March 31, 2006

Dear  Shareholder:

We  cordially  invite  you  to  attend  the  Annual  Meeting  of Shareholders of
Pathfinder Bancorp, Inc. (the "Company"). The Annual Meeting will be held at the
Econolodge,  70 East First Street, Oswego, New York at 10:00 a.m., Eastern Time,
on  April  26,  2006.

The  enclosed  Notice  of Annual Meeting and Proxy Statement describe the formal
business to be transacted.  During the Annual Meeting we will also report on the
operations  of the Company.  Directors and officers of the Company, as well as a
representative  of  our  independent  registered  public  accounting  firm
("Auditors"),  will  be  present to respond to questions that  shareholders  may
properly  present.

The  Annual Meeting is being held so that shareholders may consider the election
of  directors  and  the  ratification of the appointment of Beard Miller Company
LLP  as  the  Company's  Auditors  for  2006.

For  the  reasons  set  forth  in  the  Proxy  Statement, the Board of Directors
unanimously  recommends  a  vote  "FOR"  the  election  of  directors  and  the
ratification  of  the  appointment  of Beard Miller Company LLP as the Company's

On  behalf  of  the Board of Directors, we urge you to sign, date and return the
enclosed  proxy  card  as soon as possible, even if you currently plan to attend
the  Annual  Meeting.  This will not prevent you from voting in person, but will
assure  that your vote is counted if you are unable to attend the meeting.  Your
vote  is  important,  regardless  of  the  number  of  shares  that  you  own.


\s\Thomas W. Schneider
Thomas  W.  Schneider
President  and  Chief  Executive  Officer

                            PATHFINDER BANCORP, INC.
                              214 WEST FIRST STREET
                             OSWEGO, NEW YORK 13126
                                 (315) 343-0057

                                    NOTICE OF
                         ANNUAL MEETING OF SHAREHOLDERS
                          TO BE HELD ON APRIL 26, 2006

     Notice is hereby given that the Annual Meeting of Pathfinder Bancorp, Inc.,
(the  "Company")  will  be held at the Econolodge, 70 East First Street, Oswego,
New  York  on  April  26,  2006  at  10:00  a.m.,  Eastern  Time.

     A  Proxy  Card  and  a Proxy Statement for the Annual Meeting are enclosed.

     The  Annual  Meeting  is  for  the  purpose of considering and acting upon:

          1)   The election of four Directors to the Board of Directors;

          2)   The  ratification  of  the  appointment  of  Beard Miller Company
               LLP  as  the  Company's Auditors for the year ending December 31,
               2006  and

such  other  matters  as  may  properly  come  before the Annual Meeting, or any
adjournments  thereof. The Board of Directors is not aware of any other business
to come before the Annual Meeting.

     Any action may be taken on the foregoing proposals at the Annual Meeting on
the  date  specified  above, or on any date or dates to which the Annual Meeting
may  be adjourned.  Shareholders of record at the close of business on March 15,
2006  are  the  shareholders  entitled  to  vote  at the Annual Meeting, and any
adjournments  thereof.


                                              By Order of the Board of Directors

                                             /s/Edward A. Mervine
                                              Edward A. Mervine

March  31,  2006



                                 PROXY STATEMENT

                            PATHFINDER BANCORP, INC.
                              214 WEST FIRST STREET
                             OSWEGO, NEW YORK 13126
                                 (315) 343-0057

                         ANNUAL MEETING OF SHAREHOLDERS
                                 APRIL 26, 2006

This proxy statement is furnished in connection with the solicitation of proxies
on  behalf of the board of directors of Pathfinder Bancorp, Inc. (the "Company")
to  be  used  at  the annual meeting of shareholders of the Company (the "annual
meeting"),  which  will be held at the Econolodge, 70 East First Street, Oswego,
New York on April 26, 2006, at 10:00 a.m., eastern time, and all adjournments of
the  annual  meeting.  The accompanying notice of annual meeting of shareholders
and  this  proxy  statement  are  first being mailed to shareholders on or about
March  31,  2006.

                              REVOCATION OF PROXIES
     Shareholders  who  sign the proxies we are soliciting will retain the right
to  revoke  them  in  the manner described below.  Unless so revoked, the shares
represented  by  such  proxies  will  be  voted  at  the  Annual Meeting and all
adjournments  thereof.  Proxies solicited on behalf of the Board of Directors of
the  Company  will  be  voted  in  accordance with the directions given thereon.
Where  no  instructions  are  indicated,  validly executed proxies will be voted
"for" the proposals set forth in this proxy statement.  If any other matters are
properly  brought  before  the  annual  meeting,  the  persons  named  in  the
accompanying  proxy  will  vote  the  shares  as  directed  by a majority of the
board  of  directors  in  attendance  at the annual meeting on such matters,  if
any,  that  may  properly  come  before  the  annual meeting or any adjournments

     Proxies  may  be  revoked  by  sending  written notice of revocation to the
Secretary  of  the  Company,  at  the  address shown above, by delivering to the
Company  a  duly executed proxy bearing a later date, or by attending the Annual
Meeting  and  voting  in  person.  The  presence  at  the  Annual Meeting of any
shareholder  who  had  returned  a  proxy  will  not revoke the proxy unless the
shareholder  delivers  his  or  her  ballot  in  person at the Annual Meeting or
delivers  a  written  revocation  to  the  Secretary of the Company prior to the
voting  of  the proxy.  If you are a shareholder whose shares are not registered
in your name, you will need appropriate documentation from your record holder to
vote  in  person  at  the  Annual  Meeting.

     Holders  of record of the Company's common stock, par value $0.01 per share
(the  "Common Stock") as of the close of business on March 15, 2006 (the "Record
Date") are entitled to one vote for each share they own.  As of the Record Date,
the  Company had 2,950,419 shares of Common Stock issued and 2,463,132 shares of
Common  Stock  outstanding  of  which 1,583,239 were held by Pathfinder Bancorp,
M.H.C.  (the  "Mutual  Holding  Company"),  and  879,893  of  which were held by
shareholders  other  than  the Mutual Holding Company ("Minority Shareholders").
The  presence  in  person or by proxy of a majority of the outstanding shares of
Common  Stock entitled to vote is necessary to constitute a quorum at the Annual
Meeting.  If a shareholder holds shares in street name (i.e. the shares are held
in a stock brokerage account or by a bank, trust, or other institution) and does
not  provide  voting instructions to the holder of the account, such shares will
be  considered  "Broker  non-votes."  Broker  non-votes  and  proxies  marked
abstain  will  be  counted  for  purposes  of  determining  that  a  quorum  is
present.  As  to  the  election  of Directors, shareholders may cast their votes
"For"  or  "Withheld".  As to the ratification of our Auditors, shareholders may
cast  their  votes  "For",  "Against"  or "Abstain".  Directors are elected by a
plurality  of  votes cast, without regard to either broker non-votes, or proxies
as  to  which the authority to vote for the nominees being proposed is withheld.
The  affirmative  vote  of  holders of a majority of the total votes cast at the
Annual  Meeting  in  person  or  by proxy, without regard to broker non-votes or
proxies  as to which shareholders abstain, is required for ratification of Beard
Miller  Company  LLP  as  the  Company's  Auditors.  Because  the Mutual Holding

Company  owns  a  majority  of  the outstanding shares, should it vote "For" the
proposals,  passage  of  the  proposals  would  be  assured.

     Persons  and  groups  who beneficially own in excess of five percent of the
Common  Stock  are  required  to  file  certain  reports with the Securities and
Exchange  Commission  (the  "SEC") regarding such ownership. The following table
sets forth, as of the Record Date, the shares of Common Stock beneficially owned
by  Directors  individually,  by  executive  officers individually, by executive
officers  and  Directors  as  a  group and by each person who was the beneficial
owner  of  more  than five percent of the Company's outstanding shares of Common

                                    Amount of Shares
                                    Owned and Nature   Percentage of Shares
Name and Address of                   Of Beneficial       of Common Stock
Beneficial Owners (1)                 Ownership (2)        Outstanding
Chris C. Gagas                              78,158            3.19%
Thomas W. Schneider                          6,705  (4)        .26
Chris R. Burritt                             4,800  (5)        .20
George P. Joyce                              1,775             .07
Bruce E. Manwaring                          14,215             .58
L. William Nelson, Jr.                      27,250  (6)       1.11
Janette Resnick                              3,050  (7)        .12
Corte J. Spencer                            14,500             .59
Steven W. Thomas                             7,825             .32
Lloyd "Buddy" Stemple                          100             .00
James A. Dowd                                7,010             .28
Melissa A. Miller                            3,695             .14
Edward A. Mervine                            1,015             .04
John F. Devlin                                 608             .02
Rhonda L. Hutchins                           2,182             .08

All Directors and Executive Officers
as a Group (15 persons) (3)                172,888            7.02


Pathfinder Bancorp, M.H.C. (3)           1,583,239           64.28
214 West First Street
Oswego, New York  13126

Pathfinder Bancorp, M.H.C. and all       1,756,127           71.30
Directors and Executive Officers


     1)   The  mailing  address  for  each  person  listed  is  214  West  First
          Street, Oswego, New York 13126.

     2)   A  person  is  deemed  to  be  the  beneficial  owner, for purposes of
          this  table,  of any shares of Common Stock if he has shared voting or
          investment  power  with  respect  to  such security, or has a right to
          acquire  beneficial  ownership  at  any  time  within 60 days from the
          Record  Date.  As  used herein, "voting power" is the power to vote or
          direct  the  voting  of  shares and "investment power" is the power to
          dispose  or  direct the disposition of shares. This table includes all
          shares  held  directly  as  well  as by spouses and minor children, in
          trust  and  other  indirect  ownership,  over  which  shares the named
          individuals  effectively exercise sole or shared voting and investment
          power.  Unless  otherwise  indicated,  the  named  individual has sole
          voting and investment power.

     3)   All  of  the  Company's  directors  are  also  directors of the Mutual
          Holding  Company.  Three  of the Company's executive officers are also
          executive officers of the Mutual Holding Company.

     4)   Mr.  Schneider  has  sole  voting  and  investment  power  over  6,405
          shares and shared voting and investment power over 300 shares.

     5)   Mr.  Burritt  has  sole  voting  and  investment  power  over  4,650
          shares and shared voting and investment power over 150 shares.

     6)   Mr.  Nelson  has  sole  voting  and investment power over 8,770 shares
          and shared voting and investment power over 18,480 shares.

     7)   Ms.  Resnick  has  sole  voting  power  over  2,600  shares and shared
          voting and investment power over 450 shares.

                               CONDUCT OF MEETING
     In accordance with the Bylaws, and by action of the Board of Directors, the
Chairman will preside over the Annual Meeting of Shareholders.  The Chairman has
broad  authority  to  ensure  the orderly conduct of the meeting.  This includes
discretion to recognize shareholders or proxies who wish to speak, and determine
the  extent of discussion on each item of business.  Rules governing the conduct
of  the meeting have been established and will be available at the meeting along
with  the  Agenda.  The  Chairman  may  also  rely  on  applicable law regarding
disruption  or  disorderly  conduct to ensure that the meeting is conducted in a
manner  that  is  fair  to  all  shareholders.

                       PROPOSAL 1 - ELECTION OF DIRECTORS
     The  Company's Board of Directors is currently composed of ten members. The
Company's bylaws provide that approximately one-third of the Directors are to be
elected annually.  Directors of the Company are generally elected to serve for a
three-year  period and until their respective successors shall have been elected
and  qualify.  Four  Directors  will  be  elected at the Annual Meeting, each to
serve  for  a three-year period and until their respective successors shall have
been  elected  and  qualify.  The  Board  of Directors has nominated to serve as
Directors  Bruce  E.  Manwaring,  L.  William  Nelson, Jr., George P. Joyce, and
Lloyd  "Buddy"  Stemple.

     The table below sets forth certain information regarding the composition of
the  Company's  Board  of  Directors,  including  the  terms  of office of Board
members.  It  is  intended  that the proxies solicited on behalf of the Board of
Directors  (other  than  proxies in which the vote is withheld as to one or more
nominees)  will  be voted at the Annual Meeting for the election of the nominees
identified  below.  If the nominee is unable to serve, the shares represented by
all  such proxies will be voted for the election of such substitute as the Board
of  Directors  may  recommend.  At this time, the Board of Directors knows of no
reason  why  any  of the nominees would be unable to serve if elected. Except as
indicated  herein,  there  are  no  arrangements  or  understandings between any
nominee and any other person pursuant to which such nominee was selected.

                                                         DIRECTOR   TERM TO
          NAME (1)              AGE  POSITION HELD       SINCE(2)   EXPIRE
Bruce E. Manwaring               64  Director               1984    2006
L. William Nelson, Jr.           61  Director               1986    2006
George P. Joyce                  54  Director               2000    2006
Lloyd "Buddy" Stemple            45  Director               2005    2006(3)

                         DIRECTORS CONTINUING IN OFFICE
Steven W. Thomas                 43  Director               2000    2007
Corte J. Spencer                 62  Director               1984    2007
Janette Resnick                  63  Chairman of the Board  1996    2007
Chris C. Gagas                   74  Director               1966    2008
Thomas W. Schneider              44  President, CEO         2001    2008
Chris R. Burritt                 52  Director               1986    2008


     (1)  The  mailing  address  for  each  person  listed  is  214  West  First
          Street,  Oswego,  New York 13126. Each of the persons listed is also a
          Director of Pathfinder Bancorp, M.H.C., which owns the majority of the
          Company's  issued  and outstanding shares of Common Stock. Information
          regarding  the Common Stock beneficially owned by each director is set
          forth under "Voting Securities and Principal Holders Thereof".
     (2)  Dates  prior  to  1995  reflect  initial  appointment  to the Board of
          Trustees of the mutual predecessor to Pathfinder Bank.
     (3)  Lloyd  "Buddy"  Stemple  was  appointed  to  the  Board  on  July  26,
          2005, to complete the term of retiring Board member Raymond Jung.

The  principal  occupation  during  the  past  five  years  of each Director and
Executive Officer is set forth below.  All Directors and Executive Officers have
held  their  present  positions  for  five  years  unless  otherwise  stated.

     JANETTE  RESNICK, Chair of the Board is retired. Prior to her retirement in
2003,  she was the Executive Director of Oswego County Opportunities, a private,
not  for  profit  human  services agency located in Oswego and Fulton, New York.

     CHRIS  C.  GAGAS  is retired. Until his retirement on January 14, 2000, Mr.
Gagas  was  also  President  and  Chief Executive Officer of the Company and its
principal  subsidiary,  Pathfinder Bank ("the Bank"). Mr. Gagas had served as an
officer of the Company since 1986.

     CHRIS  R.  BURRITT  is  the  president  and general manager of R.M. Burritt
Motors,  Inc./Chris Cross, Inc., an automobile dealership located in Oswego, New

     BRUCE  E. MANWARING is the Chamberlain for the City of Oswego. Prior to his
appointment  in 1999, Mr. Manwaring was the owner of Oswego Printing Co. located
in Oswego, New York.

     WILLIAM NELSON, JR. is the owner and manager of Nelson Funeral Home located
in Oswego, New York.

     STEVEN  W.  THOMAS  is a licensed real estate broker and a developer. Until
recently,  Mr.  Thomas  owned and operated five Dunkin Donuts franchises and two
hotels  in  Oswego  County.  Mr.  Thomas  additionally  is  involved in numerous
commercial  development  projects in Oswego County and operates a marina in Fair
Haven, New York, known as the Boathouse. Mr. Thomas is also a member of Surelock
Industries, LLC, a local wood floor manufacturer.

     GEORGE  P.  JOYCE is the owner and operator of Laser Transit, Ltd., Lacona,
New York, a Central New York logistics services provider.

     CORTE J. SPENCER is the Chief Executive Officer and Administrator of Oswego
Hospital and the managing director of Oswego Health, Inc. located in Oswego, New

     LLOYD  "BUDDY" STEMPLE is the Vice-President and General Manager of Novelis
Specialty  Products Group, Inc. which has manufacturing locations in Oswego, New
York, Kingston, Ontario Canada and sales offices in Cleveland, Ohio and Detroit,


     THOMAS  W.  SCHNEIDER  is  the President and Chief Executive Officer of the
Company  and  the  Bank.  Prior  to  his  appointment  as President in 2000, Mr.
Schneider  was  the  Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer of the
Company  and  the  Bank.


     The  Company's  common stock is listed on the Nasdaq Small Cap Market.  The
Board of Directors of the Company has considered the Nasdaq listing requirements
for  "Independence"  of  Directors,  and although the Company may be exempt as a
"controlled"  company  pursuant to Nasdaq rules, it has determined, nonetheless,
that all of its Directors with the exception of Mr. Schneider are "Independent".
Our  independent  directors  will  hold  executive sessions no less than twice a
year.  Shareholders  who  wish  to  communicate  with  the  Chairman or with the
independent  directors  as  a group may do so by writing to the Secretary of the
Corporation  at  Pathfinder Bank, 214 West First Street, Oswego, New York 13126.
The  Secretary  will  forward said communication to the independent directors or
Chairman  as  requested  by  the  shareholder.


     JAMES  A.  DOWD,  CPA,  age  38,  is  a  Vice President and Chief Financial
Officer  of  the  Company  and  the  Bank.  Mr.  Dowd  is  responsible  for  the
accounting  and  finance  departments.

     MELISSA  A. MILLER, age 48, is a Vice President and Chief Operating Officer
of  the  Company and the Bank. Ms. Miller is responsible for deposit operations,
compliance, and information services.

     EDWARD  A.  MERVINE,  ESQ.,  age 49, is Vice President, General Counsel and
Secretary  for  the  Company and the Bank. Prior to joining the Company in 2002,
Mr. Mervine was a partner in the law firm of Bond Schoeneck & King, LLP.

     JOHN  F  DEVLIN, age 41, is Vice President and Senior Commercial Lender for
the  Company  and  the  Bank.  Prior  to joining the Company in 2002, Mr. Devlin
served  as  Assistant  Vice  President  and Commercial Loan Officer for Alliance
Bank, NA.

     RHONDA  L.  HUTCHINS,  age  47,  is Vice President, Retail Lending, for the
Company  and the Bank. Prior to joining the Company in 1997, Ms. Hutchins worked
in loan originations for Homestead Financial, Syracuse, New York.


     The  Common  Stock  of  the  Company is registered with the SEC pursuant to
Section  12(g) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 (the "Exchange Act").  The
officers  and directors of the Company and beneficial owners of greater than 10%
of  the  Company's  Common  Stock ("10% beneficial owners") are required to file
reports  on  Forms  3,  4 and 5 with the SEC disclosing beneficial ownership and
changes  in  beneficial  ownership  of  the  Common  Stock.  SEC  rules  require
disclosure in the Company's Proxy Statement or Annual Report on Form 10-K of the
failure  of an officer, director or 10% beneficial owner of the Company's Common
Stock  to  file  a  Form  3,  4,  or  5 on a timely basis.  All of the Company's
officers  and  directors  filed  these  reports  in  a  timely fashion, with the
following  exception.  A  Form  4 was not filed timely on one trade occurring on
June  3, 2005 (Director Chris C. Gagas).  The lack of timely filing was a result
of  an  oversight  by the parties involved.  The late filing on this transaction
was  made  on June 22, 2005.  A Form 3, announcing the January 1, 2006 promotion
of  Rhonda  Hutchins  to  Vice  President - Retail Lending, an executive officer
position,  was  not  filed  until  February  22,  2006.


     The  business  of  the Board of Directors is conducted through meetings and
activities  of the Board and its committees.  During the year ended December 31,
2005,  the  Board  of  Directors  held twelve regular and five special meetings.
During  the  year  ended  December 31, 2005, no director attended fewer than 75%
percent  of  the  total  meetings  of  the  Board of Directors and committees on
which  such  director  served.

     The  Compensation Committee meets periodically to review the performance of
officers  and  employees  and  to  determine  compensation  programs  and
adjustments.  The  entire Board of Directors ratifies the recommendations of the
Compensation  Committee.  In  the  year  ending  December  31,  2005,  the
Compensation  Committee  consisted  of  Directors  Gagas,  Manwaring,  Resnick,
Spencer and  Nelson. All of these Directors are "independent" pursuant to Nasdaq
listing requirements. The Compensation Committee met three times during the year
ended  December  31,  2005.

     The  Nominating/Governance  Committee meets several times a year to address
issues  concerning  corporate  governance,  succession planning, and to nominate
directors  to fulfill the terms of the upcoming year. In the year ended December
31, 2005, the Nominating/Governance Committee was comprised of directors Thomas,
Manwaring, Joyce, Resnick and Spencer, all of whom are "independent" pursuant to
the  Nasdaq  listing  requirements.  The  Nominating/Governance  Committee has a
charter in the form of governance guidelines which is available at the Company's

     Among  other  things,  the functions of the Nominating/Governance Committee
include  the  following:

          -    to  lead  the  search  for  individuals  qualified  to  become
               members  of  the  Board  and  to  select  director nominees to be
               presented for shareholder approval;

          -    to  review  and  monitor  compliance  with  the  requirements for
               board independence; and

          -    to  review  the  committee  structure  and  make  recommendations
               to the Board regarding committee membership.

     The Nominating/Governance Committee identifies nominees by first evaluating
the  current  members  of the Board of Directors willing to continue in service.
Current members of the Board with skills and experience that are relevant to the
Company's  business  and  who  are  willing  to  continue  in  service are first
considered  for  re-nomination,  balancing the value of continuity of service by
existing  members  of the Board with that of obtaining a new perspective. If any
member of Board does not wish to continue in service, or if the Committee or the
Board decides not to re-nominate a member for re-election, or if the size of the
Board  is  increased,  the  Committee  would  solicit  suggestions  for director
candidates  from  all Board members. In addition, the Committee is authorized by
its  charter to engage a third party to assist in the identification of director
nominees. The Nominating/Governance Committee would seek to identify a candidate
who,  at  a  minimum,  satisfies  the  following  criteria:

          -    has  personal  and  professional  ethics  and integrity and whose
               values are compatible with the Company's;

          -    has  had  experiences  and  achievements  that  have given him or
               her the ability to exercise and develop good business judgment;

          -    is  willing  to  devote  the  necessary  time  to the work of the
               Board  and  its  committees,  which  includes being available for
               Board and committee meetings;

          -    is  familiar  with  the  communities  in  which  the  company
               operates and/or is actively engaged in community activities;

          -    is  involved  in  other  activities  or  interests  that  do  not
               create a conflict with his or her responsibilities to the Company
               and its shareholders; and

          -    has  the  capacity  and  desire  to  represent the balanced, best
               interest  of  the shareholders of the Company as a group, and not
               primarily a special interest group or constituency.

     The  Nominating/Governance  Committee will also take into account whether a
candidate  satisfies  the criteria for "independence" under the Nasdaq corporate
governance  listing  standards  and,  if  a nominee is sought for service on the
Audit  Committee,  the  financial  and  accounting  expertise  of  a  candidate,
including  whether  an  individual  qualifies  as  an  Audit Committee Financial

     The  Nominating/Governance Committee will consider candidates for the Board
of  Directors  recommended by shareholders. In order to make a recommendation to
the  Board  of  Directors, a shareholder must own no less than 500 shares of the
corporation. Shareholders who are so qualified may send their recommendations to

the  Secretary  of  the  Company  for  forwarding  to  the Nominating/Governance
Committee.  In  light of the due diligence required to evaluate recommendations,
said recommendations for the Nominating/Governance candidate for the 2007 annual
meeting must be made by June 30, 2006.

     Shareholders can submit the names of candidates to be considered by writing
to  our  Corporate  Secretary, at 214 West First Street, Oswego, New York 13126.
The submission must include the following information:

     -    the  name  and  address  of  the  shareholder  as  it  appears  on the
          Company's  books,  and  number of shares of the Company's common stock
          that are owned beneficially by such shareholder (if the shareholder is
          not  a  holder  of  record,  appropriate evidence of the shareholder's
          ownership will be required).

     -    the  name,  address  and  contact  information  for the candidate, and
          the  number of shares of common stock of the Company that are owned by
          the candidate (if the candidate is not a holder of record, appropriate
          evidence of the shareholder's ownership should be provided).

     -    a statement of the candidate's business and educational experience.

     -    such  other  information  regarding  the  candidate  as  would  be
          required  to  be  included  in  the  proxy  statement  pursuant to SEC
          Regulation 14A.

     -    a  statement  detailing any relationship between the candidate and the

     -    a  statement  detailing  any  relationship  between  the candidate and
          any customer, supplier or competitor of the Company.

     -    detailed  information  about  any  relationship  or  understanding
          between the proposing shareholder and the candidate and

     -    a  statement  that  the  candidate  is  willing  to  be considered and
          willing to serve as a director if nominated and elected.

     The  Nominating/Governance  Committee  will  consider  shareholder
recommendations made in accordance with the above similarly to any other nominee
proposed  by any other source. The Company has not paid a fee to any third party
to  identify  or  evaluate  any  potential  nominees.  Moreover, the Nominating/
Governance Committee has not received within the last year a recommended nominee
from  a  shareholder  who  beneficially owned more than five percent (5%) of the
company's  common  stock  for  at  least  one  (1)  year,  or  from  a  group of
shareholders owning more than five (5%) percent of the common stock.

     The  Audit  Committee  consists of directors Manwaring, Nelson, Spencer and
Joyce.  The  Audit Committee meets on a periodic basis with the internal auditor
to  review  audit  programs  and  the  results  of  audits of specific areas, on
regulatory  compliance issues, as well as to review information to further their
financial literacy skills. The Audit Committee meets with the Auditors to review
quarterly  and annual filings, the results of the annual audit and other related
matters.  The  Chairman  of  the  Audit  Committee may meet with the Auditors on
quarterly  filing  issues  in  lieu  of the entire committee. Each member of the
Audit  Committee  is "independent" as defined in the listing standards of Nasdaq
and  SEC  Rule  10A-3.  The  Company's  Board of Directors has adopted a written
charter  for  the Audit Committee which is available on the Company's website at

     The  Audit  Committee maintains an understanding of the Company's key areas
of financial risk and assesses the steps management takes to minimize and manage
such  risks;  selects  and  evaluates  the qualifications and performance of the
Auditors,  ensures  that  the  internal  and  external  auditors  maintain  no
relationship  with management and/or the Company that would impede their ability
to  provide  independent  judgment;  oversees  the  adequacy  of  the systems of
internal  control;  reviews  the nature and extent of any significant changes in
accounting  principles;  and  oversees  that  management  has  established  and
maintained  processes  reasonably  calculated to ensure the Company's compliance
with  all  applicable  law,  regulations,  corporate  policies and other matters
contained  in  the  Company's Code of Ethics which is available on the Company's

website  at  WWW.PATHFINDERBANK.COM.  The  Audit  Committee  has  established
procedures  for  the confidential, anonymous submission by employees of concerns
regarding accounting or auditing matters.

     The  Board  of  Directors  of  Pathfinder Bancorp, Inc. has determined that
Bruce  E.  Manwaring,  chairman  of  the Audit Committee in 2004, 2005, and 2006
qualifies  as  a  financial expert serving on the committee. Mr. Manwaring meets
the criteria established by the Securities and Exchange Commission as follows:

     -    Mr.  Manwaring  maintains  an  understanding  of  generally  accepted
          accounting  principles and financial statements and has the ability to
          assess  the  application  of  such  principles  in  connection  with
          accounting for estimates, accruals and reserves.

     -    Mr.  Manwaring  has  garnered  comparable  experience  preparing  and
          analyzing  financial  statements  in  his  current  position  as  the
          Chamberlain  of  the  City  of  Oswego,  which  he  has held since his
          appointment in 1999.

     -    Mr.  Manwaring  has  earned  a  Bachelor of Science degree majoring in
          accounting  from  the  State University of New York, College at Oswego
          and  has  successfully  passed the Uniform Certified Pubic Accountancy

     -    Through  his  work  experience  and  education,  Mr.  Manwaring  has
          developed  a thorough understanding of internal controls and financial
          reporting  procedures,  as  well  as a detailed understanding of audit
          committee functions.

     The  Board  of  Directors has also determined that Mr. Manwaring and all of
the  Audit Committee members meet the definition of independent as prescribed by
the Nasdaq listing requirements, and are all financially literate.


     Beard  Miller  Company  LLP  billed  the Company a total of $76,653 for the
audit  of  the  Company's 2005 annual financial statements and for the review of
the  related  Forms  10-Q. During the fiscal year ended December 31, 2004, Beard
Miller  Company  LLP  billed the company a total of $69,283 for the audit of the
Company's  2004  annual financial statements and its review of the related Forms

     The  Audit Committee considered whether the provision of non-audit services
was  compatible  with  maintaining  the  independence of its Auditors. The Audit
Committee  concluded  that  performing  such services in 2005 did not affect the
auditors' independence in performing their function as Auditors of the Company.


     The  Audit  Committee's  policy  is  to pre-approve all audit and non-audit
services  provided  by  the Auditors. These services may include audit services,
audit-related  services,  tax  services  and  other  services.  Pre-approval  is
generally  provided  for  up  to one year and any pre-approval is detailed as to
particular  service  or  category  of  services  and  is  generally subject to a
specific budget. The Audit Committee has delegated pre-approval authority to its
Chairman  when  expedition of services is necessary. The Auditors and management
are  required  to  periodically report to the full Audit Committee regarding the
extent  of  services  provided  by  the  Auditors  in  accordance  with  this
pre-approval, and the fees for the services performed to date.


     Aggregate  fees  billed for other services rendered by Beard Miller Company
LLP  for  the Company during the years ended December 31, 2005 and 2004 were  as

                                                         2005       2004
Recurring  and  non-recurring  tax  services
  Beard  Miller  Company  LLP                          $11,450     $22,600

All other fees
  Beard Miller Company LLP                             $     0     $     0

     Recurring  and  non-recurring tax services include assistance in connection
with the New York State Franchise tax examination.


     In  accordance  with  rules established by the SEC, the Audit Committee has
prepared  the following report for inclusion in this proxy statement: As part of
its ongoing activities, the Audit Committee has:

     -    Reviewed  and  discussed  with  management  the  Company's  audited
          consolidated  financial  statements  for  the  year ended December 31,

     -    Discussed  with  the  Auditors  the  matters  required to be discussed
          by  Statement  on Auditing Standards No. 61, Communications with Audit
          Committees, as amended;

     -    Received  the  written  disclosures  and  the letter from the Auditors
          required  by Independence Standards Board Standard No. 1, Independence
          Discussions with Audit Committees, and has discussed with the Auditors
          their independence; and

     -    Considered  the  compatibility  of  non-audit  services  described
          above with maintaining auditor independence.

     Based  on the review and discussions referred to above, the Audit Committee
recommended  to  the  Board of Directors that the audited consolidated financial
statements  be included in the Company's Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year
ended  December 31, 2005. The Audit Committee appointed Beard Miller Company LLP
as  Auditors  for  2006,  which  the shareholders will be asked to ratify at the
Annual Meeting.

              This report has been provided by the Audit Committee:

                 Messrs, Joyce, Spencer, Manwaring, and Nelson.


     Set  forth  hereunder is a performance graph comparing (a) the total return
on  the  Common  Stock  for  the  period  beginning on December 31, 2000 through
December  31,  2005,  (b)  the cumulative total return on stocks included in the
Nasdaq  Composite  Index  over  such period, and (c) the yearly cumulative total
return  on  stocks  included  in  the  SNL  Thrift  Index  over such period. The
cumulative  total  return  on  the  Common  Stock  was  computed  assuming  the
reinvestment of cash dividends during the fiscal year.

     There can be no assurance that the Common Stock's performance will continue
in  the future with the same or similar trend depicted in the graph. The Company
will not make or endorse any predictions as to future stock performance.

                                GRAPHIC OMMITTED

                                    PERIOD ENDING

INDEX                     12/31/00  12/31/01 12/31/02 12/31/03 12/31/04 12/31/05
Pathfinder Bancorp, Inc.    100.00   219.80   249.59   321.21   298.62   237.78
NASDAQ Composite            100.00    79.18    54.44    82.09    89.59    91.54
SNL Thrift Index            100.00   106.88   127.50   180.50   202.12   208.21


     The  full  Board  of Directors of the Company determines the salaries to be
paid each year to the executive officers of the Company.


     Under  SEC  rules,  the  Company  is  required to disclose certain data and
information  regarding  compensation and benefits of its Chief Executive Officer
and  other  executive  officers. The disclosure includes the use of tables and a
report  explaining  the rationale for and considerations that led to fundamental
executive compensation decisions affecting these individuals. In fulfilling this
requirement,  the  Board  of Directors of the Company has prepared the following
report for inclusion in this proxy statement.

     The  Compensation  Committee of the Board of Directors (the "Committee") is
comprised  of  Directors  Chris  Burritt,  Chris  Gagas, William Nelson, Janette
Resnick  and  Corte  Spencer,  all  of whom are "independent" pursuant to Nasdaq
listing  rules.  The  Committee  annually  reviews  the performance of the Chief
Executive  Officer  and  other executive officers and recommends to the Board of
Directors  changes to base compensation as well as the amount of any bonus to be
awarded.  In  determining  whether  the  base  salary  of  an  officer should be
increased, the Committee and the Board of Directors take into account individual
performance,  performance  of the Company and information regarding compensation
paid  to  executives  of  peer  group institutions made to executives performing
similar duties for financial institutions in the Bank's market area.

     While  the Committee and the Board of Directors do not use strict numerical
formulas  to  determine  changes in compensation for the Chief Executive Officer
and  Vice  Presidents,  and  while  they weigh a variety of different factors in
their  deliberations,  they  have  emphasized  and  will  continue  to emphasize
earnings,  profitability,  earnings  contribution  to capital, capital strength,
asset  quality,  and  return  on  tangible  equity  as  factors  in  setting the
compensation  of  the  Chief  Executive  Officer  and  senior  officers.  Non-
quantitative  factors  considered by the Committee and the Board of Directors in
2005  included  general  management  oversight  of  the  Company, the quality of
communication  with  the  Board of Directors, and the productivity of employees.
Finally, the Committee and the Board of Directors considered the standing of the
Company with customers and the community, as evidenced by customer and community
complaints  and  compliments.  While  the  Committee  and the Board of Directors
considered  each  of  the  quantitative  and  non-quantitative factors described
above,  such  factors  were  not  assigned  a  specific weight in evaluating the
performance of the Chief Executive Officer and Vice Presidents.

     The  Board  of Directors approved salary increases totaling $20,500 for the
Company and Bank's six executive officers including Mr. Schneider. Mr. Schneider
does  not  participate  in  the  Board  of  Director's  consideration  of  his
compensation. There was no increase in Mr. Schneider's base salary during 2005.

     This has been provided by the Board of Directors: Chris C. Gagas, Thomas W.
Schneider,  Chris  R.  Burritt,  George P. Joyce, Bruce E. Manwaring, L. William
Nelson,  Jr.,  Janette  Resnick,  Corte  J.  Spencer,  Lloyd "Buddy" Stemple and
Stephen  W. Thomas.


     Each  non-employee  director,  with the exception of the Board Chairman and
the  Audit  Committee Chairman, receives an annual retainer of $9,500, a meeting
fee  of $500 for each Board meeting attended and $300 for each committee meeting
attended.  The  Board  Chairman  receives an additional retainer of $10,000. The
Audit  Committee  Chairman  receives  an  additional  retainer of $5,000 and the
chairman  of all other committees receives an additional $100 for each committee
meeting  in  which  they  serve  in the capacity of committee chairman. Employee
directors  do  not  receive  monthly  meeting  fees. The Company paid a total of
$156,150 in director fees during the year ending December 31, 2005.


     The  following table sets forth for the years ended December 31, 2005, 2004
and  2003,  certain information as to the total remuneration paid by the Company
to  Mr.  Schneider,  the  Company's Chief Executive Officer, and to Mr. Mervine,
the Company's Vice-President, General  Counsel and Secretary. No other executive
officers  received  compensation  exceeding $100,000 for the year ended December
31,  2005.

                                              SUMMARY COMPENSATION TABLE
                              Annual Compensation                  Long-Term Compensation Awards
                          Years                           Other    Restricted
                          Ended                          Annual      Stock    Options/              All Other
      Name and           December Salary     Bonus   Compensation   Award(s)    SARS              Compensation
Principal Position (1)     31     ($) (2)     ($)       ($) (3)     ($) (4)    (#) (5)   Payouts     ($) (3)
Thomas W. Schneider         2005  $185,000   $ 2,128             -         -          -         -     $25,464
President and Chief         2004  $185,000   $10,000             -         -          -         -     $19,049
Executive Officer           2003  $180,000   $20,000             -         -          -         -     $17,553

Edward Mervine              2005  $122,000   $ 1,282             -         -          -         -     $ 4,315
Vice President,             2004  $117,250   $ 6,000             -         -          -         -     $ 5,200
General Counsel             2003  $114,000   $ 7,500             -         -          -         -     $ 4,800

     (1)  No other executive officer received salary and bonuses that in
          the aggregate exceeded $100,000.
     (2)  Includes  compensation  deferred  at  the  election  of  the  named
          individual under the Company's cafeteria plan.
     (3)  Includes  the  following  amounts  for  Mr.  Schneider  for  2005:
          $16,688  contribution  in  connection  with the executive supplemental
          retirement  agreement  and  an  $8,776  contribution  to the Company's
          401(k) plan. Includes a contribution of $4,315 to the Company's 401(k)
          plan on behalf of Mr. Mervine.
     (4)  Amount  represents  compensation  associated  with  the vested portion
          of stock awards granted under the Management Recognition and Retention
     (5)  Amount  represents  the  vested  portion  of  option  shares  granted
          under the Stock Option Plan.


full-time employees with medical and life and accidental death and dismemberment
insurance.  In addition, the Company maintains a "cafeteria plan" for employees,
which  permits qualifying employees to allocate a portion of their compensation,
on  a  pre-tax  basis,  for  the  payment  of medical, dental and dependent care
expenses  as well as the payment of certain insurance premiums. The Company also
offers  educational  assistance  to  full-time employees who have worked for the
Company  for  at least one year and who desire to take courses at any accredited
school  of  learning.  The  Company  also  provides  long-term disability income
insurance  for  all  employees equal to the lesser of $6,000 per month or 60% of
the employee's basic monthly earnings.

     DEFINED BENEFIT PLAN. The Company maintains a tax-qualified noncontributory
defined benefit plan ("Retirement Plan"). All salaried employees age 21 or older
who  have  worked  for  the Company for at least one year and have been credited
with  1,000  or  more  hours  of employment with the Company during the year are
eligible  to  accrue benefits under the Retirement Plan. The Company contributes
annually  to  the Retirement Plan an amount necessary to satisfy the actuarially
determined  minimum  funding  requirements  in  accordance  with  the  Employee
Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 ("ERISA").

     At  the  normal retirement age of 65 the plan is designed to provide a life
annuity.  The  retirement  benefit  provided is equal to 1.5% of a participant's
average  monthly  compensation  for  periods  after May 1, 2004, and 2.0% of the
participant's  average monthly compensation for credited service prior to May 1,
2004  based  on  the  average  of the three consecutive years during the last 10
years  of  employment  which  provides  the highest monthly average compensation
multiplied  by  the  participant's  years  of credited service (not to exceed 30
years)  to the normal retirement date. Retirement benefits also are payable upon

retirement  due  to  early  and late retirement. Benefits also are paid from the
Retirement  Plan  upon a Participant's disability or death. A reduced benefit is
payable  upon early retirement at or after age 60, or the completion of 30 years
of  service  with  the  Company.  Upon  termination  of employment other than as
specified  above, a participant who was employed by the Company for a minimum of
five  years  is  eligible to receive his or her accrued benefit reduced or early
retirement  or  a  deferred  retirement benefit commencing on such participant's
normal  retirement  date.  Benefits  are  payable  in  various annuity forms. At
December  31,  2005  the  market  value  of  the  Retirement Plan trust fund was
approximately  $4,070,000.  For  the  plan  year  ended  September 30, 2005, the
Company made a contribution of $670,000 to the Retirement Plan.

     The  following  table indicates the annual retirement benefit that would be
payable  under  the Retirement Plan upon retirement at age 65 in plan year 2005,
expressed  in the form of a single life annuity for the final average salary and
benefit service classification specified below.

AVERAGE COMPENSATION       15       20        25        30
      $ 25,000          $ 7,292  $ 9,792  $ 12,292  $ 14,792
      $ 50,000          $14,583  $19,583  $ 24,583  $ 29,583
      $ 75,000          $21,875  $29,375  $ 36,875  $ 44,375
      $100,000          $29,167  $39,167  $ 49,167  $ 59,167
      $125,000          $36,458  $48,958  $ 61,458  $ 73,958
      $210,000          $61,250  $82,250  $103,250  $124,250

     Under  Section  401(a)(17)  of the Code, the maximum amount of compensation
that  may  be taken into account under the Retirement Plan in the 2005 Plan Year
is $210,000.

     As  of  December  31,  2005,  Thomas  W. Schneider had 17 years of credited
service  (i.e.,  benefit service), and Edward A. Mervine had 4 years of credited
service under the Retirement Plan.

     EMPLOYEE  SAVINGS  PLAN.  The  Company  maintains the Employee Savings Plan
which  is  a  qualified,  tax-exempt profit sharing plan with a cash or deferred
feature  that is tax-qualified under Section 401(k) of the Internal Revenue Code
(the  "401(k)  Plan"). All employees who have attained age 21 and have completed
at  least  one  year of employment during which they worked at least 1,000 hours
are eligible to participate.

     Participants  may  contribute,  and  receive  a deduction for, up to 25% of
compensation  to  the  401 (k) Plan. For these purposes, "compensation" includes
total  compensation  (including  salary  reduction  contributions made under the
401(k)  Plan  or  the flexible benefits plan sponsored by the Company), but does
not  include compensation in excess of $200,000. The Company, in its discretion,
may  match  participants'  salary  reduction  contributions  based  upon Company
profits  for  the  current  fiscal year. All employee contributions and earnings
thereon  are  fully  and immediately vested. All employer matching contributions
vest  at  the rate of 20% per year beginning at the end of a participant's third
year  of service with the Company until a participant is 100% vested after seven
years of service. Participants also will vest in employer matching contributions
when  they  reach  the  normal  retirement  age of 65 or later, or upon death or
disability regardless of years of service.

     Plan  benefits  will be paid to each participant in a lump sum. At December
31,  2005,  the  market  value  of  the 401(k) Plan trust fund was approximately
$2,721,000.  For  the  plan  year  ended  December  31, 2005, the Company made a
contribution  in  the  amount  of  $145,000  to  the 401(k) Plan Trust. The 2005
contributions  to  the  Company  401(k)  plan on behalf of Mr. Schneider and Mr.
Mervine are set forth in note (3) to the Summary Compensation Table.

maintains  a  non-tax-qualified  executive supplemental retirement income master
agreement (the "Master Agreement") for qualifying executives of the Company. One
executive  and  the  former  Chairman  of  the  Board  are currently eligible to
participate  in  the  Master  Agreement.  The  Master  Agreement  provides  a
supplemental  retirement  income  benefit  in  an annual amount equal to highest
average  compensation received by the executive during any 36 month period while
employed  by the Company, multiplied by a wage replacement percentage designated
in  the  individual executive's joinder agreement, less the actual annual amount
available  to  the  executive  from  the  Company's  other  tax-qualified  or
nonqualified  plans.  Benefits  under  the  Master  Agreement are payable to the
executive  upon the benefit age designated in the individual executive's joinder
agreement.  Benefits  will  be  payable in monthly installments beginning on the
executive's  benefit age and continuing for a period of months designated in the
individual  executive's  joinder  agreement. Payments to an executive, or to his
beneficiary,  may  be made from the Master Agreement upon the executive's death,
total or permanent disability, or termination of service with the Company.

     The  Master  Agreement  is  considered  an  unfunded plan for tax and ERISA
purposes.  All  obligations  arising under the Master Agreement are payable from
the  general  assets of the Company. The 2005 contribution made on behalf of Mr.
Schneider  in  connection  with the Master Agreement is set forth in note (3) to
the Summary Compensation Table.

     STOCK OPTION PLAN. The Pathfinder Bancorp, Inc. 1997 Stock Option Plan (the
"Stock Option Plan") authorizes the grant of stock options and limited rights to
purchase 132,249 shares of Common Stock. The Stock Option Plan authorizes grants
of  (i)  options  intended to qualify as "incentive stock options," (ii) options
that  do  not  qualify  as incentive stock options ("non-statutory options") and
(iii)  limited  rights (described below) that are exercisable only upon a change
in  control  of the Company (as defined). Non-employee directors are eligible to
receive  only  non-statutory  options.  No  options were granted during the past

     On  December  19,  2000,  the  Board  of  Directors  accepted the voluntary
rescission  of all issued and unvested incentive stock options and non-statutory
stock options under the Pathfinder Bank 1997 Stock Option Plan.

     In  July  2001,  the Board approved the re-issuance of 38,499 stock options
remaining  in  the  1997  Stock  Option Plan. The exercise price is equal to the
market  value  of the Company's shares at the date of grant ($8.34). The options
granted  under  the  re-issuance  have a 10-year term. At December 31, 2005, all
options have vested under the Stock Option Plan.

     Simultaneously  with the grant of any stock option, the Committee may grant
a Dividend Equivalent Right with respect to all or some of the shares covered by
such  stock  option.  The  Dividend Equivalent Right provides the grantee with a
separate  cash benefit equal to 100% of the amount of any extraordinary dividend
on  shares  of  Common  Stock  subject to a stock option. Under the terms of the
Stock  Option  Plan, an extraordinary dividend is any dividend paid on shares of
Common  Stock  that  exceeds  the  Company's  weighted  average cost of interest
bearing  liabilities  for  the  current  and  preceding three quarters. Upon the
payment  of an extraordinary dividend, Dividend Equivalent Right will receive at
the time the related stock option vests cash or some other payment as determined
under the Stock Option Plan, equal to 100% of the extraordinary dividend paid on
shares  of  Common  Stock  plus  any earnings thereon, minus any tax withholding
amounts.  The Dividend Equivalent Right is transferable only when the underlying
stock option is transferable and under the same conditions.

     During the year, neither Mr. Schneider nor Mr. Mervine acquired any company
stock  through  the  exercise of options. As of December 31, 2005, Mr. Schneider
held 450 unexercised in-the-money options valued at approximately $2,126.

     The  Board  of  Directors  may amend, suspend or terminate the Stock Option
Plan  except  that  such  amendments  may  not impair awards previously granted.
Shareholders  of the Company must approve any amendment to the Stock Option Plan
that  would  increase  the number of options, decrease an option exercise price,
extend the term of the Stock Option Plan or any option, or change the persons or
category of persons eligible to be granted options. The exercise of options will
have  a  dilutive  effect  on  the ownership interests of existing shareholders.
Further,  the  exercise  of  options  may  render more difficult or discourage a
merger, tender offer or other takeover attempt even if such transaction or event
would  be  beneficial  to shareholders generally, the assumption of control by a
holder  of  a  large  block  of the Company's securities, a proxy contest or the
removal of incumbent management.

     RECOGNITION  AND  RETENTION  PLAN.  The  Board  of Directors of the Company
adopted  the  1997  Recognition and Retention Plan (the "Recognition Plan") as a
method  of providing certain employees and non-employee directors of the Company
with a proprietary interest in the Company and to provide these individuals with
an incentive to increase the value of the Company.

     The Stock Benefits Committee, composed of the non-employee directors of the
Company,  administers  the  Recognition  Plan,  and makes awards to officers and
employees pursuant to the Recognition Plan. Awards to non-employee directors are
fixed by the terms of the Recognition Plan. Awards of Common Stock that have not
vested  under  the Recognition Plan ("Restricted Stock") are nontransferable and
nonassignable.  Participants  in the Recognition Plan become vested in shares of
Restricted Stock over a six-year period beginning on January 24, 1999; provided,
however,  that the Stock Benefits Committee may accelerate or extend the vesting
rate  on  any  awards made to officers and employees after the effective date of
the Recognition Plan. On December 19, 2000 ("the rescission date"), the Board of
Directors  accepted  the  voluntary rescission of all issued and unvested awards
under  the  1997  Recognition and Retention Plan. Accordingly, the shares, which
would  have  been  earned  by  participants  since  the rescission date, will be
retained  by  the  Recognition  Plan.  Awards  to executive officers and outside
directors  become  fully vested upon termination of employment or service due to
normal retirement, death or disability, or following a termination of employment
or  service  in  connection with a change in control (as defined therein) of the
Company.  Upon  termination  of  employment  or  service  for  any other reason,
unvested  shares  are  forfeited. When a participant's Restructured Stock vests,
the participant will recognize ordinary income equal to the fair market value of
the  shares  vested,  unless  the  participant  previously  made  an irrevocable
election  to  be  taxed  on the shares of Restricted Stock awarded to him in the
year  of  the  award. The amount of income recognized by a participant will be a
deductible expense of the Company for Federal income tax purposes. A participant
is  entitled  to  receive  any  cash dividends paid on the Restricted Stock both
before  and  after  vesting of the Restricted Stock. Stock dividends declared by
the Company and paid on Restricted Stock that have not vested are subject to the
same restrictions as the Restricted Stock until such shares vest.

     Set  forth  below  is certain information as of December 31, 2005 regarding
equity  compensation  to directors, director's emeriti and executive officers of
the  Company  approved  by shareholders. Other than the employee stock ownership
plan,  the Company did not have any equity plans in place that were not approved
by shareholders.

                                   Number of securities to be
                                    issued  upon exercise of                      Number of securities
                                    outstanding options and  Weighted average   remaining available for
Plan                                        rights            Exercise price      issuance under plan
Equity compensation to directors
and executive officers approved by
shareholders                               45,550                 $ 7.41                     30


     The  Sarbanes-Oxley  Act  of  2002  generally  prohibits an issuer from (i)
extending  or maintaining credit; (ii) arranging for the extension of credit; or
(iii)  renewing  an  extension  of  credit in the form of a personal loan for an
officer  or  director. There are several exceptions to this general prohibition,
however,  one  of  which  is applicable to the Company. Namely, this prohibition
does  not apply to loans made by a depository institution that is insured by the
FDIC  and  is subject to the insider lending restrictions of the Federal Reserve
Act.  All  loans to the Company's directors and officers by the Bank are made in
conformity with the Federal Reserve Act and regulations promulgated thereunder.

     All  other  transactions  between  the  Company and its executive officers,
directors,  holders  of  10%  or  more  of  the  shares  of its Common Stock and
affiliates  thereof,  are  on  terms no less favorable to the Company than could
have been obtained by it in arm's-length negotiations with unaffiliated persons.

Such  transactions  must  be  approved  by  a  majority  of  independent outside
directors of the Company not having any interest in the transaction.


     The  Board  of  Directors  of  the  Company  has  established a process for
shareholders  to  send communications to a director by either United States mail
or electronic mail. Any shareholder who desires to communicate directly with the
directors  of the Company should send their communication to Board of Directors,
Pathfinder  Bancorp,  Inc.,  214 West First Street, Oswego, New York 13126 or by
email  to  DIRECTORS@PATHFINDERBANK.COM.  The communication should indicate that
the author is a shareholder and if shares are not held of record, should include
appropriate  evidence  of  stock  ownership.  Depending  on  the subject matter,
management will:

     -    Forward  the  communication to the Director or Directors to whom it is

     -    Attempt  to  handle  the  inquiry  directly, for example where it is a
          request  for  information  about  the Company or it is a stock-related
          matter; or

     -    Not forward the communication if it is primarily commercial in
          nature, relates to an improper or irrelevant topic, or is unduly
          hostile, threatening, illegal or otherwise inappropriate.

     At  each  Board  meeting,  management  shall  present  a  summary  of  all
communications received since the last meeting that were not forwarded and makes
those communications available to the Directors.


     The  Company  has  adopted  a  Code  of  Ethics  that  is applicable to the
officers,  directors  and  employees  of  the  Company,  including the Company's
principal  executive  officer, principal financial officer, principal accounting
officer  or  controller,  or  persons  performing similar functions. The Code of
Ethics  is  available  on  the  Company's  website  at  WWW.PATHFINDERBANK.COM.
Amendments  to and waivers from the Code of Ethics will also be disclosed on the
Company's website.

     The  Audit  Committee  of  the Company has approved the engagement of Beard
Miller  Company  LLP  to  be  the  Company's  Auditors  for  2006 subject to the
ratification  of  the  engagement by the Company's shareholders.  At the  Annual
Meeting,  shareholders  will  consider  and  vote  on  the  ratification  of the
engagement  of  Beard Miller Company LLP, for the year ending December 31, 2006.
A  representative  of  Beard  Miller  Company  LLP,  is  expected to attend  the
Meeting  to  respond to appropriate questions and to make a statement if  he  so

     In  order  to  ratify  the  selection  of  Beard Miller Company LLP, as the
Auditors  for  2006,  the proposal must receive at least a majority of the votes
cast,  either  in  person  or by proxy, in favor of such ratification. The Audit
Committee and the Board of Directors recommends a vote "FOR" the ratification of
Beard Miller Company LLP, as Auditors for 2006.

                              SHAREHOLDER PROPOSALS
     In  order  to  be  eligible  for  inclusion in the proxy materials for next
year's  Annual  Meeting of Shareholders, any shareholder proposal to take action
at  such  meeting  must  be received at the Company's executive office, 214 West
First  Street,  Oswego, New York 13126, no later than December 2, 2006. Any such
proposals  shall be subject to the requirements of the proxy rules adopted under
the Securities Exchange Act of 1934.

                                  OTHER MATTERS
     The  Board  of  Directors  is  not aware of any business to come before the
Annual  Meeting  other  than the matters described above in the Proxy Statement.
However,  if  any  matters should properly come before the Annual Meeting, it is
intended  that  holders of the proxies will act as directed by a majority of the
Board  of  Directors,  except  for  matters related to the conduct of the Annual
Meeting, as to which they shall act in accordance with their best judgment.  The
Board  of  Directors  intends  to  exercise  its  discretionary authority to the
fullest  extent  permitted  under  the  Securities  Exchange  Act  of  1934.

     The  Bylaws  of the Company provide an advance notice procedure for certain
business,  or  nominations  to  the  Board of Directors, to be brought before an
annual  meeting. In order for a shareholder to properly bring business before an
annual  meeting, or to propose a nominee to the Board, the shareholder must give
written notice to the Secretary of the Company at least five (5) days before the
date  fixed  for  such  meeting. The notice must include the shareholder's name,
record  address, and number of shares owned by the shareholder, describe briefly
the  proposed  business, the reasons for bringing the business before the annual
meeting, and any material interest of the shareholder in the proposed business.

     In  the case of nominations to the Board, certain information regarding the
nominee  must  be provided. Nothing in this paragraph shall be deemed to require
the  Company  to  include in its proxy statement and proxy relating to an annual
meeting any shareholder proposal which does not meet all of the requirements for
inclusion  established  by  the  SEC  in  effect  at  the  time such proposal is


     The  cost  of  solicitation  of  proxies will be borne by the Company.  The
Company  will  reimburse  brokerage  firms  and  other  custodians, nominees and
fiduciaries  for reasonable expenses incurred by them in sending proxy materials
to the beneficial owners of Common Stock.  In addition to solicitations by mail,
directors,  officers  and  regular  employees of the Company may solicit proxies
personally  or  by  telegraph  or  telephone  without  additional  compensation.

                                              BY ORDER OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS

                                             /s/Edward A. Mervine
                                             Edward A. Mervine

Oswego,  New  York
March 31, 2006

|  X  |

                                REVOCABLE  PROXY
                           PATHFINDER  BANCORP,  INC.

                        ANNUAL  MEETING  OF  SHAREHOLDERS
                                April  26,  2006

The  undersigned  hereby  appoints  the  full  Board  of  Directors,  with  full
powers  of  substitution  to  act  as attorneys  and proxies for the undersigned
to  vote  all  shares  of  Common  Stock of the Company which the undersigned is
entitled to  vote  at the  Annual Meeting of Shareholders ("Meeting") which will
be  held  at  the Econolodge,  70  East  First Street, Oswego, New York on April
26,  2006  at  10:00 a.m., Eastern Time. The Board of Directors is authorized to
cast  all  votes  to  which  the  undersigned  is  entitled  as  follows:

     1)   The election as directors of all nominees listed below (except as
          marked to the contrary below)

                                    For           Withhold           Except
                                    |__|                |__|           |__|

Bruce  E.  Manwaring
L.  William  Nelson,  Jr.
George  P.  Joyce
Lloyd  "Buddy"  Stemple

INSTRUCTION:  To  withhold your vote for one or more nominees, write the name of
the  nominee(s)  on  the  lines  below.

     2)   The ratification of Beard Miller Company LLP as independent
          auditors for the year ending December 31, 2006.

                        For            Against            Abstain
                       |__|             |__|               |__|






                           PATHFINDER  BANCORP,  INC.

     Should  the  undersigned  be present and elect to vote at the Meeting or at
any  adjournment  thereof and after notification to the Secretary of the Company
at  the  Annual  Meeting  of the shareholder's decision to terminate this proxy,
then  the  power of said attorneys and proxies shall be deemed terminated and of
no  further  force and effect. This proxy may also be revoked by sending written
notice  to  the Secretary of the Company at the  address set forth on the Notice
of  Annual  Meeting  of  Shareholders,  or  by  the  filing  of  a  later  proxy
statement prior  to  a  vote  being  taken  on  a  particular  proposal  at  the

     The  above  signed  acknowledges  receipt  from  the  Company  prior  to
the  execution  of  this  proxy  of  Notice  of  the  Meeting,  Annual  Report
containing  financial  statements,  and  a proxy statement dated March 31, 2006.

     Please  sign  exactly  as  your  name appears on this card. When signing as
attorney,  executor, administrator, trustee or guardian, please give full title.
If  shares  are  held  jointly,  each  should  sign.

                           POSTAGE-PREPAID ENVELOPE.

