Washington, D.C. 20549


                                   F O R M 6-K

                        SECURITIES EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934

                         For the month of September 2005

                              (Name of Registrant)

                    22 Zarhin Street, Ra'anana 43662, Israel
                     (Address of Principal Executive Office)

            Indicate by check mark whether the registrant files or will file
annual reports under cover of Form 20-F or Form 40-F.

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            Indicate by check mark if the registrant is submitting the Form 6-K
in paper as permitted by Regulation S-T Rule 101(b)(1): |_|

            Indicate by check mark if the registrant is submitting the Form 6-K
in paper as permitted by Regulation S-T Rule 101(b)(7): |_|

            Indicate by check mark whether by furnishing the information
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information to the Commission pursuant to Rule 12g3-2(b) under the Securities
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            If "Yes" is marked, indicate below the file number assigned to the
registrant in connection with Rule 12g3-2(b): 82- ____________

This Form 6-K is being incorporated by reference into the Registrant's Form S-8
Registration Statements File Nos. 333-12014 and 333-123321.

                        MER Telemanagement Solutions Ltd.

6-K Items

1.    Unaudited Pro Forma Condensed Combined Statement of Operations of Mer
      Telemanagement Solutions Ltd.

2.    Business of Teleknowledge Group Ltd. Consolidated Financial Statements for
      the Year Ended December 30, 2004.

                                                                          ITEM 1


The following unaudited pro forma condensed combined statement of operations of
Mer Telemanagement Ltd. ("MTS") have been prepared to give effect to the
acquisition of certain assets and liabilities of Teleknowledge Group Ltd.
("Teleknowledge") by MTS as if it had occurred on January 1, 2004. The audited
balance sheet of MTS as of December 31, 2004, includes the acquired certain
assets and certain liabilities from Teleknowledge.

On December 30, 2004, MTS and Teleknowledge consummated an asset purchase
agreement (the "Agreement"). Teleknowledge was a leading provider of
carrier-class billing and rating solutions. The integration of Teleknowledge's
billing solution enables MTS to offer an end-to-end customer care and billing
solution. Under the terms of the Agreement, MTS acquired certain assets and
liabilities of Teleknowledge for the following consideration:

      1.    An initial consideration of $2,374,000 in cash at the closing date.
      2.    Additional contingent consideration of up to an amount of $3,650,000
            based on post acquisition revenue performance (calculated as 10% of
            renewal maintenance fees and 20% of all other revenues from sales
            which included Teleknowledge products), over a period of three
            years. Such payments will be recorded as additional goodwill, during
            the contingency period, when actual revenue performance will be
      3.    In addition, MTS incurred transaction costs totaling $71,000.

Prior to the acquisition, MTS and Teleknowledge had an OEM relationship. The
commercial arrangements and transactions were settled before the date of the
acquisition. The acquisition was accounted for under the purchase method of
accounting in accordance with SFAS 141, "Business Combination". Accordingly, the
purchase price has been allocated to the assets acquired and the liabilities
assumed based on the estimated fair value at the date of acquisition. The excess
of the purchase price over the estimated fair value of the net assets acquired
has been recorded as goodwill. Based upon a valuation of the fair value of
tangible and intangible assets acquired and the liabilities assumed, MTS has
allocated the total cost of the acquisition to Teleknowledge's net assets at
December 31, 2004 the date of acquisition, as follows:

                                                              U.S. dollars in 
      Trade receivables                                           $   100
      Property and equipment                                           40
      Intangible assets:
         Developed technology (four-year useful life)                 690
         Customer relationship (six-year useful life)                 300
         Goodwill                                                   1,391
      Total assets acquired                                         2,521
      Liabilities assumed:
         Deferred revenues                                            (76)
      Total liabilities assumed                                       (76)

      Net assets acquired                                         $ 2,445

The valuation of the developed technology was based on the income approach,
which reflects the future economic benefits from Teleknowledge products. The
value assigned to customer relationship was based on the cost approach. Under
this approach, the customer relationship was valued by calculating the savings
realized by MTS through obtaining a pre-existing customer relationship of
Teleknowledge. In accordance with Statement of Financial Accounting Standards
No. 142 "Goodwill and Other Intangible Assets," the goodwill resulting from the
acquisition of Teleknowledge will not be amortized but rather will be tested at
least annually for impairment.

The unaudited pro forma consolidated statement of operations is for information
purposes only and is not necessarily indicative of the results of future
operations of the combined company or the actual results that would have been
achieved had MTS and Teleknowledge been consummated the agreement during the
period indicated. You should read the unaudited pro forma statement of
operations data in conjunction with the consolidated historical financial
statements of MTS and Teleknowledge, including the notes to all sets of
financial statements.

U.S. Dollars in thousands (except per share data)

                                                ------------------------------      PRO FORMA          PRO FORMA
                                                     MTS         TELEKNOWLEDGE     ADJUSTMENTS         COMBINED
                                                                  FOR THE YEAR 
                                                                  DECEMBER 30,
                                                                    Prior To 
                                                -----------       ------------     -----------        -----------
 Revenues from products and services            $     9,413       $     1,334             (160) (4)   $    10,587
                                                                                           223  (1)   
 Cost of revenues from products and                                                       (160) (4)  
   services                                           2,814               364                               3,241
                                                -----------       -----------                         -----------
Gross profit                                          6,599               970                               7,346
                                                -----------       -----------                         -----------
Operating expenses:                                                                                  
   Research and development                           2,362               595                               2,957
   Selling and marketing                              6,300               498                               6,798
   General and administrative                         2,101               634                               2,735 (2)
   Restructuring income                                  --              (147)                               (147)
                                                -----------       -----------                         -----------
Total operating expenses                             10,763             1,580                              12,343
                                                -----------       -----------                         -----------
Operating loss                                       (4,164)             (610)                             (4,997)
Financial income, net                                    78                 4              (47) (3)            35
Other income (expenses), net                             --                 8                                   8
                                                -----------       -----------                         -----------
Loss before taxes on income                          (4,086)             (598)                             (4,954)
Taxes on income                                         266                --                                 266
                                                -----------       -----------                         -----------
Net loss before equity in earnings of                                                                
   affiliate                                         (4,352)             (598)                             (5,220)
Equity in earnings  of affiliate                        225                --                                 225
                                                -----------       -----------                         -----------
Net loss                                        $    (4,127)      $      (598)                        $    (4,995)
                                                ===========       ===========                         ===========
Net loss per share:                                                                                  
 Basic and diluted net loss per Ordinary                                                             
 share                                          $     (0.89)                                          $     (1.08)
                                                ===========                                           ===========
Weighted average number of Ordinary shares                                                           
   used in computing basic and diluted net                                                           
   loss per share                                 4,634,413                                             4,634,413
                                                ===========                                           ===========


(1)   To record the amortization of the fair value of the developed technology
      and customer relationship acquired in the transaction. MTS has estimated
      the acquired developed technology has useful life of four years and the
      customer relationship has useful life of six years.

(2)   The unaudited pro forma condensed combined statement of operations does
      not include nonrecurring expenses of both $ 220 payroll expenses to the
      Chief Executive Officer ("CEO") of Teleknowledge that were paid in the
      first quarter of 2005 and $ 87 stock based compensation related to
      warrants issued to the CEO.

(3)   Adjustment to reduce interest income that would not have been earned had
      the acquisition taken place on January 1, 2004.

(4)   To eliminate transactions between MTS and Teleknowledge that would not
      have been recorded had the acquisition taken place on January 1, 2004.

                                - - - - - - - - -

                                                                          ITEM 2



                             AS OF DECEMBER 30, 2004

                                 IN U.S. DOLLARS


Report of Independent Auditors                                               2

Consolidated Balance Sheets                                                3 - 4

Consolidated Statements of Operations                                        5

Statements of Changes in Shareholders' Equity (Deficiency)                   6

Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows                                        7

Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements                                8 - 17

                            - - - - - - - - - - - - -


                         REPORT OF INDEPENDENT AUDITORS

                             To the Shareholders of


      We have audited the accompanying consolidated balance sheets of Business
of Teleknowledge Group Ltd. ("the Company") and its subsidiaries as of December
30, 2004 and December 31, 2003, and the related consolidated statements of
operations, changes in shareholders' equity (deficiency) and cash flows for each
of the two years in the period ended December 30, 2004. These financial
statements are the responsibility of the Company's management. Our
responsibility is to express an opinion on these financial statements based on
our audits.

      We conducted our audits in accordance with the standards of the Public
Company Accounting Oversight Board (United States). Those standards require that
we plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the
financial statements are free of material misstatement. We were not engaged to
perform an audit on the Company's internal control over financial reporting. Our
audits included consideration of internal control over financial reporting as a
basis for designing audit procedures that are appropriate in the circumstances,
but not for the purpose of expressing an opinion on the effectiveness of the
Company's internal control over financial reporting. Accordingly, we express no
such opinion. An audit also includes examining, on a test basis, evidence
supporting the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements, assessing
the accounting principles used and significant estimates made by management, and
evaluating the overall financial statement presentation. We believe that our
audits provide a reasonable basis for our opinion.

      In our opinion, the consolidated financial statements referred to above
present fairly, in all material respects, the consolidated financial position of
the Company and its subsidiaries as of December 30, 2004 and December 31, 2003
and the consolidated results of their operations and their cash flows for each
of the two years in the period ended December 30, 2004, in conformity with U.S.
generally accepted accounting principles.

                                           /s/ Kost, Forer, Gabbay & Kasierer
Tel-Aviv, Israel                           KOST FORER GABBAY & KASIERER
August 14, 2005                              A Member of Ernst & Young Global


                                            BUSINESS OF TELEKNOWLEDGE GROUP LTD.

U.S. dollars in thousands

                                                            December 30,      December 31,
                                                                2004              2003
                                                            ------------      ------------

  Cash and cash equivalents                                 $        188      $        524
  Restricted cash                                                     32               102
  Trade receivables                                                  220               445
  Other accounts receivable and prepaid expenses                      47               104
                                                            ------------      ------------

Total current assets                                                 487             1,175
-----                                                       ------------      ------------

SEVERANCE PAY FUND                                                   123               160
                                                            ------------      ------------

  Cost                                                             2,486             2,473
  Less - accumulated depreciation                                  2,408             2,358
                                                            ------------      ------------

                                                                      78               115
                                                            ------------      ------------

Total assets                                                $        688      $      1,450
-----                                                       ============      ============

The accompanying notes are an integral part of the consolidated financial


                                            BUSINESS OF TELEKNOWLEDGE GROUP LTD.

U.S. dollars in thousands

                                                                   December 30,         December 31,
                                                                       2004                 2003
                                                                   ------------         ------------

  Trade payables                                                   $        120         $        199
  Other accounts payable and accrued expenses                               501                  535
  Financing leases - short-term                                              --                    2
                                                                   ------------         ------------

Total current liabilities                                                   621                  736
-----                                                              ------------         ------------

ACCRUED SEVERANCE PAY                                                       133                  184
                                                                   ------------         ------------

  Owners of equity                                                       51,502               51,500
  Accumulated deficit                                                   (51,568)             (50,970)
                                                                   ------------         ------------

Total shareholders' equity (deficiency)                                     (66)                 530
-----                                                              ------------         ------------

Total liabilities and shareholders' equity (deficiency)            $        688         $      1,450
-----                                                              ============         ============

The accompanying notes are an integral part of the consolidated financial


                                            BUSINESS OF TELEKNOWLEDGE GROUP LTD.

U.S. dollars in thousands

                                             Year ended          Year ended
                                            December 30,        December 31,
                                                2004                2003
                                            ------------        ------------

  Software license                          $        412        $        126
  Services                                           922                 772
                                            ------------        ------------

                                                   1,334                 898
                                            ------------        ------------
Cost of revenues:
  Software license                                    25                  10
  Services                                           339                 623
                                            ------------        ------------

                                                     364                 633
                                            ------------        ------------

Gross profit                                         970                 265
                                            ------------        ------------

Operating expenses:
  Research and development                           595               1,617
  Selling and marketing                              498                 971
  General and administrative                         634                 758
  Restructuring income                              (147)                (41)
                                            ------------        ------------

Total operating expenses                           1,580               3,305
-----                                       ------------        ------------

Operating loss                                       610               3,040
Other income (expenses), net                           8                 (67)
Financial income (expenses), net                       4                  (2)
                                            ------------        ------------

Net loss                                    $       (598)       $     (3,109)
                                            ============        ============

The accompanying notes are an integral part of the consolidated financial


                                            BUSINESS OF TELEKNOWLEDGE GROUP LTD.

U.S. dollars in thousands

                                              Owners of          Accumulated             equity
                                                equity             deficit            (deficiency)
                                           ----------------    ----------------     ----------------
Balance as of January 1, 2003              $         51,500    $        (47,861)    $          3,639

  Net loss                                               --              (3,109)              (3,109)
                                           ----------------    ----------------     ----------------

Balance as of December 31, 2003                      51,500             (50,970)                 530

  Exercise of options                                     2                  --                    2
  Net loss                                               --                (598)                (598)
                                           ----------------    ----------------     ----------------

Balance as of December 30, 2004            $         51,141    $        (51,568)    $            (66)
                                           ================    ================     ================

The accompanying notes are an integral part of the consolidated financial


                                            BUSINESS OF TELEKNOWLEDGE GROUP LTD.

U.S. dollars in thousands

                                                                               Year ended          Year ended
                                                                              December 30,        December 31,
                                                                                  2004                2003
                                                                             --------------      --------------
Cash flows from operating activities

  Net loss                                                                   $         (598)     $       (3,109)
  Adjustments to reconcile net loss to net cash used in operating
    Depreciation                                                                         50                 312
    Loss on sale of property and equipment                                               --                  67
    Decrease in trade receivables                                                       225                 609
    Decrease in other accounts receivable and prepaid expenses                           57                 239
    Increase (decrease) in trade payables                                               (79)                 89
    Decrease in other accounts payable and accrued expenses                             (34)             (1,148)
    Decrease in accrued severance pay, net                                              (14)                (24)
                                                                             --------------      --------------

Net cash used in operating activities                                                  (393)             (2,965)
                                                                             --------------      --------------

Cash flows from investing activities

  Purchase of property and equipment                                                    (13)                 (3)
  Proceeds from sale of property and equipment                                           --                  79
  Restricted cash                                                                        70                (102)
                                                                             --------------      --------------

Net cash provided by (used in) investing activities                                      57                 (26)
                                                                             --------------      --------------

Cash flows from financing activities

  Exercise of options                                                                     2                  --
  Repayment of lease obligation                                                          (2)               (100)
                                                                             --------------      --------------

Net cash used in financing activities                                                    --                (100)
                                                                             --------------      --------------

Decrease in cash and cash equivalents                                                  (336)             (3,091)
Cash and cash equivalents at the beginning of the year                                  524               3,615
                                                                             --------------      --------------

Cash and cash equivalents at the end of the year                             $          188      $          524
                                                                             ==============      ==============

The accompanying notes are an integral part of the consolidated financial


                                            BUSINESS OF TELEKNOWLEDGE GROUP LTD.

U.S. dollars in thousands


              a.     Business of Teleknowledge Group Ltd. ("the Company") is a
                     provider of advanced billing and revenues management
                     software solutions.

                     The Company markets and sells its products in North America
                     and Europe, through its wholly-owned subsidiaries.

              b.     In January 2002, the Company decided to accelerate the
                     strategic realignment started in August 2001. As part of
                     this effort, the Company underwent further restructuring,
                     including reductions in human resources and replacement of
                     key members of management. Additionally, the Company closed
                     its European branch offices. In 2003, the Company closed
                     its office in the U.S.

              c.     On December 5, 2004, the Company signed an asset purchase
                     agreement, accordingly as of December 31, 2004 (Closing
                     date) the Company has sold to Mer Telemanagement Solutions
                     Ltd. ("MTS") substantially all of the assets, properties,
                     rights and claims of the Company and certain liabilities of
                     the Company related to the assets acquired thereby. The
                     consideration to be paid by MTS to the Company shall be
                     comprised of the following:

                     1.     Payment at closing date of the aggregate amount of 

                     2.     An additional contingent consideration of (a) 20% of
                            all of MTS's future revenues from any product or
                            service which contains any elements or components of
                            the Company's technology or a billing solution for a
                            period of three years following the closing date and
                            (b) 10% of all the renewal maintenance fees for a
                            period of three years following the closing date up
                            to a maximum aggregate amount of $ 3,650.

                     Prior to the acquisition, MTS and Teleknowledge had an OEM
                     relationship. The commercial arrangements and transactions
                     were settled before the date of the acquisition. During the
                     year ended December 30, 2004 the Company has generated
                     revenues in the amount of $160 from transactions with MTS.

                     As part of the agreement, MTS was obligated to pay for most
                     of the balance of the trade receivables, net of deferred
                     revenues, of the Company as of December 31, 2004, in
                     exchange for their fair value. The total amount that was
                     paid by MTS for those trade receivable was $ 145, net of
                     deferred revenues. Should MTS fail to collect any of the
                     trade receivable, within 120 days of the Closing Date, the
                     Company shall pay MTS such uncollected amount, and MTS
                     shall assign to the Company the rights to collect such
                     funds from the applicable customers. $ 51 of the amount was
                     not collected by MTS and the Company returned that amount
                     to MTS in mid-2005.

                     The financial statements as of December 30, 2004 and for
                     the year then ended do not reflect such acquisition.

              d.     On May 11, 2005, the Company's shareholders filed an
                     application to the Israeli Registrar of Companies,
                     according to which and as a result of the above acquisition
                     by MTS, the Company has started a process of a voluntary
                     liquidation. Such liquidation is not reflected in these
                     financial statements.


                                            BUSINESS OF TELEKNOWLEDGE GROUP LTD.

U.S. dollars in thousands


              a.     Use of estimates:

                     The preparation of financial statements, in conformity with
                     generally accepted accounting principles, requires
                     management to make estimates and assumptions that affect
                     the amounts reported in the financial statements and
                     accompanying notes. Actual results could differ from those

              b.     Financial statements in U.S. dollars:

                     The majority of the Company's sales is made outside Israel
                     in U.S. dollars ("dollars"). In addition, a substantial
                     portion of the company and certain portion of its
                     subsidiaries costs are incurred in dollars. Since the
                     Company's management believes that the dollar is the
                     primary currency of the economic environment in which the
                     company and certain of its subsidiaries operate, the dollar
                     is their functional and reporting currency.

                     Accordingly, monetary accounts maintained in currencies
                     other than the dollar are remeasured into U.S. dollars in
                     accordance with Statement of Financial Accounting Standard
                     No. 52, "Foreign Currency Translation" ("SFAS No. 52"). All
                     effects of foreign currency remeasurement of monetary
                     balance sheet items are reflected in the statements of
                     operations as financial income or expenses, as appropriate.

              c.     Principles of consolidation:

                     The consolidated financial statements include the accounts
                     of the Company and its subsidiaries listed below.
                     Intercompany transactions and balances have been eliminated
                     upon consolidation.

                     Subsidiaries included in consolidation:

                                                     December 30, 2004 and 
                                                       December 31, 2003
                                                       Shares conferring
                                                   Voting            Rights to
                                                   rights             profits
                                                ------------       ------------

                     Teleknowledge Inc.              100%               100%
                     Teleknowledge BV                100%               100%

              d.     Cash equivalents:

                     The Company considers all highly liquid investments,
                     originally purchased with maturities of three months or
                     less, to be cash equivalents.

              e.     Restricted cash:

                     Restricted cash is primarily invested in highly liquid
                     deposits, which are used as security for the Company's rent


                                            BUSINESS OF TELEKNOWLEDGE GROUP LTD.

U.S. dollars in thousands


              f.     Trade receivables:

                     Trade receivables include amounts billed to clients and
                     various amounts due from transactions arising in the
                     ordinary course of business. Management periodically
                     evaluates the collectability of these receivables.

              g.     Property and equipment:

                     Property and equipment are stated at cost net of
                     accumulated depreciation. Depreciation is calculated using
                     the straight-line method over the estimated useful lives of
                     the assets at the following annual rates:

                     Computers and related equipment                          33
                     Motor vehicles                                           15
                     Office furniture and equipment                   7 - 15 (mostly 15)
                     Leasehold improvements               Over the term of the lease or the life of
                                                                   the asset, by shorter of

              h.     Impairment of long-lived assets:

                     Long-lived assets of the Company are reviewed for
                     impairment in accordance with Statement of Financial
                     Accounting Standard No. 144, "Accounting for the Impairment
                     or Disposal of Long- Lived Assets" ("SFAS No. 144"),
                     whenever events or changes in circumstances indicate that
                     the carrying amount of an asset may not be recoverable.
                     Recoverability of assets to be held and used is measured by
                     a comparison of the carrying amount of an asset to the
                     future undiscounted cash flows expected to be generated by
                     the assets. If such assets are considered to be impaired,
                     the impairment to be recognized is measured by the amount
                     by which the carrying amount of the assets exceeds the fair
                     value of the assets. As of December 30, 2004 and December
                     31, 2003 no impairment was required.

              i.     Research and development cost:

                     Statement of Financial Accounting Standards ("SFAS") 86
                     "Accounting for the Costs of Computer Software to be Sold,
                     Leased or Otherwise Marketed", requires capitalization of
                     certain software development costs subsequent to the
                     establishment of technological feasibility.

                     Based on the Company's product development process,
                     technological feasibility is established upon completion of
                     a working model. The Company does not incur material costs
                     between the completion of the working model and the point
                     at which the products are ready for general release.
                     Therefore, research and development costs are charged to
                     the statement of operations as incurred.


                                            BUSINESS OF TELEKNOWLEDGE GROUP LTD.

U.S. dollars in thousands


              j.     Accounting for stock-based compensation:

                     The Company has elected to follow Accounting Principles
                     Board Opinion 25, "Accounting for Stock Issued to
                     Employees" ("APB 25") and FASB Interpretation 44,
                     "Accounting for Certain Transactions Involving Stock
                     Compensation" ("FIN 44") in accounting for its employee
                     stock option plans. Under APB 25, when the exercise price
                     of the Company's share options is equivalent to or above
                     the market price of the underlying shares on the date of
                     grant, no compensation expense is recognized.

                     Pro forma information regarding net loss is required by
                     Financial Accounting Standard No. 123 "Accounting for
                     Stock-Based Compensation" ("SFAS No. 123"), and has been
                     determined as if the Company had accounted for its employee
                     share options under the fair value method prescribed by
                     that Statement. The fair value for these options was
                     estimated at the date of grant, using a minimum-value
                     option pricing model. Due to immateriality the pro forma
                     information is not presented.

              k.     Revenue recognition:

                     The Company generates revenues from licensing the rights to
                     use its software products directly to end-users and
                     indirectly through sub-license fees to resellers. The
                     Company also generates revenues from sales of professional
                     services, including consulting, implementation, training
                     and maintenance.

                     Revenues from software licenses that require significant
                     customization, integration and installation are recognized
                     based on SOP 81-1, "Accounting for Performance of
                     Construction-Type and Certain Production-Type Contracts",
                     using contract accounting on a percentage of completion
                     method based on the relationship of actual costs incurred
                     to total costs estimated to be incurred over the duration
                     of the contract. The Company believes that the use of the
                     percentage of completion method is appropriate as the
                     Company has the ability to make reasonably dependable
                     estimates of the extent of progress towards completion,
                     contract revenues and contract costs. In addition,
                     contracts executed include provisions that clearly specify
                     the enforceable rights regarding services to be provided
                     and received by the parties to the contracts, the
                     consideration to be exchanged and the manner and terms of
                     settlement. In all cases the Company expects to perform its
                     contractual obligations and its licensees are expected to
                     satisfy their obligations under the contract. A provision
                     for estimated losses on uncompleted contracts is recorded
                     in the period when such losses are first identified, in the
                     amount of the estimated loss on the entire contract.

                     Revenues from maintenance are recognized over the term of
                     the maintenance agreement or at the time that services are

              l.     Royalty-bearing grants:

                     Royalty-bearing grants from the Government of Israel for
                     funding certain approved research projects are recognized
                     at the time when the Company is entitled to such grants, on
                     the basis of the related costs incurred.


                                            BUSINESS OF TELEKNOWLEDGE GROUP LTD.

U.S. dollars in thousands


              m.     Income taxes:

                     The Company and its subsidiaries accounts for income taxes
                     in accordance with Statement of Financial Accounting
                     Standards (SFAS) No. 109, "Accounting for Income Taxes".
                     This statement prescribes the use of the liability method,
                     whereby deferred tax asset and liability account balances
                     are determined based on differences between financial
                     reporting and tax bases of assets and liabilities and are
                     measured using the enacted tax rates and laws that will be
                     in effect when the differences are expected to reverse. The
                     Company and its subsidiaries provide a valuation allowance,
                     if necessary, to reduce deferred tax assets to their
                     estimated realizable value.

              m.     Concentration of credit risks:

                     Financial instruments that potentially subject the Group to
                     concentrations of credit risk consist principally of cash,
                     cash equivalents, restricted cash and trade receivables.
                     Cash and cash equivalents and restricted cash are deposited
                     with major banks in Israel and the United States. Such
                     deposits in the United States may be in excess of insured
                     limits and are not insured in other jurisdictions.
                     Management believes that the financial institutions that
                     hold the Company's investments are financially sound, and,
                     accordingly, minimal credit risk exists with respect to
                     these investments.

              n.     Fair value of financial instruments:

                     The carrying amounts of cash and cash equivalents,
                     restricted cash, trade receivables, other accounts
                     receivable and trade payables approximate their fair value,
                     due to the short-term maturity of such instruments.

              o.     Severance pay:

                     The Company's liability for severance pay is calculated
                     pursuant to Israeli severance pay law based on the most
                     recent salary of the employees multiplied by the number of
                     years of employment, as of the balance sheet date.
                     Employees are entitled to one month's salary for each year
                     of employment or a portion thereof. The Company's liability
                     for all of its employees is fully provided by monthly
                     deposits with insurance policies and by an accrual. The
                     value of these policies is recorded as an asset in the
                     Company's balance sheet.

                     The deposited funds include profits accumulated up to the
                     balance sheet date. The deposited funds may be withdrawn
                     only upon the fulfillment of the obligation pursuant to
                     Israeli severance pay law or labor agreements. The value of
                     the deposited funds is based on the cash surrendered value
                     of these policies, and includes immaterial profits.

                     Severance expenses for the years ended December 30, 2004
                     and December 31, 2003 were immaterial.


                                            BUSINESS OF TELEKNOWLEDGE GROUP LTD.

U.S. dollars in thousands


                                                    December 30,    December 31,
                                                        2004            2003
                                                    ------------    ------------
              Government authorities                $          3    $         43
              Employees                                       --               7
              Prepaid expenses                                 4              11
              Other accounts receivable                       40              43
                                                    ------------    ------------

                                                    $         47    $        104
                                                    ============    ============


                                                    December 30,    December 31,
                                                        2004            2003
                                                    ------------    ------------
                Computers and peripheral equipment  $      1,409    $      1,396
                Motor vehicles                                 2               2
                Office furniture and equipment               341             341
                Leasehold improvements                       734             734
                                                    ------------    ------------

                                                           2,486           2,473
                                                    ------------    ------------
              Accumulated depreciation:
                Computers and peripheral equipment         1,409           1,369
                Motor vehicles                                 2               2
                Office furniture and equipment               341             335
                Leasehold improvements                       656             652
                                                    ------------    ------------

                                                           2,408           2,358
                                                    ------------    ------------

              Depreciated cost                      $         78    $        115
                                                    ============    ============

              Depreciation expenses amounted to $ 50 and $ 312 for the years
              ended December 30, 2004 and December 31, 2003, respectively.


                                                    December 30,    December 31,
                                                        2004            2003
                                                    ------------    ------------
              Government authorities                $        133    $        145
              Employees and payroll accruals                 133             109
              Accrued vacation pay                            31              42
              Accrued expenses                               106              72
              Restructuring charges (Note 9)                  61             158
              Others                                          --               9
                                                    ------------    ------------

                                                    $        464    $        535
                                                    ============    ============


                                            BUSINESS OF TELEKNOWLEDGE GROUP LTD.

U.S. dollars in thousands


              a.     The Company is committed to pay royalties at the rate of 3%
                     to 5% to the Government of Israel, on sale proceeds from
                     products in which the Government participates in their
                     research and development by way of grants. The commitment
                     is determined on a product-by-product basis, in an amount
                     not to exceed the total of the grants received (linked to
                     the U.S. dollar).

                     Grants received during the years 2004 and 2003 amounted to
                     $ 0 and royalties paid amounted to $ 0. At December 30,
                     2004, the Company has a remaining contingent obligation of
                     approximately $ 1,800.

              b.     The Company provided a bank guarantee to secure the lease
                     of its building, in the amount of $ 32.

              c.     As of December 30, 2004 the Company has no future
                     commitments under operating leases.

                     Total rent and lease expenses for the years ended December
                     30, 2004 and December 31, 2003, amounted to $ 58 and $ 410,


                     The Company has authorized through its Share Option Plan
                     the grant of options to the founders and employees of up to
                     20,979,384 shares of the Company's Ordinary shares. The
                     options granted have four-year vesting terms, become fully
                     exercisable after four consecutive years of employment and
                     expire seven years subsequent to the date of grant. Until
                     December 30, 2004, the Company granted to employees a total
                     of 17,884,100 options at the exercise price of NIS 0.01. As
                     of December 30, 2004 a total 1,300,000 options are

                     During the years 2003 and 2004, no options were granted to
                     any of the employees.

                     During the years 2003 and 2004 4,769,557 and 10,374,828
                     options were forfeited, respectively.

                     As of December 30, 2004 17,757,151 shares are still
                     available for future grants.

                     In October 2004, 482,518 options were exercised into
                     Ordinary shares of NIS 0.01 par value each, in a total
                     consideration of $ 2.


              a.     Measurement of results for tax purposes under the Income
                     Tax Law (Inflationary Adjustments), 1985:

                     Results for tax purposes are measured in real terms of
                     earnings in NIS after certain adjustments for increases in
                     the Israeli Consumer Price Index ("CPI"). The financial
                     statements are presented in U.S. dollars. The difference
                     between the annual change in the Israeli CPI and in the
                     NIS/dollar exchange rate causes a difference between
                     taxable income and the income before taxes shown in the
                     financial statements. In accordance with paragraph 9(f)
                     with statement of Financial Accounting Standards No. 109,
                     "Accounting for income taxes" ("SFAS No. 109"), the Company
                     has not provided deferred income taxes on this difference
                     between the reporting currency and the tax bases of assets
                     and liabilities.


                                            BUSINESS OF TELEKNOWLEDGE GROUP LTD.

U.S. dollars in thousands

NOTE 8:-      INCOME TAXES (Cont.)

              b.     Carryforward losses:

                     As of December 30, 2004, the Company had an available
                     carryforward tax loss amounting to approximately $ 21,297,
                     which may be carried forward, in order to offset taxable
                     income in the future, for an indefinite period.

                     The Company's U.S. subsidiary has a carryforward tax loss
                     as of December 30, 2004 in the amount of approximately $
                     20,592, which may be carried forward and offset against
                     taxable income in the future for 20 years.

                     Management currently believes that since the Company has a
                     history of losses it is more likely tan not that the
                     deferred tax regarding the loss carry forwards will not be
                     utilized in the foreseeable future and therefore a full
                     valuation allowance was recorded for the deferred tax asset
                     related to all the temporary differences and carryforward
                     tax losses

                     Utilization of U.S. net operating losses may be subject to
                     substantial annual limitation due to the "change in
                     ownership" provisions of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986
                     and similar state provisions. The annual limitation may
                     result in the expiration of net operating losses before

              c.     Tax benefits under the Law for the Encouragement of Capital
                     Investments, 1959 ("the law"):

                     During 1998, the Company obtained approval for an
                     investment under the "alternative track", based on the law.
                     The "Approved Enterprise" status will allow the Company a
                     tax holiday on undistributed Israeli income for a period of
                     two years and 25% tax rate for the five remaining years.
                     Those benefits are limited to 12 years from the year that
                     the enterprise began operations, or 14 years from the year
                     in which the approval was granted, whichever is earlier.
                     Hence, this approved program will expire in 2012.

                     The Company has not yet generated taxable income and, thus,
                     the tax benefits have not yet been utilized.

                     The tax-exempt income attributable to the "Approved
                     Enterprise" cannot be distributed to shareholders without
                     subjecting the Company to taxes. If these retained
                     tax-exempt profits are distributed, the Company would be
                     taxed at the corporate tax rate applicable to such profits
                     as if the Company had not elected the alternative system of
                     benefits, currently 25% for an "Approved Enterprise". As of
                     December 30, 2004, the accumulated deficit of the Company
                     does not include tax-exempt profits earned by the Company's
                     "Approved Enterprise".

                     The benefits from the Company's Approved Enterprise
                     programs are dependent upon the Company fulfilling the
                     conditions stipulated by the Law for Encouragement of
                     Capital Investments, 1959 and the regulations published
                     under this law, as well as the criteria in the approval for
                     the specific investment in the Company's "Approved
                     Enterprise" programs. If the Company does not comply with
                     these conditions, the tax benefits may be canceled, and the
                     Company may be required to refund the amount of the
                     canceled benefits, with the addition of linkage differences
                     and interest. As of the date of these financial statements,
                     the Company's management believes that it has complied with
                     these conditions.


                                            BUSINESS OF TELEKNOWLEDGE GROUP LTD.

U.S. dollars in thousands

NOTE 8:-      INCOME TAXES (Cont.)

                     By virtue of this law, the Company is entitled to claim
                     accelerated depreciation on equipment used by the "Approved
                     Enterprise" during five tax years.

                     Income from sources other than the "Approved Enterprise"
                     during the benefit period will be subject to tax at the
                     regular corporate tax rate of 35%.

              d.     Loss (income) before taxes consists of the following:

                                                    December 30,    December 31,
                                                        2004            2003
                                                    ------------    ------------

              Domestic                              $       (298)   $        105
              Foreign                                        896           3,004
                                                    ------------    ------------

                                                    $        598    $      3,109
                                                    ============    ============

              e.     The main reconciling items between items between the
                     statutory tax rate of the Company and the effective tax
                     rate are the non-recognition of the benefits from
                     accumulated net operating losses carryforward among the
                     various subsidiaries worldwide due to the uncertainty of
                     the realization of such tax benefits.

              f.     Reduction in corporate tax rate:

                     In June 2004, the Israeli Parliament approved an amendment
                     to the Income Tax Ordinance (No. 140 and Temporary
                     Provision) (the "Amendment"), which progressively reduces
                     the corporate tax rate from 36% to 35% in 2004 and to a
                     rate of 30% in 2007. The amendment was signed and published
                     in July 2004 and is, therefore, considered enacted in July
                     2004. As the Company currently has no taxable income, and
                     no deferred taxes were recorded, the amendment does not
                     have an impact on the results of operation or the financial


                                            BUSINESS OF TELEKNOWLEDGE GROUP LTD.

U.S. dollars in thousands


              In the year 2002, the Company recorded a charge of approximately $
              3,265, primarily relating to severance costs associated with a
              workforce reduction and facilities costs as part of its plan to
              reduce operating expenses. As of December 30, 2004, the remaining
              reserve balance of approximately $ 61 is included in other
              payables and accrued expenses in the balance sheet.

                                                                   payments       Facilities        Others          Total
                                                                  -----------     -----------     -----------    -----------
              Restructuring reserve at January 1, 2003            $        70     $       796     $        45    $       911
              Payments made                                               (70)           (699)             --           (769)
              Sublease payments received                                   --             180              --            180
              Non-cash addition (reduction) of
                 restructuring                                             --            (180)             16           (164)
                                                                  -----------     -----------     -----------    -----------

              Restructuring reserve at December 31, 2003                   --              97              61            158
              Payments made                                                --             (97)             --            (97)
              Sublease payments received                                   --             147              --            147
              Non-cash reduction of restructuring                          --            (147)             --           (147)
                                                                  -----------     -----------     -----------    -----------

              Restructuring reserve at December 30, 2004          $        --     $        --     $        61    $        61
                                                                  ===========     ===========     ===========    ===========

                              - - - - - - - - - - -



      Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, the
registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the
undersigned, thereunto duly authorized.

                                        MER TELEMANAGEMENT SOLUTIONS LTD.

                                        By: /s/ Eytan Bar
                                            Eytan Bar
                                            President and
                                            Chief Executive Officer

Date: September 9, 2005