(2011 X 2010): Higher volumes of diesel and gasoline imports, to meet higher demand, and higher crude oil imports to support the increase of feedstock processed.

Lower crude oil exports as a result of the increased feedstock processed in 2011 and also the stock formation due to the maintenance stoppage in a pipeline in 2012.


(*) Unaudited.
(11) Includes crude oil exports volumes of Refining, Transportation and Marketing and Exploration & Production segments.
(12) Includes exports in progress.



                    Year ended December 31,     
3Q-2011    4Q-2011    4Q-2010    4Q-2011 x 
  Refining Operations (mbbl/d)    2011    2010    2010 
1,886    1,949    1,910    3    Output of oil products    1,896    1,832    3 
2,007    2,013    2,007        Installed capacity (13)    2,013    2,007     
93    94    93    1    Utilization (%)    92    90    2 
1,866    1,894    1,862    2    Feedstock processed Brazil (Mbbl/d) (*)    1,862    1,798    4 
                Domestic crude oil as % of total feedstock             
82    82    83        processed    82    82     


(4Q-2011 x 3Q-2011): The feedstock processed increased by 2% in the fourth quarter of 2011 compared to the third quarter of 2011, due to lower scheduled stoppages in distillation plants in the period. The output of oil products increased 3% in the period, higher than the increase of the feedstock processed, due to the higher intermediate products processed.

(2011 X 2010): The feedstock processed increased by 4% in 2011 compared to 2010, due to lower scheduled stoppages in distillation plants in 2011, to the higher installed capacity at Replan Refinery and to the capital expenditures invested on our refineries. The feedstock processed was record in 2011.


                    Year ended December 31,     
3Q-2011    4Q-2011    4Q-2010    4Q-2011 x
  Refining Costs Brazil    2011    2010    2010 
5.15    4.76    4.79    (8)    Refining costs (U.S.$/barrel)    4.98    4.33    15 
8.56    8.57    8.07    -    Refining costs (R$/barrel)    8.37    7.57    11 


(4Q-2011 x 3Q-2011): Our refining costs in Brazil remained relatively constant in the fourth quarter of 2011 compared to the third quarter of 2011, excluding the impact of the depreciation of the Real.

(2011 X 2010): Excluding the impact of the depreciation of the Real, our refining costs in Brazil increased by 10% in 2011 compared to 2010 due to higher personnel expenses attributable to salary increases arising out of the Collective Bargaining Agreement for 2010 and 2011.


(*) Unaudited.
(13)As registered by the National Petroleum, Gas and Biofuel Agency (ANP).



                (R$ million)    Year ended December 31,     
3Q-2011    4Q-2011    4Q-2010    4Q-2011 x
  Net Income    2011    2010    2011 x
1,361    483    359    (65)        3,109    1,285    142 



(4Q-2011 x 3Q-2011): The decreased net income for our Gas & Power segment in the fourth quarter of 2011 compared to the third quarter of 2011 was due to the lower natural gas sales volumes, generated by the decreased industrial consumption, by higher natural gas and LNG import costs affected by the depreciation of the Real and also to the lower power export volumes and to the decreased recognition of tax credits.

(2011 X 2010): The increase in net income for our Gas & Power segment for 2011 compared to 2010 was due to the increase in the average realization price of natural gas, due to the higher participation of the industrial sector on the sales; lower acquisition/transfer costs of domestic natural gas reflecting international prices and the depreciation of the Real against the U.S. dollar; increased fixed revenues from energy auctions (regulated market), with the operational start-up of two new thermoelectric plants; increased fertilizer margin sales, reflecting growth in demand and higher prices of agricultural commodities and the use of tax credits.


                    Year ended December 31,     
3Q-2011    4Q-2011    4Q-2010    4Q-2011 x
  Imports of gas and sales and generation of electricity (*)    2011    2010    2011 x
17    19    93    12    Imports of LNG (mbbl/d)    15    52    (71) 
181    164    171    (9)    Imports of Gas (mbbl/d)    169    169    - 
1,803    2,214    1,931    23    Sales of electricity (contracts) MW average    2,000    2,024    (1) 
690    524    3,119    (24)    Generation of electricity MW average    653    1,837    (64) 
20    42    115    110    Settlement price of differences - R$/MWH (14)    29    74    (61) 



(4Q-2011 x 3Q-2011): Increase of 12% in LNG imports to support the Brazilian Northeast thermoelectric demand.

The 9% decrease in gas imports from Bolivia was due to lower industrial consumption in the period.

The 23% increase in sales of electricity was due to the increased sales agreements in the period.

The 24% decrease in electricity output was due to the lower export volume in the period.

The 110% increase in the settlement price of differences (price of power in the spot market) was due to the lower water reservoir levels at the hydroelectric power plants.

(2011 X 2010): The 71% decrease in imports of LNG was a result of lower demand for thermoelectric power generation, due to satisfactory water reservoir levels at the hydroelectric power plants.

The 1% decrease in sales of electricity was attributable to the lower volumes available for sale to the free market, which resulted in the reallocation of a part of this energy to energy auctions subject to market regulation.

The 64% decrease in electricity output was attributable to the decision of the Operador Nacional do Sistema Elétrico (National Electricity System Operator ONS) in 2011.

The 61% decrease in the settlement price of differences (price of power in the spot market) was due to the higher rainfall levels in 2011, thus increasing the water reservoir levels at the hydroelectric power plants.


(*) Unaudited.
(14) Weekly weighed prices per output level (light, medium and heavy), number of hours and submarket capacity.



                (R$ million)    Year ended December 31,     
3Q-2011    4Q-2011    4Q-2010    4Q-2011 x
  Net Income    2011    2010    2011 x
(68)    (40)    (36)    (41)        (157)    (92)    71 


(4Q-2011 x 3Q-2011): The improved result in the Biofuel segment in the fourth quarter of 2011 compared to the third quarter of 2011 was primarily due to the 13% increase on the average prices and to the 14% increase on sales volumes at biofuel auctions and also to the increased profitability of the ethanol sector. These effects were partially offset by higher research and development expenses, mainly for the second generation of ethanol production.

(2011 X 2010): The decrease in net income in the Biofuel segment in 2011 compared to 2010 was primarily due to unfavorable sales prices generated by higher competition levels, and also to increases in costs for acquisition and transportation of raw-material for biodiesel production and higher operating expenses.

These effects were partially offset by the profitability of the ethanol sector.

The Brazilian biofuel sector is undergoing consolidation and as a result, we have not been able to achieve more favorable operational margins with current sales volumes and the price levels practiced at auctions. Changes occurred in auction rules generate improved economic stability for biofuels plants situated at the Brazilian semi arid region due to the consideration of logistic matters on the calculation of sales prices. The changes effects will be totally reflected in corporate results only as of January 1, 2012, because of the product billing cycle.

                (R$ million)    Year ended December 31,     
3Q-2011    4Q-2011    4Q-2010    4Q-2011 x
  Net Income    2011    2010    2011 x
299    270    295    (10)        1,175    1,276    (8) 


(4Q-2011 x 3Q-2011): The decrease in net income from the Distribution segment in the period was mainly due to the 1% decrease on sales volume and to higher personnel expenses arising out of the Collective Bargaining Agreement 2011. These effects were partially offset by the 1% increase in sales margins.

(2011 X 2010): The decrease in net income from the Distribution segment in 2011 compared to 2010 was mainly due to increased costs related to commercial services, including allowance for doubtful accounts, third-party services and personnel expenses.

These effects were partially offset by the 6% increase on sales volumes.


                    Year ended December 31,     
3Q-2011    4Q-2011    4Q-2010    4Q-2011 x
      2011    2010    2011 x
39.2%    39.8%    39.0%    2    Market Share (*)   39.2%    38.8%    1 



(*) Unaudited.



                (R$ million)    Year ended December 31,     
3Q-2011    4Q-2011    4Q-2010    4Q-2011 x
  Net Income    2011    2010    2011 x
217    291    61    34        1,949    1,277    53 


(4Q-2011 x 3Q-2011): The increase in net income for our International segment in the fourth quarter of 2011 compared to the third quarter of 2011 was primarily due to gains with farm-out in Tanzania and Angola (R$278 million), partially offset by higher exploration costs, including higher write-off amounts of wells (R$197 million) and the increased tax burden on offshore operations.

(2011 X 2010): The improved result in the International segment in 2011 compared to 2010 was due primarily to higher commodities prices in the international market in 2011 (R$1,492 million), besides lower costs with exploration, including write-off amounts of wells (R$442 million). These effects were partially offset by the institution of production taxes charged in crude oil barrels in Nigeria (R$684 million) and to the increased allowance for marking inventory to market value in Japan, United States and Argentina (R$251 million).


                      Year ended December 31,     
3Q-2011      4Q-2011    4Q-2010    4Q-2011 x
  Exploration & Production International
(15) (*) 
  2011    2010    2011 x
                  Consolidated international production             
139  (16)    146    143    5    Crude oil and NGLs    140    144    (3) 
100      100    93        Natural gas    97    93    4 
239  (16)    246    236    3    Total    237    237    - 
8      8    8        Non-consolidated international production    8    8     
247  (16)    254    244    3    Total international production    245    245    - 


4Q-2011 x 3Q-2011): Increased crude oil and NGL production due to the operational recovery of the gas injection compressor in September 2011, in Akpo Field in Nigeria.

((2011 X 2010): International consolidated crude oil and NGL production decreased due to the cancellation of production agreements in Ecuador in November 2010 and also due to problems occurred in Akpo field in Nigeria between March and September 2011.

International consolidated natural gas production increased due to the higher export of Bolivian gas to Brazil and also due to the acquisition of Itau field in February 2011, thus permitting to support the Argentinean demand.


(*) Unaudited.
(15) Some of the countries that integrates the international production, such as Nigeria and Angola, are operating under the production-sharing model, with the production taxes charged in crude oil barrels.
(16)Changes occurred due to revisions on Nigeria.



                      Year ended December 31,     
3Q-2011      4Q-2011    4Q-2010    4Q-2011 x
  Lifting Costs International
  2011    2010    2011 x
7.09  (17)    7.02    6.80    (1)        6.78    5.86    16 


(4Q-2011 x 3Q-2011): The increased costs with well interventions in Colômbia were offset by higher production.

(2011 X 2010): The increase in our international lifting costs was primarily due to increased well interventions and the higher costs of third-party services and materials in Argentina as a result of higher contractual prices.


                    Year ended December 31,     
3Q-2011    4Q-2011    4Q-2010    4Q-2011 x
  Refining Operations -
International (mbbl/d)
  2011    2010    2011 x
187    161    220    (14)    Output of oil products    188    220    (15) 
231    231    281        Installed capacity    231    281    (18) 
74    62    70    (12)    Utilization (%)    67    70    (3) 
172    145    208    (16)    Feedstock processed    174    206    (16) 


(4Q-2011 x 3Q-2011): Lower feedstock processed, output of oil products and utilization of nominal capacity, due to a fire at an atmospheric distillation unit in the U.S. Pasadena Refinery in September 2011, generating the scheduled stoppage in October 2011.

(2011 X 2010): The decrease in the feedstock processed, in our international refinery output and in our installed capacity were generated by the sale of the San Lorenzo Refinery in Argentina, by the scheduled stoppage of the U.S. fluid catalytic cracking unit of the Pasadena Refinery between March 2011 and May 2011 and also to the scheduled stoppage in the Pasadena Refinery in October 2011 due to a fire at an atmospheric distillation unit.


                    Year ended December 31,     
3Q-2011    4Q-2011    4Q-2010   
4Q-2011 x
  Refining Costs International (*)   2011    2010    2011 x
4.34    4.54    4.08    5    Refining costs (U.S.$/barrel)    4.87    3.89    25 


(4Q-2011 x 3Q-2011): Increase of the international refining costs in the period due to the lower feedstock processed, generated by the scheduled stoppage caused by the fire in the U.S. Pasadena Refinery in October 2011.

(2011 X 2010): International refining costs increased in 2011 compared to 2010 due to a reduction in volumes of processed feedstock, to expenses incurred as a result of the scheduled stoppages in the U.S. Pasadena Refinery and also to the sale of the San Lorenzo Refinery in Argentina with lower unit cost compared to the average cost of the International sector.


(*) Unaudited.
(17) Changes occurred due to revisions on Nigeria.



                    Year ended December 31,     
3Q-2011    4Q-2011    4Q-2010    4Q-2011 x
  Sales Volumes (mbbl/d) (*)    2011    2010    2011 x
946    905    841    (4)   


  880    809    9 
488    547    414    12   


  489    394    24 
80    82    91    3   

Fuel oil 

  82    100    (18) 
160    184    172    15   


  167    167     
235    224    219    (5)   


  224    218    3 
104    105    99    1   

Jet fuel 

  101    90    12 
195    182    216    (7)   


  188    180    4 
2,208    2,229    2,052    1   

Total oil products 

  2,131    1,958    9 
91    85    111    (7)   

Ethanol and other products 

  86    99    (13) 
313    316    356    1   

Natural gas 

  304    312    (3) 
2,612    2,630    2,519    1    Total domestic market    2,521    2,369    6 
630    641    658    2   


  655    698    (6) 
552    579    580    5   

International sales 

  540    581    (7) 
1,182    1,220    1,238    3    Total international market    1,195    1,279    (7) 
3,794    3,850    3,757    1    Total    3,716    3,648    2 


Our domestic sales volumes increased 6% compared to 2010, primarily due to:

Diesel (increase of 9%) The increase in diesel sales was primarily due to growth in the Brazilian economy, to increased activity in the agricultural sector and to the loss of domestic market share of our competitors.

Gasoline (increase of 24%) The increase in gasoline sales volumes was due to competitive gasoline prices compared to ethanol prices in most Brazilian federal states, to an increase in the fleet of vehicles and to a loss of domestic market share of our competitors.

Jet fuel (increase of 12%) The increase in jet fuel sales was due to growth in the Brazilian economy and to the higher supply of domestic and international flights.

Fuel oil (decrease of 18%) The decrease in fuel oil sales was due to a partial transition to natural gas at thermoelectric power plants and in the industrial sector.

• Our international sales volumes decreased 7% compared to 2010, primarily due to:

Exports (decrease of 6%) We decreased our exports as a result of the increased domestic feedstock processed, lower scheduled stoppages in distillation plants, higher installed capacity of Replan distillation plant, capital expenditures invested on our refineries and also due to the necessity of stock formation because of the expected maintenance stoppage in the pipeline in São Paulo logistic system to be occurred in 2012.

International sales (decrease of 7%) The decrease in international sales was due to the lower trading volume, mainly for gasoline, reserved for sale to domestic market.


(*) Unaudited.




Corporate Overhead (U.S.$ million) (*)
                Year ended December 31,     
3Q-2011    4Q-2011    4Q-2010    4Q-2011 x
  2011    2010    2011 x
1,023    891    862    (13)    3,612    3,125    16 


(4Q-2011 x 3Q-2011): Excluding the impact of the depreciation of the Real, corporate overhead decreased 5% in the period due to lower personnel expenses, partially offset by higher sponsorships and data processing expenses.

(2011 X 2010): Excluding the impact of the depreciation of the Real, corporate overhead increased by 12% due to higher personnel expenses mainly attributable to salary increases arising out of the Collective Bargaining Agreement for 2010 and 2011, to the 3% increase of workforce, increased administrative and technical services and sponsorships.


(*) Unaudited.






Cash and cash equivalents

Our cash and cash equivalents totalled R$35,747 million in 2011 compared to R$29,416 million in 2010.

Operating activities provided net cash flows of R$56,322 million in 2011 compared to R$52,871 million in 2010. Cash generated by operating activities was mainly affected by higher gross profit and by income on cash and cash equivalents.

Net cash used in investing activities decreased to R$ 57,838 million in 2011 compared to R$ 105,183 million in 2010. This decrease was primarily due to the financial investments with cash raised from the Global Offering in 2010.

Net cash provided by financing activities decreased to R$7,664 million in 2011 compared to R$53,777 million in 2010, highly influenced by the capital increase generated by the Global Offering in 2010, offset by higher funds raised in 2011, net of draw-downs.

The net cash from operating activities and net cash capitalization financed the investments and dividends payment, keeping the cash and cash equivalents level(18) (R$52,532 million in 2011).

    R$ million 
    12.31.2011    12.31.2010 
Cash and cash equivalents    35,747    29,416 
Government securities    16,785    25,525 
Adjusted cash and cash equivalents (18)    52,532    54,941 


(18) Our adjusted cash and cash equivalents are not computed in accordance with International Standards -IFRS and should not be considered in isolation or as a substitute for cash and cash equivalents calculated in accordance with IFRS. Our calculation of adjusted cash and cash equivalents may not be comparable to adjusted cash and cash equivalents of other companies. Management believes that adjusted cash and cash equivalents is an appropriate supplemental measure that helps investors assess our liquidity and assists management in targeting leverage improvements.





Capital expenditures and investments

R$ million
            Year ended December 31,     
        2011    %    2010    %    Δ% 
Exploration & Production        34,251    47    32,736    43    5 
Refining, Transportation and Marketing        27,117    37    28,458    38    (5) 
Gas & Power        3,848    5    6,903    9    (44) 
International        4,440    6    4,771    6    (7) 

Exploration & Production 

      3,951    90    4,190    88    (6) 

Refining, Transportation and Marketing 

      315    7    260    6    21 

Gas & Power 

      52    1    152    3    (66) 


      100    2    104    2    (4) 


      22        65    1    (66) 
Distribution        1,157    2    895    1    29 
Biofuel        503    1    1,174    1    (57) 
Corporate        1,230    2    1,474    2    (17) 
Total capital expenditures and investments        72,546    100    76,411    100    (5) 


In line with its strategic objectives, Petrobras operates through joint ventures with other companies, in Brazil and abroad, as a concessionaire of oil and gas exploration, development and production rights.

Currently the Company is a member of 99 consortiums in Brazil, of which it operates 67. Petrobras is a member of 145 partnerships abroad, of which it operates 75.

During 2011, we invested an amount of R$72,546 million, which were primarily directed toward increasing production, modernizing and expanding our refineries, integration and expansion of our pipeline transportation and distribution systems.




Consolidated debt             
        R$ million     
    12.31.2011    12.31.2010    Δ% 
Current debt (19)    18,966    15,090    26 
Long-term debt (20)    136,588    100,858    35 
Total    155,554    115,948    34 

Cash and cash equivalents 

  35,747    29,416    22 

Government securities (maturity of more than 90 days) 

  16,785    25,525    (34) 
Adjusted cash and cash equivalents    52,532    54,941    (4) 
Net debt (21)    103,022    61,007    69 
Net debt/(net debt + shareholder's equity)    24%    16%    8 
Total net liabilities (22)    546,618    461,905    18 
Capital structure             
(Net third parties capital / total net liabilities)    39%    33%    6 
Net debt/EBITDA ratio    1.66    1.03    61 
        U.S.$ million     
    12.31.2011    12.31.2010    Δ% 
Current debt    10,111    9,057    12 
Long-term debt    72,816    60,532    20 
Total    82,927    69,589    19 
Net debt    54,922    36,614    50 


The net debt of the Petrobras System in Reais increased by 69% over December 31, 2010, due to the raising of long-term funding and the effects of the 12.6% depreciation of the Real against the U.S. dollar.

(19) Includes Capital lease obligations (R$ 82 million on December 31, 2011 and R$ 175 million on December 31, 2010).
(20) Includes Capital lease obligations (R$ 183 million on December 31, 2011 and R$ 191 million on December 31, 2010).
(21) Our net debt is not computed in accordance with International Standards -IFRS and should not be considered in isolation or as a substitute for total long-term debt calculated in accordance with IFRS. Our calculation of net debt may not be comparable to the calculation of net debt by other companies. Management believes that net debt is an appropriate supplemental measure that helps investors assess our liquidity and assists management in targeting leverage improvements.
(22) Total liabilities net of cash and cash equivalents/financial investments.




Income Statement Consolidated         

R$ million

                Year ended December 31, 
3Q-2011   4Q-2011   4Q-2010       2011   2010
63,554    65,257    54,228    Sales revenues    244,176    211,842 
(43,486)    (47,951)    (35,602)   

Cost of sales 

  (166,939)    (135,617) 
20,068    17,306    18,626    Gross profit    77,237    76,225 
            Income (expenses)         
(2,315)    (2,399)    (2,142)   

Selling expenses 

  (8,950)    (8,557) 
(2,184)    (2,406)    (2,098)   

Administrative and general expenses 

  (8,647)    (7,802) 
(785)    (1,502)    (1,367)   

Exploration costs 

  (4,428)    (3,797) 
(671)    (754)    (428)   

Research and development expenses 

  (2,444)    (1,739) 
(164)    (259)    (312)   


  (777)    (891) 
(1.577)    (2.234)    (1.169)   

Other operating income and expenses, net 

  (6.588)    (7.045) 
(7,696)    (9,554)    (7,516)        (31,834)    (29,831) 
12,372    7,752    11,110    Income before financial results, profit-sharing and income taxes    45,403    46,394 
1,831    1,147    1,805   

Financial income 

  6,543    4,424 
(502)    (953)    (647)   

Financial expense 

  (2,422)    (3,145) 
(6,556)    206    722   

Monetary and exchange variation 

  (3,999)    1,341 
(5,227)    400    1,880    Financial income (expenses), net    122    2,620 
(397)    95    529    Equity in earnings of investments    386    585 
(219)    (262)    (501)    Profit-sharing    (1,560)    (1,691) 
6,529    7,985    13,018    Income before income taxes    44,351    47,908 
(1,249)    (2,757)    (2,389)    Income tax and social contribution    (11,241)    (12,027) 
5,280    5,228    10,629    Net income    33,110    35,881 
            Net income attributable to:         
6,336    5,049    10,602    Shareholders of Petrobras    33,313    35,189 
(1,056)    179    27    Non-controlling interests    (203)    692 
5,280    5,228    10,629        33,110    35,881 





Balance Sheet Data Consolidated         
ASSETS    R$ million
    Year ended December 31, 
    2011    2010 
Current assets    121,164    105,902 

Cash and cash equivalents 

  35,747    29,416 

Marketable securities 

  16,808    26,013 

Accounts receivable, net 

  22,053    18,069 


  28,447    19,675 

Recoverable taxes 

  12,846    8,767 

Other current assets 

  5,263    3,962 
Non-current assets    477,986    410,944 

Long-term receivables 

  41,187    37,718 

Accounts receivable, net 

  6,103    5,432 

Marketable securities 

  5,747    5,198 

Restricted deposits for legal proceedings and guarantees 

  2,955    2,790 

Deferred tax assets 

  17,256    17,038 

Advances to suppliers 

  5,892    4,964 

Other long-term receivables 

  3,234    2,296 


  12,248    11,592 

Property, plant and equipment, net 

  342,267    280,095 

Intangible assets 

  82,284    81,539 
Total assets    599,150    516,846 
LIABILITIES    R$ million
    Year ended December 31, 
    2011    2010 
Current liabilities    68,212    55,948 

Current debt 

  18,966    15,090 

Trade accounts payable 

  22,252    17,374 

Taxes, contributions and profit-sharing payable 

  10,969    10,060 

Dividends payable 

  3,878    3,595 

Payroll and related charges 

  3,182    2,551 

Employee s post-retirement benefits obligation pension and health care

   1,427    1,303


  1,560    1,691 

Other current liabilities 

  5,978    4,284 
Non-current liabilities    198,714    151,070 

Long-term debt 

  136,588    100,858 

Deferred income tax and social contribution 

  33,268    25,898 

Employee s post-retirement benefits obligation pension and health care

   16,653    15,278

Provision for decommissioning cost 

  8,839    6,505 

Legal proceedings provisions 

  1,361    1,265 

Other non-current liabilities 

  2,005    1,266 
Shareholders equity    332,224    309,828 

Paid in capital 

  205,380    205,357 

Reserves/Net income for the year 

  124,459    101,408 
Non-controlling interests    2,385    3,063 
Total liabilities and shareholders equity    599,150    516,846 





Statement of Cash Flows Data Consolidated         

R$ million

                Year ended December 31, 
3Q-2011   4Q-2011   4Q-2010       2011   2010
6,336    5,049    10,602    Net income attributable to the shareholders of Petrobras    33,313    35,189 
8,944    9,238    4,702    (+) Adjustments for:    23,009    17,682 
4,276    5,904    3,855   

Depreciation, depletion and amortization 

  17,739    14,612 
8,461    23    (509)   

Exchange variation, monetary and financial charges 

  6,238    14 
(1,056)    179    28   

Non-controlling interest 

  (203)    692 
397    (95)    (529)   

Equity in earnings of investments 

  (386)    (585) 
90    314    129   

Losses (gains) on disposal of non-current assets 

  885    312 
(914)    2,947    1,901   

Deferred income and social contribution taxes, net 

  6,157    5,784 
270    989    859   

Dry hole costs 

  2,504    2,121 
385    1,070    540   


  1,824    690 
(1,080)    (794)    873   


  (8,335)    (851) 
(1,245)    (484)    995   

Accounts receivable 

  (3,848)    (4,422) 
1,480    571    (1,998)   

Trade accounts payable 

  4,112    542 
438    236    173   

Employee s post-retirement benefits obligation Pension and Health Care 

  1,483    1,381 
(1,321)    (1,651)    178   

Taxes and contributions payable 

  (3,405)    (3,732) 
(1,237)    29    (1,793)   

Other assets and liabilities 

  (1,756)    1,124 
15,280    14,287    15,304    (=) Net cash provided by operating activities    56,322    52,871 
(13,214)    (16,440)    (32,961)    (-) Net cash used in investing activities    (57,838)    (105,183) 
(17,580)    (21,523)    (18,898)   

Investments in operating segments 

  (69,445)    (79,777) 
4,366    5,083    (14,063)   

Investments in marketable securities 

  11,607    (25,406) 
2,066    (2,153)    (17,657)    (=) Net cash flow    (1,516)    (52,312) 
(4,221)    5,275    641    (-) Net cash provided (used) in financing activities    7,664    53,777 
-    -    5,196   

Contribution in cash and cash equivalents 

  -    52,433 
-    -    (352)   

Share issuance costs 

  -    (710) 
13    14    (586)   

Acquisition of noncontrolling interest 

  46    (580) 
6,142    12,366    8,934   

Proceeds from borrowings 

  40,433    36,966 
(5,032)    (3,050)    (7,008)   

Repayment of principal 

  (14,523)    (18,706) 
(2,951)    (1,661)    (1,468)   

Repayment of interest 

  (7,633)    (6,211) 
(2,393)    (2,394)    (4,075)   

Dividends paid 

  (10,659)    (9,415) 
991    (83)    (67)    (+) Effect of exchange variation on cash and cash equivalents    183    (294) 
(1,164)    3,039    (17,083)    (=) Net increase (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents in the year    6,331    1,171 
33,872    32,708    46,499    Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of year    29,416    28,246 
32,708    35,747    29,416    Cash and cash equivalents at the end of year    35,747    29,416 
See the analysis of cash flow on page 16 Liquidity and Capital Resources.         




Consolidated Income Statement by Segment (23)
    Year ended December 31, 2011
R$ million
Sales revenues    124,028    198,516    16,295    535    73,633    28,374    -    (197,205)    244,176 
Intersegments    123,165    63,833    2,182    482    1,223    6,320    -    (197,205)    - 
Third parties    863    134,683    14,113    53    72,410    22,054    -    -    244,176 
Cost of sales    (55,118)    (205,998)    (9,550)    (588)    (67,630)    (21,679)    -    193,624    (166,939) 
Gross profit    68,910    (7,482)    6,745    (53)    6,003    6,695    -    (3,581)    77,237 
Income (expenses)    (7,058)    (7,026)    (2,533)    (222)    (4,118)    (3,169)    (8,008)    300    (31,834) 
Selling, administrative and general                                     
expenses    (819)    (5,536)    (1,739)    (111)    (4,024)    (1,554)    (4,114)    300    (17,597) 
Exploration costs    (3,674)    -    -    -    -    (754)    -    -    (4,428) 
Research and development expenses    (1,248)    (470)    (116)    (50)    (9)    (1)    (550)    -    (2,444) 
Taxes    (80)    (90)    (165)    (1)    (41)    (192)    (208)    -    (777) 
Other operating income and expenses,                                     
net    (1,237)    (930)    (513)    (60)    (44)    (668)    (3,136)    -    (6,588) 
Income (loss) before financial results,                                     
profit-sharing and income taxes    61,852    (14,508)    4,212    (275)    1,885    3,526    (8,008)    (3,281)    45,403 
Financial income (expenses), net    -    -    -    -    -    -    122    -    122 
Equity in earnings of investments    74    (165)    398    26    9    40    4    -    386 
Profit-sharing    (488)    (348)    (61)    (2)    (118)    (52)    (491)    -    (1,560) 
Income before income taxes    61,438    (15,021)    4,549    (251)    1,776    3,514    (8,373)    (3,281)    44,351 
Income tax and social contribution    (20,863)  5,051  (1,411)  94  (601)  (1,547)  6,920  1,116  (11,241) 
Net income    40,575  (9,970)  3,138  (157)  1,175  1,967  (1,453)  (2,165)  33,110 
Net income attributable to:                     
Shareholders of Petrobras    40,594  (9,955)    3,109    (157)    1,175    1,949    (1,237)    (2,165)    33,313 
Non-controlling interests    (19)    (15)    29    -    -    18    (216)    -    (203) 
    40,575  (9,970)  3,138  (157)  1,175  1,967  (1,453)  (2,165)  33,110 


(23) As of 2011 the results of our Biofuel segment, previously included in the Corporate segment, are presented separately. For comparative purposes, information for 2010 was reclassified.



Consolidated Income Statement by Segment (23)
    Year ended December 31, 2010
R$ million
Sales revenues    95,451    172,244    14,936    478    65,568    23,777    -    (160,612)    211,842 
Intersegments    95,026    57,228    1,761    418    1,263    4,916    -    (160,612)    - 
Third parties    425    115,016    13,175    60    64,305    18,861    -    -    211,842 
Cost of sales    (44,302)    (160,273)    (10,955)    (480)    (59,907)    (18,574)    -    158,874    (135,617) 
Gross profit    51,149    11,971    3,981    (2)    5,661    5,203    -    (1,738)    76,225 
Income (expenses)    (5,825)    (6,330)    (2,488)    (122)    (3,618)    (3,288)    (8,454)    294    (29,831) 
Selling, administrative and general expenses    (794)    (5,144)    (1,822)    (70)    (3,476)    (1,539)    (3,761)    247    (16,359) 
Exploration costs    (2,601)    -    -    -    -    (1,196)    -    -    (3,797) 
Research and development expenses    (774)    (380)    (129)    -    (9)    (2)    (445)    -    (1,739) 
Taxes    (218)    (119)    (52)    (1)    (29)    (208)    (264)    -    (891) 
Other operating income and expenses, net    (1,438)    (687)    (485)    (51)    (104)    (343)    (3,984)    47    (7,045) 
Income (loss) before financial results,                                     
profit-sharing and income taxes    45,324    5,641    1,493    (124)    2,043    1,915    (8,454)    (1,444)    46,394 
Financial income (expenses), net    -    -    -    -    -    -    2,620    -    2,620 
Equity in earnings of investments    -    322    305    (11)    7    (22)    (16)    -    585 
Profit-sharing    (538)    (378)    (66)    -    (120)    (48)    (541)    -    (1,691) 
Income before income taxes    44,786    5,585    1,732    (135)    1,930    1,845    (6,391)    (1,444)    47,908 
Income tax and social contribution    (15,228)    (1,789)    (485)    43    (654)    (447)    6,043    490    (12,027) 
Net income    29,558  3,796  1,247  (92)  1,276  1,398  (348)  (954)  35,881 
Net income attributable to:                                     
Shareholders of Petrobras    29,691    3,729    1,285    (92)    1,276    1,277    (1,023)    (954)    35,189 
Non-controlling interests    (133)    67    (38)    -    -    121    675    -    692 
    29,558  3,796  1,247  (92)  1,276  1,398  (348)  (954)  35,881 


(23) As of 2011 the results of our Biofuel segment, previously included in the Corporate segment, are presented separately. For comparative purposes, information for 2010 was reclassified.



Consolidated EBITDA Statement by Segment (24)
    Year ended December 31, 2011
R$ million
Income (loss) before financial results, profit-sharing and income taxes    61,852    (14,508)    4,212    (275)    1,885    3,526    (8,008)    (3,281)    45,403 
Profit-sharing    (488)    (348)    (61)    (2)    (118)    (52)    (491)    -    (1,560) 
Depreciation, depletion and amortization    10,707    2,637    1,806    45    364    1,565    615    -    17,739 
Impairment    412    278    1    -    -    (27)    -    -    664 
Adjusted EBITDA    72,483  (11,941)  5,958  (232)  2,131  5,012  (7,884)  (3,281)  62,246 
Consolidated EBITDA Statement by Segment (24)
    Year ended December 31, 2010
R$ million
Income (loss) before financial results, profit-sharing and income taxes    45,324    5,641    1,493    (124)    2,043    1,915    (8,454)    (1,444)    46,394 
Profit-sharing    (538)    (378)    (66)    -    (120)    (48)    (541)    -    (1,691) 
Depreciation, depletion and amortization    9,111    2,002    987    39    339    1,617    517    -    14,612 
Impairment    (104)    -    1    -    -    179    -    -    76 
Adjusted EBITDA    53,793  7,265  2,415  (85)  2,262  3,663  (8,478)  (1,444)  59,391 


(24) As of 2011 the results of our Biofuel segment, previously included in the Corporate segment, are presented separately. For comparative purposes, information for 2010 was reclassified.



Other Operating Income (Expenses) by Segment (24)
    Year ended December 31, 2011
R$ million
Pension and healthcare plans    -    -    -    -    -    -    (1,555)    -    (1,555) 
Unscheduled stoppages and pre-operating expenses    (863)    (73)    (166)    -    -    (364)    -    -    (1,466) 
Institutional relations and cultural projects    (70)    (77)    (9)    -    (121)    (24)    (1,138)    -    (1,439) 
Allowance for marking inventory to market value    1    (290)    -    (34)    -    (723)    -    -    (1,046) 
Expenses on security, environment and health    (76)    (151)    (8)    -    -    (203)    (334)    -    (772) 
Expenses related to collective bargaining agreement    (279)    (122)    (22)    -    (45)    (10)    (222)    -    (700) 
Losses from legal and administrative proceedings    (102)    (82)    (19)    -    (79)    (57)    (331)    -    (670) 
Impairment    (412)    (278)    (1)    -    -    27    -    -    (664) 
Operating expenses with thermoelectric power stations    -    -    (207)    -    -    -    -    -    (207) 
Results from sales and write-off of assets    (56)    (74)    (47)    -    44    210    (65)    -    12 
Expenditures/reimbursements from operations in E&P partnerships    16    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    16 
Government subsidies, incentives and donations    120    101    75    -    -    319    -    -    615 
Gains from legal and arbitral proceedings    339    147    -    -    49    -    348    -    883 
Other    145    (31)    (109)    (26)    108    157    161    -    405 
    (1,237)    (930)    (513)    (60)    (44)    (668)    (3,136)    -    (6,588) 
    Year ended December 31, 2010
R$ million
Pension and healthcare plans    -    -    -    -    -    -    (1,552)    -    (1,552) 
Unscheduled stoppages and pre-operating expenses    (460)    (53)    (105)    -    -    (5)    -    -    (623) 
Institutional relations and cultural projects    (73)    (44)    (19)    -    (98)    (4)    (996)    -    (1,234) 
Allowance for marking inventory to market value    (13)    (106)    -    (12)    -    (472)    -    -    (603) 
Expenses on security, environment and health    (81)    (83)    (4)    -    -    -    (201)    -    (369) 
Expenses related to collective bargaining agreement    (242)    (132)    (20)    -    (40)    (12)    (201)    -    (647) 
Losses from legal and administrative proceedings    (537)    (219)    (4)    -    (202)    154    (1,026)    -    (1,834) 
Impairment    104    -    (1)    -    -    (179)    -    -    (76) 
Operating expenses with thermoelectric power stations    -    -    (303)    -    -    -    -    -    (303) 
Results from sales and write-off of assets    (13)    (13)    (2)    -    38    60    (5)    -    65 
Expenditures/reimbursements from operations in E&P partnerships    46    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    46 
Government subsidies, incentives and donations    144    218    15    -    -    -    -    -    377 
Incentives for acquisition of Petrobras shares    (29)    (23)    (3)    -    (4)    (3)    (29)    -    (91) 
Other    (284)    (232)    (39)    (39)    202    118    26    47    (201) 
    (1,438)    (687)  (485)  (51)  (104)  (343)  (3,984)  47  (7,045) 
(24) As of 2011 the results of our Biofuel segment, previously included in the Corporate segment, are presented separately. For comparative purposes, information for 2010 was reclassified. 




Consolidated Statement of Non-Recurring Items by Segment (25)
    Year ended December 31, 2011
R$ million
Income (loss) before financial results, profit-sharing and income taxes    61,852    (14,508)    4,212    (275)    1,885    3,526    (8,008)    (3,281)    45,403 
Non-recurring items:                                     
Losses from legal and administrative proceedings (26)    102    82    19    -    79    57    331    -    670 
Gains from legal and arbitral proceedings    (339)    (147)    -    -    (49)    -    (348)    -    (883) 
Extemporaneous tax credits    -    -    (1,406)    -    -    -    -    -    (1,406) 
Allowance for marking inventory to market value    (1)    290    -    34    -    723    -    -    1,046 
Impairment    412    278    1    -    -    (27)    -    -    664 
Subtotal non-recurring items    174    503    (1,386)    34    30    753    (17)    -    91 
Income (loss) before financial results, profit-sharing and income taxes, without non-recurring items effects   62,026  (14,005)  2,826  (241)  1,915  4,279  (8,025)  (3,281)  45,494 
Net income attributable to the shareholders of Petrobras    40,594    (9,955)    3,109    (157)    1,175    1,949    (1,237)    (2,165)    33,313 
Non-recurring items    174    503    (1,386)    34    30    753    (17)    -    91 
Tax effects    (59)    (171)    471    (12)    (10)    (256)    6    -    (31) 
Net income attributable to the shareholders of Petrobras, without non-recurring items effects   40,709    (9,623)    2,194    (135)    1,195    2,446    (1,248)    (2,165)    33,373 
    Year ended December 31, 2010
R$ million
Income (loss) before financial results,                                     
profit-sharing and income taxes    45,324    5,641    1,493    (124)    2,043    1,915    (8,454)    (1,444)    46,394 
Non-recurring items:                                     
Losses from legal and administrative proceedings (26)    537    219    4    -    202    (154)    1,026    -    1,834 
Allowance for marking inventory to market value    13    106    -    12    -    472    -    -    603 
Termination of Barracuda and Caratinga project financings    486    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    486 
Impairment    (104)    -    1    -    -    179    -    -    76 
Subtotal non-recurring items    932    325    5    12    202    497    1,026    -    2,999 
Income (loss) before financial results, profit-sharing and income taxes, without non-recurring items effects    46,256  5,966  1,498  (112)  2,245  2,412  (7,428)  (1,444)  49,393 
Net income attributable to the shareholders of Petrobras    29,691    3,729    1,285    (92)    1,276    1,277    (1,023)    (954)    35,189 
Non-recurring items    932    325    5    12    202    497    1,026    -    2,999 
Tax effects    (317)    (110)    (2)    (4)    (69)    (169)    (349)    -    (1,020) 
Net income attributable to the shareholders of Petrobras, without non- recurring items effects   30,306  3,944  1,288  (84)  1,409  1,605  (346)  (954)  37,168 


(25) As of 2011 the results of our Biofuel segment, previously included in the Corporate segment, are presented separately. For comparative purposes, information for 2010 was reclassified.
(26) For more information, see appendix 4.



Consolidated Assets by Segment (27)
    Year ended December 31, 2011
R$ million
Total assets    264,701  158,185  51,857  2,419  14,791  36,439  85,024  (14,266)  599,150 
Current assets    10,537    41,203    4,707    239    7,956    8,272    61,886    (13,636)    121,164 
Non-current assets    254,164    116,982    47,150    2,180    6,835    28,167    23,138    (630)    477,986 
Long-term receivables    7,766    7,910    3,050    32    1,243    5,465    16,351    (630)    41,187 
Investments    23    6,306    2,160    1,612    84    1,873    190    -    12,248 
Property, plant and equipment, net    169,833    102,473    41,208    536    4,709    17,842    5,666    -    342,267 
Intangible assets    76,542    293    732    -    799    2,987    931    -    82,284 
    Year ended December 31, 2010
R$ million
Total assets    227,601  117,493  50,168  1,886  12,302  28,255  89,365  (10,224)  516,846 
Current assets    6,133    28,722    5,086    210    6,581    5,513    63,611    (9,954)    105,902 
Non-current assets    221,468    88,771    45,082    1,676    5,721    22,742    25,754    (270)    410,944 
Long-term receivables    6,268    6,006    2,679    13    960    3,919    18,143    (270)    37,718 
Investments    -    6,482    2,012    1,116    73    1,736    173    -    11,592 
Property, plant and equipment, net    138,519    76,016    40,014    546    4,005    14,523    6,472    -    280,095 
Intangible assets    76,681    267    377    1    683    2,564    966    -    81,539 


(27) As of 2011 the assets of our Biofuel segment, previously included in the Corporate segment, are presented separately. For comparative purposes, information for 2010 was reclassified.



Consolidated Income Statement for International Segment
R$ million
INCOME STATEMENT                             
(Year ended December 31, 2011)                             
Sales revenues    8,615    14,241    909    8,320    -    (3,711)    28,374 
Intersegments    6,373    3,585    39    45    -    (3,722)    6,320 
Third parties    2,242    10,656    870    8,275    -    11    22,054 
Income (loss) before financial results, profit-sharing and income taxes    3,969    (226)    190    120    (507)    (20)    3,526 
Net income attributable to the shareholders of Petrobras    2,217    (213)    262    99    (396)    (20)    1,949 
R$ million
INCOME STATEMENT                             
(Year ended December 31, 2010)                             
Sales revenues    6,574    13,188    964    7,254    -    (4,203)    23,777 
Intersegments    5,259    3,767    78    58    -    (4,246)    4,916 
Third parties    1,315    9,421    886    7,196    -    43    18,861 
Income (loss) before financial results,                             
profit-sharing and income taxes    2,148    64    116    10    (408)    (15)    1,915 
Net income attributable to the shareholders                             
of Petrobras    1,527    78    142    10    (465)    (15)    1,277 
Consolidated Assets for International Segment
R$ million
Total assets on December 31, 2011    27,358  6,365  1,742  1,889  3,412  (4,327)  36,439 
Total assets on December 31, 2010    20,715  5,433  1,518  1,645  2,840  (3,896)  28,255 





1. Analysis of Consolidated Gross Profit (4Q-2011 x 3Q-2011)             
            R$ million     
Main items    Sales
. Domestic Market:    - sales volumes effect    (474)    200    (274) 
    - prices effect    1,445    -    1,445 
. International Market:    - export volumes effect    (1,654)    396    (1,258) 
    - export prices effect    848        848 
. (Increase) decrease in expenses: ( i )    -    (4,627)    (4,627) 
. Increase (decrease) of Distribution profitability    112    (103)    9 
. Increase (decrease) of trading operations profitability    (1,889)    1,930    41 
. Increase (decrease) of international sales    618    126    745 
. Exchange effects on international subsidiaries    2,353    (2,184)    169 
. Others        344    (204)    141 
        1,703  (4,465)  (2,762) 


( i ) Breakdown of changes in expenses:    R$

- crude oil, oil products and gas imports 


- materials, services, leases and depreciation 


- salaries, benefits and charges 


- third-party services 


- marine and pipeline transports (28) 


- power generation and purchase for commercialization 


- Brazilian production taxes 


- purchase of renewable products 


- purchase of nitrogenous 


- domestic purchase of oil products 



The changes on international crude oil and oil products prices and the effect of the exchange rate variation on imports and on production taxes do not fully impact the costs of sales of the period, because the products remains in stock during sixty days in average, and fully occurs only on the next period. The estimated effects on the cost of sales are as follows:

  3Q-2011    4Q-2011    Δ (*) 
Effect of the average cost on the cost of sales (R$ million)  427    1,189    762  
( ) increase on the cost of sales           

(*) Cost of sales of the fourth quarter of 2011 was positively impacted by the sale of inventories acquired at lower unit costs in prior periods, considering the changes on international prices when inventories were formed, similarly to what happened in the third quarter of 2011 in a lesser degree.

(28) Expenses with cabotage, terminals and ducts.



2. Analysis of Consolidated Gross Profit (2011 x 2010)             
            R$ million     
Main items   Sales
. Domestic Market:    - sales volumes effect    5,469    (2,372)    3,097 
    - prices effect    8,767    -    8,767 
. International Market:    - export volumes effect    (2,671)    1,625    (1,046) 
    - export prices effect    9,313        9,313 
. (Increase) decrease in expenses: ( i )    -    (21,068)    (21,068) 
. Increase (decrease) of Distribution profitability    8,076    (7,734)    342 
. Increase (decrease) of trading operations profitability    2,323    (1,895)    428 
. Increase (decrease) of international sales    4,290    (2,537)    1,753 
. Exchange effects on international subsidiaries    (1,889)    1,607    (282) 
. Others        (1,344)    1,052    (292) 
        32,334  (31,322)  1,012 


( i ) Breakdown of changes in expenses:    R$
- crude oil, oil products and gas imports    (11,012) 
- Brazilian production taxes    (5,301) 
- materials, government services, leases and depreciation    (2,415) 
- third-party services    (1,354) 
- marine and pipeline transports (29)    (576) 
- salaries and benefits    (693) 
- purchase of renewable products    (361) 
- domestic purchase of oil products    301 
- power generation and purchase for commercialization    343 


(29) Expenses with cabotage, terminals and ducts.



3. Reconciliation between Adjusted EBITDA and Net Income         

R$ million

                Year ended December 31, 
3Q-2011   4Q-2011   4Q-2010       2011   2010
12,372    7,752    11,110    Income before financial results, profit-sharing and income taxes    45,403    46,394 
4,276    5,904    3,855   

Depreciation, depletion and amortization 

  17,739    14,612 
-    660    (119)   


  664    76 
(219)    (262)    (501)   


  (1,560)    (1,691) 
16,429    14,054    14,345    Adjusted EBITDA    62,246    59,391 
26    22    26    Adjusted EBITDA margin (%)(30)    25    28 


4. Losses from legal and administrative proceedings               
        R$ million       
    2011    2010      Δ
Legal processes provisioned    670  1,834  (1,164) 
- IPI tax credit Premium    81    497      (416) 
- Domestic Value-Added Tax (ICMS) tax from the P-36 platform    -    449      (449) 
- Withholding income tax percentage on the emission of bonds abroad - CLEP    54    417      (363) 
- Consortium IVI Verolme Ishibras S.A.    -    126      (126) 
- Domestic Value-Added Tax (ICMS)-RJ tax debts of BR Distribuidora   -    110      (110) 
- Legal processes provisioned of small amounts Petrobras    279    162      117 
- Processes of the international segment    57    (154)    (31)  211 
- Others    199    227      (28) 


(30) Adjusted EBITDA margin equals adjusted EBITDA divided by sales revenues.
(31) Reversion of the provision from probable into remote according to legal decision.





5. Consolidated Taxes and Contributions

The economic contribution of Petrobras, measured through the generation of current taxes and social contributions, amounted to R$76,777 million in 2011.

R$ million

                    Year ended
December 31,
3Q-2011   4Q-2011   4Q-2010   4Q-2011 x
      2011   2010   2011 x
                Economic Contribution - Brazil             
9,878    9,885    7,650        Domestic Value-Added Tax (ICMS)    36,763    28,235    30 
2,184    1,261    1,921    (42)    CIDE (32)    7,488    6,852    9 
4,081    3,725    4,874    (9)    PIS/COFINS    14,685    14,554    1 
1,688    1,138    2,555    (33)    Income Tax and Social Contribution    9,822    11,341    (13) 
(144)    1,280    1,140    (989)    Others    2,369    3,049    (22) 
17,687    17,289    18,140    (2)    Subtotal Brazil    71,127    64,031    11 
1,053    2,484    1,262    136    Economic Contribution International    5,650    4,411    28 
18,740  19,773  19,402    6    Total    76,777  68,442    12 



6. Production Taxes                     

R$ million

                    Year ended
December 31,
3Q-2011   4Q-2011   4Q-2010   4Q-2011 x
      2011   2010   2011 x
3,019    3,506    2,490    16    Royalties    12,533    9,505    32 
3,109    4,016    2,634    29    Special participation charges    13,837    10,165    36 
38    43    45    13    Rental of areas    137    140    (2) 
6,166    7,565    5,169    23    Subtotal Brazil    26,507    19,810    34 
180    205    134    14    International    699    504    39 
6,346  7,770  5,303    22    Total    27,206  20,314    34 


Brazilian production taxes increased by 23% in the fourth quarter of 2011 compared to the third quarter of 2011, primarily attributable to increased production in the Jubarte, Marlim and Marlim Sul fields, and also to the 6% increase in the reference price for domestic oil, in Reais, which averaged R$179.39/bbl (U.S.$99.70/bbl) in the fourth quarter of 2011 compared to R$169.21/bbl (U.S.$103.42/bbl) in the third quarter of 2011, in which the impact of the depreciation of the Real against the U.S.dollar was higher than the effect of the lower international oil prices in the period.

Brazilian production taxes increased by 34% in 2011 compared to 2010 due to the 33% increase in the reference price for domestic oil, which averaged R$168.07/bbl (U.S.$100.39/bbl) in 2011 compared to R$125.93/bbl (U.S.$71.58/bbl) in 2010, reflecting the changes occurred in the international oil prices in the period.

(32) CIDE - Contribution for Intervention in the Economic Sector.




7. Assets and Liabilities subject to Exchange Variation

Virtually all of our revenues and expenses for our Brazilian activities are denominated and payable in Reais. When the Real weakens relative to the U.S. dollar, as it did in 2011 (a depreciation of 12.6%), the effect is to generally increase both revenues and expenses when expressed in U.S. dollars. However, the depreciation of the Real against the U.S. dollar affects the line items discussed below in different ways.

ASSETS   R$ million
    Year ended December 31, 
    2011    2010 
Current assets    8,041    12,752 

Cash and cash equivalents 

  6,284    10,708 

Other current assets 

  1,757    2,044 
Non-current assets    10,485    18,749 

Amounts invested abroad through international 


subsidiaries, in E&P equipment to be used in Brazil and in 


commercial activities 

  8,759    17,348 

Other non-current assets 

  1,726    1,401 
Total assets    18,526    31,501 
LIABILITIES   R$ million
    Year ended December 31, 
    2011    2010 
Current liabilities    (12,390)    (11,220) 

Current debt 

  (6,277)    (7,670) 

Trade accounts payable 

  (5,882)    (3,228) 

Other current liabilities 

  (231)    (322) 
Long-term liabilities    (36,003)    (25,867) 

Long-term debt 

  (35,746)    (25,827) 

Other long-term liabilities 

  (257)    (40) 
Total liabilities    (48,393)    (37,087) 
Net assets (liabilities) in Reais    (29,867)    (5,586) 
( - ) FINAME Loans in Reais indexed to U.S. dollar    (12)    (103) 
( - ) BNDES Loans in Reais indexed to U.S. dollar    (26,621)    (23,872) 
Net assets (liabilities) in Reais    (56,500)    (29,561) 




Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, the registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned, thereunto duly authorized.

Date: February 28, 2012
/S/  Almir Guilherme Barbassa

Almir Guilherme Barbassa
Chief Financial Officer and Investor Relations Officer



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