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Report of Foreign Issuer Pursuant to Rule 13a-16 or 15d-16

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[April 29, 2003]

Metso Corporation

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Date April 29, 2003

Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, the Registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf of the undersigned, thereunto duly authorized.


Olli Vaartimo
Executive Vice President & CFO
Metso Corporation
  Harri Luoto
Senior Vice President,
General Counsel
Metso Corporation


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Metso Corp. Stock Exchange Release April 29, 2003 at 12.30 p.m.


  Metso Corporation’s net sales in January-March totaled EUR 983 million (1-3/2002: EUR 1,111 million).
  New orders worth EUR 1,425 million (EUR 1,291 million) were received. The order backlog totaled EUR 1,974 million in the end of March (EUR 1,932 million).
  Operating profit before nonrecurring items and amortization of goodwill was EUR 11.7 million (EUR 46.7 million). The operating profit was EUR 5.3 million (EUR 30.9 million).
  Income before extraordinary items and income taxes for January-March was negative EUR 13 million (positive EUR 14 million). Earnings per share were negative EUR 0.09 (positive EUR 0.04).
  Gearing at the end of March was 79.5 percent (80.6 at end of 2002).

Metso’s market environment continued to be uncertain during the first quarter. In addition to a low level of volumes, the result was burdened by under-utilization of production capacity, a stronger euro and tough price competition in some product segments in the uncertain markets.

The Corporation’s net sales were EUR 983 million: 36 percent came from the deliveries of Metso Paper, 38 percent from Metso Minerals, 13 percent from Metso Automation, 8 percent from Metso Ventures and 5 percent from the Converting group. Aftermarket and maintenance services accounted for 37 percent of Metso’s net sales.

“Despite the market situation in the first quarter, the value of new orders received by Metso increased by over one third compared with the last quarter of 2002, and the Corporation’s order backlog strengthened from the year-end” says Tor Bergman, President and CEO of Metso Corporation.

Metso’s market environment is expected to continue uncertain. In the Chinese market, uncertainty has been increased due to the possible economic impacts of the spreading SARS epidemic. Demand for new paper production lines is expected to continue to recover slowly. Metso Minerals’ second quarter is expected to be clearly better than the first quarter.

Renewing Metso Paper’s operating model, moving Metso Minerals’ focus to utilize its strengthened position after the accomplishment of the integration and concentrating Metso Automation on its core competences are estimated to improve Metso’s profitability.


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The strengthened order backlog compared with the year-end and completed and ongoing actions to streamline the cost structure create a basis for profitability remaining on last year’s level.

For additional information, please contact:

Olli Vaartimo, Executive Vice President & CFO, Metso Corporation,
tel. +358 204 843 010
Eeva Mäkelä, Manager, Investor Relations, Metso Corporation,
tel. +358 204 843 253

Metso Corporation’s Interim Review for January-March


Key figures

EUR million   1-3/03   1-3/02   Change %   2002

Net sales
    983       1,111       (12 )     4,691  
Operating profit before nonrecurring items and amortization of goodwill
    11.7       46.7       (75 )     251  
% of net sales
    1.2       4.2               5.3  
Operating profit
    5.3       30.9       (83 )     167  
% of net sales
    0.5       2.8               3.6  
Income before extraordinary items and income taxes
    (13 )     14             93  
Earnings/share excluding nonrecurring items and amortization of goodwill, EUR
    (0.05 )     0.16             0.99  
Earnings/share, EUR
    (0.09 )     0.04             0.48  
Orders received
    1,425       1,291       10       4,646  
    31.3.03       31.3.02               31.12.02  
Order backlog
    1,974       1,932       2       1,589  
Equity to assets ratio, %
    34.5       30.5               33.3  
Gearing, %
    79.5       87.1               80.6  


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Demand for Metso’s products in January-March

Metso’s market environment continued to be uncertain. In the pulp and paper market, pulp prices strengthened clearly during the first quarter. Prices for printing papers remained unchanged in the USA but decreased in Europe. In the rock and minerals processing markets, prices for the most common mining minerals continued their slight increase in the first quarter.

There was no improvement in the US and German markets, both important for Metso. However, the demand for Metso’s products in the growing Chinese market continued to be good. In South America, the demand for chemical pulping lines and mining equipment developed positively. Demand for aftermarket and maintenance services continued to be good in the main markets.

In the first quarter of the year, the value of new orders received by Metso increased by over one third compared with the last quarter of 2002, and the Corporation’s order backlog strengthened from the year-end. The delivery volumes of January-March remained at a low level, partially also due to seasonal factors.

The market for Metso Paper continued to be satisfactory. The demand for new production lines was good, with new machine investments being concentrated in China. The demand for rebuilds was satisfactory overall.

There was slightly more uncertainty on the European markets for Metso Minerals’ construction and civil engineering industry products. The US market continued to be weak. The demand for mining industry products remained good in South America, South Africa and Australia.

The demand for Metso Automation’s products remained satisfactory and strengthened slightly in North America.

Orders received and order backlog

In the review period, the value of new orders received by Metso totaled EUR 1,425 million, an increase of 10 percent from January-March 2002. Excluding exchange rates changes, the value of orders received increased almost 20 percent. The value of new orders received by Metso Paper totaled EUR 738 million, strengthening the order backlog at the end of March by 50 percent compared with the end of 2002. Metso Minerals received new orders worth EUR 434 million,


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increasing the order backlog by 8 percent. Metso Automation received new orders worth EUR 160 million, maintaining the order backlog at the same level as at the year-end. Metso Ventures received new orders worth EUR 92 million, increasing the order backlog by 4 percent compared with the end of last year.

The Corporation’s order backlog totaled EUR 1,974 million at the end of March, an increase of 24 percent compared with the end of 2002. 39 percent of the review period’s orders originated from Europe, 20 percent from North America, 33 percent from Asia-Pacific, 4 percent from South America and 4 percent from the rest of the world.

Net sales

Metso’s net sales for January-March totaled EUR 983 million, 12 percent lower than in the comparison period. The decrease in net sales was due mainly to changes in exchange rates, but also to the timing of deliveries. Aftermarket and maintenance services accounted for 37 percent of the Corporation’s net sales (excluding Metso Ventures). Of the net sales, 36 percent came from the deliveries of Metso Paper, 38 percent from Metso Minerals, 13 percent from Metso Automation and 8 percent from Metso Ventures. The Converting Equipment group accounted for 5 percent of the Corporation’s net sales.

Exports and operations outside Finland accounted for 86 percent of the Corporation’s net sales. 46 percent of net sales came from Europe, 27 percent from North America, 15 percent from Asia-Pacific, 7 percent from South America and 5 percent from the rest of the world.


The Corporation’s operating profit was EUR 5.3 million, representing 0.5 percent of net sales. The operating profit included nonrecurring items of EUR 7 million, net of gains from the divestitures of Network Management Solutions, a part of Metso Automation, and Metso Hydraulics. Nonrecurring items also included restructuring costs in Metso Automation’s North American operations, where a reserve was taken for the closing of a production unit in Chihuahua, Mexico, and transfer of its operations to other units.

In the first quarter the Corporation’s result was burdened by low delivery volumes, under-utilization of production capacity, stronger euro and tough price competition in some product segments in the uncertain markets.


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Metso’s net financial expenses were EUR 18 million, including dividend income of EUR 1 million.

Metso’s income before extraordinary items and income taxes for January-March was negative EUR 13 million. The net loss for the review period was EUR 13 million. Earnings per share were negative EUR 0.09. The return on capital employed (ROCE) was 1.1 percent and the return on equity (ROE) was negative 3.6 percent.

The taxes corresponding to the taxable income for the review period have been entered as income taxes.

Cash flow and balance sheet

Metso’s net cash provided by operating activities was EUR 29 million. The Corporation’s net interest bearing liabilities totaled EUR 1,090 million. Gearing, i.e. the ratio of net interest bearing liabilities to shareholder’s equity, decreased slightly from the year-end and was 79.5 percent at the end of March. The reduction of gearing was delayed due to an increase in working capital which resulted from seasonal factors of business and the timing of deliveries. Metso continues actions to lower gearing. Metso’s equity to assets ratio was 34.5 percent.

Capital expenditure

In the first quarter, Metso’s gross capital expenditure was EUR 38 million (1-3/02: EUR 44 million).

Refocused strategy for Metso Paper

Metso Paper launched its renewed operating model during the review period. This was done to respond to changes in the business environment and to strengthen the role of rebuilds and aftermarket operations in accordance with the Metso Future Care business concept. The businesses were organized into business lines by customer segment. The goal is to further improve profitability and competitiveness.


Metso sold its hydraulic power transmission unit, Metso Hydraulics, to Sampo-Rosenlew in January. Metso Hydraulics was part of Metso Ventures and had net sales of EUR 18 million in 2002 and employed approximately 120 people.


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In February, Metso sold its SCADA systems provider, Network Management Solutions, to Telvent from Spain. The transaction value was EUR 33 million.

The sale of the Converting Equipment group to Bobst Group SA from Switzerland is at the due diligence stage. A memorandum of understanding on the transaction was signed in November 2002.

Research and development

Metso’s research and development expenditure totaled EUR 33 million (EUR 39 million in 1-3/02), representing 3.4 percent of the Corporation’s net sales.

Metso Paper inaugurated a new TMP/CTMP pulping line at the Mechanical Pulping Technology Center in Anjalankoski, Finland. The new pulping line augments the Technology Center’s other mechanical pulping processes, and its aim is to develop TMP/CTMP pulping technology and know-how, particularly in applications for hardwood.

Concerning product innovations, the first OptiSpray on-line paper coating process was started up at the customer’s mill in Switzerland.


At the end of March, Metso employed 27,777 people, 2 percent less than at the end of 2002. 35 percent were employed by Metso Paper, 39 percent by Metso Minerals, 13 percent by Metso Automation and 10 percent by Metso Ventures. The Converting Equipment group employed 3 percent of the Corporation’s personnel.

Metso employed 37 percent of its total personnel in Finland, 13 percent in other Nordic countries, 17 percent in other European countries, 16 percent in North America, 5 percent in Asia-Pacific, 7 percent in South America and 5 percent in the rest of the world.

Changes in the Executive Board

Olli Vaartimo started as Metso Corporation’s Executive Vice President and CFO, and Deputy to the CEO on April 22, 2003. Bertel Karlstedt started as President of Metso Paper on March 1, 2003 and Bertel Langenskiöld as President of Metso Minerals on April 28, 2003.

Vaartimo, Karlstedt and Langenskiöld are members of Metso’s Executive Board.


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At the end of March, the number of Metso Corporation shares was 136,250,545 and the shareholders’ equity was EUR 232 million.

The Helsinki Exchanges traded 15.6 million Metso Corporation shares in January-March, equivalent to a turnover of EUR 157.6 million. The share price on March 31, 2003 was EUR 9.35. The highest quotation for the review period was EUR 11.41 and the lowest EUR 8.70. The Corporation’s market capitalization in the Helsinki Exchanges on March 31, 2003 was EUR 1,274 million.

Metso’s ADR turnover on the New York Stock Exchange amounted to USD 1.8 million. The price of an ADR receipt on March 31, 2003 was USD 10.50. The highest quotation was USD 12.02 and the lowest USD 9.75.

Harris Associates L.P. announced on March 25, 2003 that the holding of the funds managed by it was 5.07 percent of the paid up share capital and the total votes of Metso Corporation on March 18, 2003 (2.88% on September 2, 1999).

Stock options to main list

The Series B stock options that Metso Corporation issued in 2000 were made available for trading on the Main List of the Helsinki Exchanges combined with the Series 2000 A stock options from April 1, 2003. Furthermore, the Series A and B stock options issued by Metso Corporation in 2001 were combined and made available for trading as a separate security from April 1, 2003.

Events taking place after the review period

The Annual General Meeting of Metso Corporation, held on April 15, 2003, authorized the Board to resolve to repurchase and transfer the Corporation’s own shares, to increase the share capital by issuing new shares and stock options, within one year of the shareholders’ meeting. The Corporation’s own shares may be used as consideration in connection with acquisitions or in financing investments.

The Annual General Meeting approved the Board of Director’s proposals to issue stock options to key personnel of the Corporation and to a wholly owned subsidiary of Metso Corporation. The stock options are intended as part of the incentive and commitment program for key personnel. The number of stock options is 7,800,000, and these entitle the subscription of a maximum of 7,800,000 Metso Corporation shares. However, according to the decision of the Annual General Meeting, a maximum of 5,600,000 options can be issued to the key personnel.


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The Annual General Meeting decided to pay a dividend of EUR 0.60 for the fiscal year that ended December 31, 2002.

The Annual General Meeting elected Matti Kavetvuo as the new Chairman of the Board of Metso Corporation and Maija-Liisa Friman as a member of the Board. Mikko Kivimäki was re-elected as Vice Chairman of the Board, and Heikki Hakala, Juhani Kuusi, Pentti Mäkinen and Jaakko Rauramo were re-elected as members of the Board. The firm of authorized public accountants, PricewaterhouseCoopers Oy, was re-elected as the Corporation’s auditor, with the principal auditors being Lars Blomquist, APA, and Heikki Lassila, APA.

Short-term outlook

Metso’s market environment is expected to continue uncertain. In the Chinese market, uncertainty has increased due to the possible economic impacts of the spreading SARS epidemic.

Metso Paper expects no significant change in the market in the near future, although the demand for new production lines is expected to recover slowly. Metso Minerals’ second quarter is expected to be clearly better than the first quarter, due to seasonal factors. The demand for Metso Automation’s products is expected to remain satisfactory.

Renewing Metso Paper’s operating model, moving Metso Minerals’ focus to utilize its strengthened position after the accomplishment of the integration and concentrating Metso Automation on its core competences are estimated to improve Metso’s profitability.

The strengthened order backlog compared with the year-end and completed and ongoing actions to streamline the cost structure create a basis for profitability remaining on last year’s level.

Helsinki, April 29, 2003

Board of Directors, Metso Corporation


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Metso Paper key figures

A memorandum of understanding was signed in November 2002 concerning the sale of Metso Paper’s Converting Equipment group. The group is regarded as a discontinued operation and has been transferred out of the Corporation’s continuing businesses. Metso Paper’s figures for the comparison period are also presented without the Converting Equipment group.

EUR million   1-3/03   1-3/02   Change %   2002

Net sales
    366       418       (12 )     1,812  
Operating profit before nonrecurring items and amortization of goodwill
    6.8       32.5       (79 )     132.3  
% of net sales
    1.9       7.8               7.3  
Operating profit
    4.9       30.3       (84 )     118.2  
% of net sales
    1.3       7.2               6.5  
Orders received
    738       490       51       1,642  
Order backlog, March 31 and Dec 31
    1,114       1,023       9       742  

Metso Paper’s net sales decreased by 12 percent compared with January-March 2002 and totaled EUR 366 million. The decrease in net sales was due mainly to changes in exchange rates, but also to the timing of deliveries. Aftermarket and maintenance services accounted for 32 percent of net sales.

Metso Paper’s operating profit was EUR 4.9 million, representing 1.3 percent of the net sales. The result was burdened by low delivery volumes, under-utilization of production capacity, stronger euro and tough price competition in some product segments in the uncertain markets. During the review period, a program was commenced to renew the whole business area’s operating model and to improve profitability. Metso Paper will transfer to its renewed operating model by the end of the second quarter.

The value of orders received was 51 percent higher than in the comparison period, totaling EUR 738 million. The orders consisted mainly of paper and board making lines, with most orders received from China. The number of orders for mechanical pulping lines was also higher than in the comparison period. The order backlog of Metso Paper at the end of March was 50 percent higher than at the end of 2002 and stood at EUR 1,114 million.

During the period under review, Metso Paper inaugurated a facility for the production and development of composite rolls in Oulu, Finland, a TMP/CTMP pulping line in Anjalankoski, Finland, a service logistics center in Jyväskylä, Finland, and a service technology center in Sorocaba, Sâo Paulo, Brazil.


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Converting Equipment group

The net sales of the Converting Equipment group in January—March 2003 were EUR 46 million (EUR 38 million in 1-3/02). The Converting Equipment group’s operating loss was EUR 0.8 million (operating loss of EUR 1.1 million in 1-3/02).

Metso Minerals key figures

EUR million   1-3/03   1-3/02   Change %   2002

Net sales
    383       436       (12 )     1,819  
Operating profit before nonrecurring items and amortization of goodwill
    11.1       22.0       (50 )     107.9  
% of net sales
    2.9       5.0               5.9  
Operating profit
    0.7       9.0       (92 )     51.4  
% of net sales
    0.2       2.1               2.8  
Orders received
    434       545       (20 )     1,860  
Order backlog, March 31 and Dec 31
    514       592       (13 )     474  

Metso Minerals’ net sales decreased by 12 percent compared with January-March 2002 and totaled EUR 383 million. The net sales were lower than those of the comparison period, due mainly to changes in exchange rates, but also to the timing of deliveries. Aftermarket and maintenance services accounted for 46 percent of net sales.

Metso Minerals’ operating profit decreased to EUR 0.7 million, representing 0.2 percent of the net sales. The profitability was burdened by low delivery volumes, under-utilization of production capacity, stronger euro and tough price competition in some product segments in the uncertain markets. Measures were continued in Metso Minerals to release working capital and ensure the utilization of synergy benefits.

The value of new orders received was down 20 percent on the comparison period and totaled EUR 434 million. The order backlog of Metso Minerals at the end of March was 8 percent higher than at the end of 2002 and stood at EUR 514 million.


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Metso Automation key figures

EUR million   1-3/03   1-3/02   Change %   2002

Net sales
    126       151       (17 )     622  
Operating profit before nonrecurring items and amortization of goodwill
    1.7       0.1             21.9  
% of net sales
    1.3       0.1               3.5  
Operating profit (loss)
    7.5       (0.7 )           16.3  
% of net sales
    6.0       (0.5 )             2.6  
Orders received
    160       162       (1 )     643  
Order backlog, March 31 and Dec 31
    184       193       (5 )     185  

Metso Automation’s net sales decreased by 17 percent compared with January—March 2002, due to changes in exchange rates and a divestiture. The net sales of Metso Automation for the first quarter of 2003 totaled EUR 126 million. Aftermarket and maintenance services accounted for 25 percent of net sales.

Despite the reduction of net sales, Metso Automation’s operating profit grew to EUR 7.5 million, representing 6.0 percent of net sales, and included net nonrecurring income of EUR 6 million. Nonrecurring items arose from a gain from the divestiture of Network Management Solutions, which produces SCADA systems, and the costs of business restructuring in North America. The streamlining of the cost structure started last year improved the profitability of Metso Automation in the first quarter, and is expected to be fully realized in the second half of 2003.

The value of new orders received approximated that of the comparison period, totaling EUR 160 million. The orders received by Metso Automation were mainly focused on pulp and paper industry automation systems and field equipment for various industries. At the end of March, Metso Automation’s order backlog totaled EUR 184 million, approximately the same as at the year-end.


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Metso Ventures key figures

EUR million   1-3/03   1-3/02   Change %   2002

Net sales
    81       95       (15 )     374  
Operating profit before nonrecurring items and amortization of goodwill
    1.0       0.2             23.4  
% of net sales
    1.2       0.2               6.3  
Operating profit (loss)
    1.5       (0.1 )           14.9  
% of net sales
    1.9       (0.1 )             4.0  
Orders received
    92       83       11       411  
Order backlog, March 31 and Dec 31
    145       101       44       139  

Metso Ventures’ net sales totaled EUR 81 million, a decrease of 15 percent compared with January — March 2002, mainly as a consequence of the divestitures of Metso Works and Metso Hydraulics. Metso Panelboard’s deliveries were clearly higher, but Metso Drives’ deliveries decreased due to seasonal variation in the demand for wind turbine gears and uncertainty in the market.

Metso Ventures’ operating profit increased to EUR 1.5 million, representing 1.9 percent of net sales. The operating profit included nonrecurring income of EUR 0.8 million, arising from a gain from the divestiture of Metso Hydraulics. Metso Panelboard’s profitability continued to improve.

The value of new orders received was EUR 92 million which exceeded the comparison period by 11 percent, mainly due to an increase in equipment orders in the panelboard industry. The order backlog of Metso Ventures at the end of March was 4 percent higher than at the end of 2002 and stood at EUR 145 million.

As the production of Saab cars will terminate at the end of April and the demand for Porsche cars is declining, Valmet Automotive will lay off approximately half of its personnel. The operating result of Valmet Automotive for the whole of 2003 is estimated to be slightly negative. In January-March, 9,968 cars were produced (10,411 cars in 1-3/02).

It should be noted that certain statements herein which are not historical facts, including, without limitation, those regarding expectations for general economic development and the market situation, expectations for customer industry profitability and investment willingness, expectations for company growth, development and profitability and the realization of synergy benefits and cost savings, and statements preceded by “expects”, “estimates”,


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“forecasts” or similar expressions, are forward-looking statements. These statements are based on current decisions and plans and currently known factors. They involve risks and uncertainties which may cause the actual results to materially differ from the results currently expected by the company.

Such factors include, but are not limited to:

(1)  general economic conditions, including fluctuations in exchange rates and interest levels which influence the operating environment and profitability of customers and thereby the orders received by the company and their margins

(2)  the competitive situation, especially significant technological solutions developed by competitors

(3)  the company’s own operating conditions, such as the success of production, product development and project management and their continuous development and improvement

(4)  the success of pending and future acquisitions and restructuring.

The Interim Review is unaudited.


      1-3/2003   1-3/2002   1-12/2002
(Millions)   EUR   EUR   EUR

Net sales
    983       1,111       4,691  
Cost of goods sold
    (736 )     (801 )     (3,425 )
Gross profit
    247       310       1,266  
Selling, general and administrative expenses
    (235 )     (263 )     (1,015 )
Operating profit before nonrecurring operating items and amortization of goodwill
    12       47       251  
% of net sales
    1.2 %     4.2 %     5.3 %
Nonrecurring operating income and expenses
    7       (2 )     (27 )
Amortization of goodwill
    (14 )     (14 )     (57 )
Operating profit
    5       31       167  
% of net sales
    0.5 %     2.8 %     3.6 %
Financial income and expenses
    (18 )     (17 )     (74 )
Income before extraordinary items and income taxes
    (13 )     14       93  
Extraordinary income and expenses
Income before taxes
    (13 )     14       93  
Income taxes
    0       (7 )     (26 )
Minority interests
    0       (1 )     (2 )
Net income
    (13 )     6       65  


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    Mar 31,2003   Mar 31,2002   Dec 31,2002
(Millions)   EUR   EUR   EUR

Fixed assets and financial assets
Intangible assets
    988       1,086       1,011  
Tangible assets
    876       892       891  
Financial assets
    107       197       103  
Current assets
    885       999       819  
    1,253       1,444       1,385  
Cash and cash equivalents
    127       227       190  
Total assets
    4,236       4,845       4,399  
Share capital
    232       232       232  
Other shareholders ´ equity
    1,132       1,148       1,147  
Minority interests
    8       8       10  
Long-term liabilities
    1,085       1,456       1,172  
Current liabilities
    1,779       2,001       1,838  
Total shareholders ´equity and liabilities
    4,236       4,845       4,399  
Net interest bearing liabilities
Long-term interest bearing liabilities
    926       1,291       1,020  
Short-term interest bearing liabilities
    319       228       333  
Cash and cash equivalents
    (127 )     (227 )     (190 )
Other interest bearing assets
    (28 )     (84 )     (45 )
    1,090       1,208       1,118  


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      1-3/2003   1-3/2002   1-12/2002
(Millions)   EUR   EUR   EUR

Cash flows from operating activities:
Net income
    (13 )     6       65  
Adjustments to reconcile net income to net cash provided by operating activities
Depreciation and amortization
    47       49       197  
    (5 )     (2 )     12  
Change in net working capital
    0       23       (22 )
Net cash provided by (used in) operating activities
    29       76       252  
Cash flows from investing activities:
Capital expenditures on fixed assets
    (36 )     (44 )     (191 )
Proceeds from sale of fixed assets
    2       11       33  
Business acquisitions, net of cash acquired
    (2 )           (1 )
Proceeds from sale of businesses
    30             38  
(Investments in) proceeds from sale of shares and marketable securities
    3       17       107  
Net cash provided by (used in) investing activities
    (3 )     (16 )     (14 )
Cash flows from financing activities:
Dividends paid
                (82 )
Net funding
    (96 )     (56 )     (161 )
    9       8       10  
Net cash provided by (used in) financing activities
    (87 )     (48 )     (233 )
Effect of changes in exchange rates on cash and cash equivalents
    (2 )     3       (27 )
Net increase (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents
    (63 )     15       (22 )
Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of period
    190       212       212  
Cash and cash equivalents at end of period
    127       227       190  


Table of Contents


    Number   Share   Share           Cumulative   Reserve                        
    of   capital   premium   Legal   translation   for own   Other   Retained   Total
    shares   (par value   reserve   reserve   adjustments   shares   reserves   earnings        
    (thousands)   EUR 1.70                                                          
(Millions)           per share)   EUR   EUR   EUR   EUR   EUR   EUR   EUR

Balance at Dec 31, 2002
    136,251       232       14       227       (60 )     1       202       763       1,379  
Translation differences
                            (1 )                       (1 )
Changes in corporate structure
                            46                   (46 )     0  
                      (8 )                       7       (1 )
Net income
                                              (13 )     (13 )
Balance at Mar 31, 2003
    136,251       232       14       219       (15 )     1       202       711       1,364  

The distributable funds of Metso Corporation at March 31, 2003 consist of retained earnings (EUR 711 million) excluding accelerated depreciation and untaxed reserves (EUR 44 million) and negative translation differences (EUR 15 million), and other reserves (EUR 202 million), totaling EUR 854 million.

At the end of the period Metso Corporation possessed 60,841 of its own shares.


    1-3/2003   1-3/2002   1-12/2002
(Millions)   EUR   EUR   EUR

Nonrecurring operating income and expenses, net
    7.3       (2.0 )     (26.5 )
Amortization of goodwill
    (13.7 )     (13.8 )     (57.1 )
Nonrecurring items and amortization of goodwill, total
    (6.4 )     (15.8 )     (83.6 )
Tax effect
    1.0       (1.2 )     13.2  
The impact of nonrecurring items and amortization of goodwill on net income
    (5.4 )     (17.0 )     (70.4 )
Earnings/share excl. nonrecurring items and amortization of goodwill, EUR
    (0.05 )     0.16       0.99  
The impact of nonrecurring items and amortization of goodwill on earnings / share
    (0.04 )     (0.12 )     (0.51 )
Earnings/share, EUR
    (0.09 )     0.04       0.48  


Table of Contents


      Mar 31, 2003   Dec 31, 2002
(Millions)   EUR   EUR

Mortgages on corporate debt
    1       1  
Other pledges and contingencies
    2       2  
Pledged assets
    0       0  
Guarantees on behalf of associated company obligations
    0       0  
Other guarantees
    4       4  
Repurchase and other commitments
    22       25  
Lease commitments
    168       181  


      Notional amount   Carrying amount   Fair value
      Mar 31, 2003   Dec 31, 2002   Mar 31, 2003   Dec 31, 2002   Mar 31, 2003   Dec 31, 2002
(Millions)   EUR   EUR   EUR   EUR   EUR   EUR

Forward exchange rate contracts
    960       1,617       17       38       35       65  
Interest rate and currency swaps
    4       4       0       0       (1 )     (1 )
Currency swaps
    90       100       4       2       3       1  
Interest rate swaps
    60       60       0       0       2       2  
Interest rate futures contracts
    10       15       0       0       0       0  
Option agreements
    29       9       0       1       0       1  
    44       14       0       0       0       0  

Carrying amounts noted in the table above are included in the balance sheet. The notional amounts indicate the volumes in the use of derivatives, but do not indicate the exposure to risk. The fair value reflects the estimated amounts that Metso would receive or pay to terminate the contracts at the reporting date, thereby taking into account the current unrealized gains or losses of open contracts.


Table of Contents


    Mar 31, 2003   Mar 31, 2002   Dec 31, 2002
Earnings/share, EUR
    (0.09 )     0.04       0.48  
Earnings/share excl. nonrecurring items and amortization of goodwill, EUR
    (0.05 )     0.16       0.99  
Equity/share, EUR
    10.01       10.13       10.12  
Return on equity (ROE), %
    (3.6 )     1.9       4.8  
Return on capital employed (ROCE), %
    1.1       5.2       6.4  
Equity to assets ratio, %
    34.5       30.5       33.3  
Gearing, %
    79.5       87.1       80.6  
Average number of shares (thousands)
    136,190       136,190       136,190  


            1-3/2003   1-3/2002   1-12/2002   Mar 31, 2003   Mar 31, 2002   Dec 31, 2002
  (US dollar)     1.0734       0.8764       0.9449       1.0895       0.8724       1.0487  
  (Swedish krona)     9.1818       9.1566       9.1591       9.2608       9.0304       9.1528  
  (Pound sterling)     0.6698       0.6146       0.6288       0.6896       0.6130       0.6505  
  (Canadian dollar)     1.6202       1.3973       1.4828       1.6037       1.3923       1.6550  



    1-3/2003   1-3/2002   4/2002-3/2003   1-12/2002
(Millions)   EUR   EUR   EUR   EUR

Metso Paper
    366       418       1,760       1,812  
Metso Minerals
    383       436       1,766       1,819  
Metso Automation
    126       151       597       622  
Metso Ventures
    81       95       360       374  
Intra Metso net sales
    (19 )     (27 )     (88 )     (96 )
Continuing operations
    937       1,073       4,395       4,531  
Converting Equipment
    46       38       168       160  
Metso total
    983       1,111       4,563       4,691  


Table of Contents


    1-3/2003   1-3/2002   4/2002-3/2003   1-12/2002
(Millions)   EUR   EUR   EUR   EUR

Metso Paper
    6.8       32.5       106.6       132.3  
Metso Minerals
    11.1       22.0       97.0       107.9  
Metso Automation
    1.7       0.1       23.5       21.9  
Metso Ventures
    1.0       0.2       24.2       23.4  
Corporate Headquarters and other
    (8.5 )     (7.3 )     (33.0 )     (31.8 )
Continuing operations
    12.1       47.5       218.3       253.7  
Converting Equipment
    (0.4 )     (0.8 )     (2.7 )     (3.1 )
Metso total
    11.7       46.7       215.6       250.6  



    1-3/2003   1-3/2002   4/2002-3/2003   1-12/2002
(Millions)   EUR   EUR   EUR   EUR

Metso Paper
                (5.9 )     (5.9 )
Metso Minerals
          (2.8 )     (10.5 )     (13.3 )
Metso Automation
    6.5             3.9       (2.6 )
Metso Ventures
    0.8             (6.3 )     (7.1 )
Corporate Headquarters and other
          0.8       6.1       6.9  
Continuing operations
    7.3       (2.0 )     (12.7 )     (22.0 )
Converting Equipment
                (4.5 )     (4.5 )
Metso total
    7.3       (2.0 )     (17.2 )     (26.5 )



    1-3/2003   1-3/2002   4/2002-3/2003   1-12/2002
(Millions)   EUR   EUR   EUR   EUR

Metso Paper
    (1.9 )     (2.2 )     (7.9 )     (8.2 )
Metso Minerals
    (10.4 )     (10.2 )     (43.4 )     (43.2 )
Metso Automation
    (0.7 )     (0.8 )     (2.9 )     (3.0 )
Metso Ventures
    (0.3 )     (0.3 )     (1.4 )     (1.4 )
Continuing operations
    (13.3 )     (13.5 )     (55.6 )     (55.8 )
Converting Equipment
    (0.4 )     (0.3 )     (1.4 )     (1.3 )
Metso total
    (13.7 )     (13.8 )     (57.0 )     (57.1 )


Table of Contents


    1-3/2003   1-3/2002   4/2002-3/2003   1-12/2002
(Millions)   EUR   EUR   EUR   EUR

Metso Paper
    4.9       30.3       92.8       118.2  
Metso Minerals
    0.7       9.0       43.1       51.4  
Metso Automation
    7.5       (0.7 )     24.5       16.3  
Metso Ventures
    1.5       (0.1 )     16.5       14.9  
Corporate Headquarters and other
    (8.5 )     (6.5 )     (26.9 )     (24.9 )
Continuing operations
    6.1       32.0       150.0       175.9  
Converting Equipment
    (0.8 )     (1.1 )     (8.6 )     (8.9 )
Metso total
    5.3       30.9       141.4       167.0  


    1-3/2003   1-3/2002   4/2002-3/2003   1-12/2002
(Millions)   EUR   EUR   EUR   EUR

Metso Paper
    738       490       1,890       1,642  
Metso Minerals
    434       545       1,749       1,860  
Metso Automation
    160       162       641       643  
Metso Ventures
    92       83       420       411  
Intra Metso orders received
    (32 )     (27 )     (111 )     (106 )
Continuing operations
    1,392       1,253       4,589       4,450  
Converting Equipment
    33       38       191       196  
Metso total
    1,425       1,291       4,780       4,646  


    Mar 31, 2003   Mar 31, 2002   Dec 31, 2002

Metso Paper
    9,755       9,427       9,719  
Metso Minerals
    10,732       11,184       10,784  
Metso Automation
    3,648       4,387       4,150  
Metso Ventures
    2,676       3,571       2,873  
Corporate Headquarters and other
    135       118       134  
Continuing operations
    26,946       28,687       27,660  
Converting Equipment
    831       840       829  
Metso total
    27,777       29,527       28,489  


Table of Contents



    1-3/2002   4-6/2002   7-9/2002   10-12/2002   1-3/2003
(Millions)   EUR   EUR   EUR   EUR   EUR

Metso Paper
    418       412       411       571       366  
Metso Minerals
    436       518       427       438       383  
Metso Automation
    151       155       149       167       126  
Metso Ventures
    95       85       86       108       81  
Intra Metso net sales
    (27 )     (27 )     (9 )     (33 )     (19 )
Continuing operations
    1,073       1,143       1,064       1,251       937  
Converting Equipment
    38       35       41       46       46  
Metso total
    1,111       1,178       1,105       1,297       983  



    1-3/2002   4-6/2002   7-9/2002   10-12/2002   1-3/2003
(Millions)   EUR   EUR   EUR   EUR   EUR

Metso Paper
    32.5       30.5       14.5       54.8       6.8  
Metso Minerals
    22.0       36.9       21.9       27.1       11.1  
Metso Automation
    0.1       8.5       6.1       7.2       1.7  
Metso Ventures
    0.2       7.1       4.0       12.1       1.0  
Corporate Headquarters and other
    (7.3 )     (9.4 )     (8.2 )     (6.9 )     (8.5 )
Continuing operations
    47.5       73.6       38.3       94.3       12.1  
Converting Equipment
    (0.8 )     (2.1 )     (0.5 )     0.3       (0.4 )
Metso total
    46.7       71.5       37.8       94.6       11.7  



    1-3/2002   4-6/2002   7-9/2002   10-12/2002   1-3/2003
(Millions)   EUR   EUR   EUR   EUR   EUR

Metso Paper
          (7.1 )     (0.2 )     1.4        
Metso Minerals
    (2.8 )     (5.5 )     (3.9 )     (1.1 )      
Metso Automation
          (0.9 )     0.2       (1.9 )     6.5  
Metso Ventures
          0.6       (5.4 )     (2.3 )     0.8  
Corporate Headquarters and other
    0.8             7.0       (0.9 )      
Continuing operations
    (2.0 )     (12.9 )     (2.3 )     (4.8 )     7.3  
Converting Equipment
          (0.6 )     (0.8 )     (3.1 )      
Metso total
    (2.0 )     (13.5 )     (3.1 )     (7.9 )     7.3  


    1-3/2002   4-6/2002   7-9/2002   10-12/2002   1-3/2003
(Millions)   EUR   EUR   EUR   EUR   EUR

Metso Paper
    (2.2 )     (2.0 )     (2.0 )     (2.0 )     (1.9 )
Metso Minerals
    (10.2 )     (11.8 )     (10.9 )     (10.3 )     (10.4 )
Metso Automation
    (0.8 )     (0.8 )     (0.7 )     (0.7 )     (0.7 )
Metso Ventures
    (0.3 )     (0.4 )     (0.3 )     (0.4 )     (0.3 )
Continuing operations
    (13.5 )     (15.0 )     (13.9 )     (13.4 )     (13.3 )
Converting Equipment
    (0.3 )     (0.4 )     (0.3 )     (0.3 )     (0.4 )
Metso total
    (13.8 )     (15.4 )     (14.2 )     (13.7 )     (13.7 )


Table of Contents


    1-3/2002   4-6/2002   7-9/2002   10-12/2002   1-3/2003
(Millions)   EUR   EUR   EUR   EUR   EUR

Metso Paper
    30.3       21.4       12.3       54.2       4.9  
Metso Minerals
    9.0       19.6       7.1       15.7       0.7  
Metso Automation
    (0.7 )     6.8       5.6       4.6       7.5  
Metso Ventures
    (0.1 )     7.3       (1.7 )     9.4       1.5  
Corporate Headquarters and other
    (6.5 )     (9.4 )     (1.2 )     (7.8 )     (8.5 )
Continuing operations
    32.0       45.7       22.1       76.1       6.1  
Converting Equipment
    (1.1 )     (3.1 )     (1.6 )     (3.1 )     (0.8 )
Metso total
    30.9       42.6       20.5       73.0       5.3  


    Mar 31, 2002   Jun 30, 2002   Sep 30, 2002   Dec 31, 2002   Mar 31, 2003
(Millions)   EUR   EUR   EUR   EUR   EUR

Metso Paper
    464       547       532       517       543  
Metso Minerals
    1,576       1,523       1,429       1,401       1,378  
Metso Automation
    261       244       228       207       183  
Metso Ventures
    128       129       137       145       141  
Corporate Headquarters and other
    414       372       353       417       315  
Continuing operations
    2,843       2,815       2,679       2,687       2,560  
Converting Equipment
    64       64       72       55       56  
Metso total
    2,907       2,879       2,751       2,742       2,616  


    1-3/2002   4-6/2002   7-9/2002   10-12/2002   1-3/2003
(Millions)   EUR   EUR   EUR   EUR   EUR

Metso Paper
    490       473       398       281       738  
Metso Minerals
    545       469       415       431       434  
Metso Automation
    162       184       139       158       160  
Metso Ventures
    83       112       91       125       92  
Intra Metso orders received
    (27 )     (28 )     (23 )     (28 )     (32 )
Continuing operations
    1,253       1,210       1,020       967       1,392  
Converting Equipment
    38       46       37       75       33  
Metso total
    1,291       1,256       1,057       1,042       1,425  


Table of Contents


    Mar 31, 2002   Jun 30, 2002   Sep 30, 2002   Dec 31, 2002   Mar 31, 2003
(Millions)   EUR   EUR   EUR   EUR   EUR

Metso Paper
    1,023       1,063       1,035       742       1,114  
Metso Minerals
    592       504       461       474       514  
Metso Automation
    193       209       199       185       184  
Metso Ventures
    101       116       122       139       145  
Intra Metso order backlog
    (48 )     (46 )     (56 )     (53 )     (67 )
Continuing operations
    1,861       1,846       1,761       1,487       1,890  
Converting Equipment
    71       79       77       102       84  
Metso total
    1,932       1,925       1,838       1,589       1,974  

Metso Corporation

Olli Vaartimo Executive Vice President and CFO   Helena Aatinen
Senior Vice President
Corporate Communications

Helsinki Exchanges
New York Stock Exchange