Financial News

Blackhawk Bancorp Announces 2020 Third Quarter Earnings and Share Repurchase Program

BELOIT, WI / ACCESSWIRE / October 26, 2020 / Blackhawk Bancorp, Inc. (OTCQX:BHWB) reported net income of $2.9 million for the third quarter of 2020, a 12% increase over the $2.6 million earned the previous quarter, and a 16% decrease compared to the $3.4 million earned the third quarter of 2019. Fully diluted earnings per share (EPS) for the quarter ended September 30, 2020, was $0.86, an increase of $0.09 as compared to $0.77 for the quarter ended June 30, 2020 and a decrease of $0.17 as compared to $1.03 earned for the quarter ended September 30, 2019. The third quarter 2020 results produced a Return on Average Equity (ROAE) of 10.64% and a Return on Average Assets (ROAA) of 1.03%.

The earnings increase compared to the most recent quarter was primarily driven by an increase in net revenue from the sale and servicing of residential mortgage loans, which was partially offset by an increase in operating expenses. Net interest income for the quarter increased only slightly compared to the most recent quarter.

The decrease in net income for the third quarter of 2020 compared to the third quarter of last year reflects an increase in the provision for loan losses, a decrease in net gain on sale of securities and an increase in operating expenses, which were partially offset by growth in net interest income and net revenue from the sale and servicing of residential mortgage loans.

For the nine months ended September 30, 2020, the company reported net income of $7.5 million, a 3% increase over the $7.3 million reported for the first nine months of 2019. Diluted earnings per share for the third quarter of 2020 increased by 3% to $2.26 compared to $2.20 for the first nine months of 2019. The Company's results for the first nine months of 2020 produced a return on average assets of 0.95% and a return on average equity of 9.69%.

Total assets of the company increased by $162 million, or 17%, to $1.1 billion at September 30, 2020, compared to $963.9 million as of December 31, 2019. Total gross loans increased by $57.2 million, or 9%, and total investment securities increased $80.3 million, or 34%, during the first nine months of 2020. Total Deposits increased by $131.2 million, or 16%, to $960.8 million compared to $829.6 million at the end of 2019.

Net Interest Income

Net interest income for the third quarter of 2020 totaled $9.9 million, unchanged compared to the second quarter of 2020, and up $1.1 million, or 12%, compared to the third quarter of last year. The net interest margin was 3.83% for the third quarter of 2020 as compared to 3.99% for the quarter ended June 30, 2020, and 3.93% for the third quarter of last year.

The increase in net interest income compared to the third quarter of last year was driven by the overall increase in earning assets and recognition $0.7 million of PPP fees. Balance sheet growth reflects the origination of approximately $84 million of PPP loans, liquidity from other pandemic stimulus programs and an overall influx of deposits. While the increase in overall earning assets added to net interest income, the net interest margin on the assets added was lean, with PPP loans earning 1% and the remaining liquidity being deployed in the investment portfolio, where yields were at historical lows, or held at the Federal Reserve. Despite the deployment of funds into lower interest rate assets the net interest margin held up well at 3.83% for the third quarter of 2020 as recognition of PPP fees offset the effect of the low interest being earned rate on the PPP loans.

Average total loans for the quarter ended September 30, 2020, equaled $693.4 million, a $7.7 million, or 1%, decrease as compared to the previous quarter, and a $60.2 million, or 10%, increase over the same quarter a year ago. The average total loans for the third quarter and second quarters of 2020 included $84 million and $63 million of average PPP loans, respectively.

Average total deposits for the quarter ended September 30, 2020, equaled $943.8 million, a $25.0 million, or 3% increase over the previous quarter, and a $111.9 million, or 13%, increase over the same quarter a year ago. The increase in average total deposits included PPP funds deposited by borrowers, other stimulus money received by customers and other deposit growth.

Net interest income for the nine months ended September 30, 2020, increased by $3.3 million, or 13%, to $28.4 million as compared to $25.1 million for the first nine months of 2019. The net interest margin for the first nine months of 2020 decreased by two basis points to 3.89% compared to 3.91% for the first nine months of 2019. Average total loans for the first nine months of 2020 were $674.5 million, an increase of $74.8 million, or 12%, as compared to $599.7 million for the first nine months of 2019. Average total deposits for the first nine months of 2020 were $901.5 million, an increase of $93.3 million, or 12%, as compared to $808.2 million for the first nine months of 2019. The Federal Reserve's aggressive rate cuts to address the economic fallout from the pandemic resulted in a forty-four basis point decrease in the year to date yield on average earning assets as compared to the first three quarters of 2019. The Company acted swiftly to lower funding costs achieving a forty-four basis point decrease in the cost of deposits and a fifty basis point drop in cost of funds limiting the decrease in the net interest margin to two basis points compared to the first three quarters of 2019.

Provision for Loan Losses and Asset Quality

The provision for loan losses for the quarter ended September 30, 2020, totaled $2.6 million, as compared to $2.5 million for the quarter ended June 30, 2020, and $0.6 million for the third quarter of 2019. The provision for the first nine months of 2020 increased to $5.9 million compared to $1 million for the first nine months of 2019. The increased provision reflects elevated charge-offs in the third quarter of 2020, and uncertainty related to the impact COVID-19 may have on future loan losses. Net charge-offs during the third quarter equaled $2.8 million, bringing the total up to $3.9 million for the first nine months of 2020. The charge-offs in the third quarter included $2.7 million related to one relationship.

Total nonperforming assets, which include troubled debt restructures that were performing in accordance with their modified terms, equaled $11.0 million as of September 30, 2020, as compared to $11.6 million as of June 30, 2020, and $9.1 million at September 30, 2019. At September 30, 2020, the ratio of nonperforming assets to total assets equaled 0.97%, as compared to 1.05% at June 30, 2020, and 0.93% at September 30, 2019. The allowance for loan losses to total loans was 1.44% as of September 30, 2020, as compared to 1.43% at June 30, 2020, and 1.28% as of September 30, 2019. The allowance for loan losses to total loans, excluding PPP loans, at September 30, 2020 is 1.64% compared to 1.60% at June 30, 2020. The ratio of the allowance for loan losses to nonperforming loans decreased to 90.8% as of September 30, 2020, as compared to 93.6% at June 30, 2020, and 94.7% at September 30, 2019.

While overall delinquency rates and non-performing asset levels have not increased, management believes that current economic conditions could result in elevated losses in future quarters. Many borrowers have taken advantage of PPP, other stimulus programs, and the loan modifications provided by Blackhawk. Management expects to continue recording elevated provision for loan losses for the rest of the year, and will continue being proactive with borrowers to ensure credit issues are identified and addressed as early as possible, improving the overall probability of repayment.

Blackhawk has provided payment relief to borrowers negatively affected by the COVID-19 pandemic, including payment deferrals, interest only payments and forbearance agreements offering other relief. During the third quarter many of these customers had returned to normal payments, however, some were still under the original or extended modification agreements. The total balance of loans under COVID-related modifications decreased by $45.5 million to $23.2 million as of September 30, 2020 compared to $68.7 million in June 30, 2020. Blackhawk's exposure to borrowers in high risk industries that received a modification and not returned to normal payments as of September 30, 2020 decreased by $39.5 million or 76%, compared to June 30, 2020. The table below summarizes the company's total outstanding balance and modified loan balance by industry code. The balances in the tables exclude loans originated under PPP, which are 100% guaranteed by the SBA:

As of 9/30/20 (balance in thousands)                  
     Balance of Loans by Modification Type    
Industry Portfolio Balance*  Payment Deferrals  Interest Only  Other  Total Modified  Percent of Portfolio Modified 
High Risk Industries                  
Arts, Entertainment and Recreation  4,208   -   -   -   -   0%
Health Care and Social Assistance  49,250   2,441   2,720   -   5,161   10%
Hospitality and Food Services  29,505   4,149   7   -   4,156   14%
Other Services (except Public Admin)  14,401   1,098   -   -   1,098   8%
Real Estate Rental and Leasing  108,882   -   814   -   814   1%
Retail Trade  40,798   1,078   -   -   1,078   3%
High Risk Industries Total  247,044   8,766   3,541   -   12,307   5%
Other Industries and Consumer Total                        
Construction  32,247   -   387   -   387   1%
Manufacturing  102,404   309   -   -   309   0%
Other Industries  100,440   2,587   3,519   -   6,106   6%
Consumer, Mortgage and Other  113,071   467   -   3,600   4,067   4%
Other Industries and Consumer Total  348,162   3,363   3,906   3,600   10,869   3%
Grand Total  595,206   12,129   7,447   3,600   23,176   4%
*Excluding loans held for sale and PPP loans                        

Non-Interest Income and Operating Expenses

Non-interest income for the quarter ended September 30, 2020, totaled $5.7 million, a $0.8 million increase compared to $4.9 million the prior quarter, and a $1.0 million increase over the $4.6 million recorded in the third quarter of 2019. The increase compared to the second quarter of 2020 includes increases of $0.2 million in net gain on sale of loans, $0.4 million in net loan servicing income and $0.1 million in deposit service charges. The increase compared to the third quarter of 2019 includes a $2.1 million increase in net gain on sale of loans, which was offset by a $0.3 million decrease in deposit service fees and an $0.9 million decrease in net gains on the sale of securities.

Non-interest income for the first nine months of 2020 increased $2.5 million, or 22%, to $13.8 million as compared to $11.3 million for the first nine months of 2019, including a $4.6 million increase in gain on sale of loans. This increase was offset by $0.5 million decrease in deposit service charges, a $0.5 million decrease in loan servicing income and a $1.1 million decrease in gain on sale of securities.

Operating expenses for the quarter ended September 30, 2020, totaled $9.3 million, increasing by $0.3 million, or 4%, compared to the quarter ended June 30, 2020, and increasing by $0.8 million, or 9%, compared to the third quarter of 2019. The increases compared to the third quarter of 2019 were driven primarily by the variable compensation related to increased mortgage loan originations.

Operating expenses for the nine-month period ended September 30, 2020, totaled $26.8 million, a $0.7 million, or 3%, increase over the first nine month of 2019. The 2019 results included $2 million of nonrecurring acquisition related expenses. Excluding these expenses, operating expenses would have increased by $2.7 million, or 11%, over the first nine months of last year. The increase reflects operating the three acquired locations for the full nine months, versus only seven months in the first nine months of 2019, and the increased variable compensation related to the mortgage banking activity.

Share Repurchase Program

At its meeting on October 21, 2020, the Company's Board of Directors authorized a share repurchase program, under which the Company may repurchase up to 200,000 shares of its outstanding common stock.

According to Todd James, Blackhawk Bancorp, Inc.'s President and CEO, "the stock repurchase program announced today is part of an overall plan to balance the use of Company resources to support all of its stakeholders. As we manage through these unprecedented times, Blackhawk has been and will continue supporting its customers, communities and employees that are negatively affected by COVID-19. This repurchase plan was adopted to extend similar support to our shareholders. While the number of shares authorized to be repurchased is relatively low, it demonstrates our confidence in the strength of our Company and will provide some level of liquidity for shareholders at a time when other alternatives may not be readily available," added James.

Under the share repurchase program, the Company may purchase, from time to time, on the open market or otherwise, shares of common stock of the Company in such quantities, at such prices, in such manner and on such terms and conditions as the Company's management team may deem appropriate, so long as the aggregate number of shares of common stock repurchased shall not exceed 200,000. Unless extended by the Board, the repurchase program will terminate on the twelve-month anniversary of its adoption.

The extent to which the Company repurchases its shares, and the timing of such repurchases, will depend upon a variety of factors, including market conditions, capital requirements and other corporate considerations, as determined by the Company's management team. The repurchase program may be suspended or discontinued at any time. The Company expects to finance the purchases with existing cash balances.


The outlook for Blackhawk as well as the entire banking industry is clouded by uncertainty related to the COVID-19 pandemic crisis. Blackhawk believes there is risk of elevated credit losses in future quarters as the economic impact of the crisis plays out, and will continue taking steps to increase revenue, implement government stimulus programs and work with credit customers to offset and mitigate losses to the extent possible. Management believes the Company's financial position is strong and it has ample resources to withstand a potentially severe and protracted recession. In addition to responding to this crisis, Blackhawk will continue to pursue creditworthy and profitable business and consumer relationships in its Wisconsin and Illinois markets, emphasizing the value of its personal attention and service that remains unmatched by larger competitors. In addition to organic growth opportunities, Blackhawk may also pursue growth through selective acquisitions. Ability to grow or maintain profitability may be affected by uncertain economic conditions, competitive pressures, changes in regulatory burden and the interest rate environment.

About Blackhawk Bancorp

Blackhawk Bancorp, Inc. is headquartered in Beloit, Wisconsin and is the parent company of Blackhawk Bank. The combined entity operates eleven full-service banking centers and a dedicated commercial office, which are located in Rock County, Wisconsin and the Illinois counties of Winnebago, Boone, McHenry, Lake, and Kane. The Company's footprint stretches along the I-90 corridor from Janesville, Wisconsin to Elgin, Illinois and into the Northwest collar counties of the Chicagoland area. The company offers a variety of value-added consultative services to its business customers and their employees related to the financial products it provides.

Disclosures Regarding non-GAAP Measures

This report refers to financial measures that are identified as non-GAAP that the Company believes help to evaluate and measure the Company's performance, including the presentation of the net interest margin ratio and efficiency ratio calculations on a taxable-equivalent basis. Non-GAAP measures are also used to assist investor comparison by identifying nonrecurring events such as the 2019 acquisition-related expenses, nonrecurring securities gains and the impact such items have on the performance measures of return on average assets, return on average equity, diluted earnings per share, and the efficiency ratio. This supplemental information should not be considered in isolation or as a substitute for the related GAAP measures.

Forward-Looking Statements

When used in this communication, the words "believes," "expects," "likely", "would", and similar expressions are intended to identify forward-looking statements. The company's actual results may differ materially from those described in the forward-looking statements. Factors which could cause such a variance to occur include, but are not limited to: heightened competition; adverse state and federal regulation; failure to obtain new or retain existing customers; ability to attract and retain key executives and personnel; changes in interest rates; unanticipated changes in industry trends; unanticipated changes in credit quality and risk factors, including general economic conditions particularly in the Company's markets; potential deterioration in real estate values, success in gaining regulatory approvals when required; changes in the Federal Reserve Board monetary policies; unexpected outcomes of new and existing litigation in which Blackhawk or its subsidiaries, officers, directors or employees is named defendants; technological changes; changes in accounting principles generally accepted in the United States; changes in assumptions or conditions affecting the application of "critical accounting policies"; inability to recover previously recorded losses as anticipated, and the inability of third party vendors to perform critical services for the company or its customers. The inclusion of forward-looking information should not be construed as a representation by the Company or any person that future events or plans contemplated by the Company will be achieved. The Company undertakes no obligation to publicly update or revise any forward-looking statements whether as a result of new information or otherwise.

Further information is available on the company's website at

Blackhawk Bancorp, Inc.

Todd J. James, Chairman & CEO
Phone: (608) 364-8911

Matthew McDonnell, SVP & CFO
Phone: (608) 364-8911

SEPTEMBER 30, 2020 AND DECEMBER 31, 2019      
  September 30,  December 31, 
Assets 2020  2019 
  (Dollars in thousands, except 
  share and per share data) 
Cash and due from banks $17,403  $12,320 
Interest-bearing deposits in banks and other institutions  43,441   20,761 
Total cash and cash equivalents  60,844   33,081 
Certificates of deposit in banks and other institutions  4,407   6,325 
Equity securities at fair value  2,529   2,365 
Securities available-for-sale  315,232   235,083 
Loans held for sale  11,826   6,540 
Federal Home Loan Bank stock, at cost  2,150   742 
Loans, less allowance for loan losses of $9,943 and $7,941        
at September 30, 2020 and December 31, 2019, respectively  669,234   619,359 
Premises and equipment, net  20,095   21,025 
Goodwill and core deposit intangible  12,125   12,455 
Mortgage servicing rights  3,416   3,106 
Cash surrender value of bank-owned life insurance  11,051   11,118 
Other assets  13,393   12,662 
Total assets $1,126,302  $963,861 
Liabilities and Stockholders' Equity        
Noninterest-bearing $257,123  $155,978 
Interest-bearing  703,650   673,631 
Total deposits  960,773   829,609 
Short-term borrowings  -   - 
Subordinated debentures and notes (including $1,031 at fair value at        
September 30, 2020 and December 31, 2019)  5,155   5,155 
Senior secured term note  13,222   14,000 
Other borrowings  29,000   10,000 
Other liabilities  10,161   7,773 
Total liabilities  1,018,311   866,537 
Stockholders' equity        
Common stock, $0.01 par value, 10,000,000 shares authorized;        
3,435,348 and 3,399,803 shares issued as of September 30, 2020 and        
December 31, 2019, respectively  34   34 
Additional paid-in capital  34,487   33,989 
Retained earnings  66,700   60,295 
Treasury stock, 106,364 and 105,185 shares at cost as of September 30, 2020        
and December 31, 2019, respectively  (1,440)  (1,408)
Accumulated other comprehensive income (loss)  8,210   4,414 
Total stockholders' equity  107,991   97,324 
Total liabilities and stockholders' equity $1,126,302  $963,861 


  Nine months ended September 30, 
  2020  2019 
  (Amounts in thousands, except per share data) 
Interest Income:      
Interest and fees on loans $25,362  $24,165 
Interest and dividends on available-for-sale securities:        
Taxable  4,729   4,594 
Tax-exempt  1,067   1,256 
Interest on other financial institutions  244   421 
Total interest income  31,402   30,436 
Interest Expense:        
Interest on deposits  2,381   4,406 
Interest on short-term borrowings  27   130 
Interest on subordinated debentures  141   61 
Interest on senior secured term note  385   426 
Interest on other  61   300 
Total interest expense  2,995   5,323 
Net interest income before provision for loan losses  28,407   25,113 
Provision for loan losses  5,885   1,030 
Net interest income after provision for loan losses   22,522   24,083 
Noninterest Income:        
Service charges on deposits accounts  2,254   2,713 
Net gain on sale of loans  7,509   2,954 
Net loan servicing income  (254)  250 
Debit card interchange fees  2,759   2,526 
Net gains on sales of securities available-for-sale  107   1,171 
Net other gains (losses)  64   176 
Increase in cash surrender value of bank-owned life insurance  235   231 
Change in value of equity securities  77   109 
Other  1,030   1,124 
Total noninterest income  13,781   11,254 
Noninterest Expenses:        
Salaries and employee benefits  16,097   14,418 
Occupancy and equipment  3,293   3,077 
Data processing  1,700   3,054 
Debit card processing and issuance  1,200   1,125 
Advertising and marketing  222   349 
Amortization of core deposit intangible  330   278 
Professional fees  1,157   1,359 
Office Supplies  273   288 
Telephone  437   383 
Other  2,083   1,790 
Total noninterest expenses  26,792   26,121 
Income before income taxes  9,511   9,216 
Provision for income taxes  2,011   1,964 
Net income  $7,500  $7,252 
Key Ratios        
Basic Earnings Per Common Share $2.26  $2.20 
Diluted Earnings Per Common Share  2.26   2.20 
Dividends Per Common Share  0.33   0.30 
Net Interest Margin (1)  3.89%  3.91%
Efficiency Ratio (1)(2)  63.44%  73.82%
Return on Assets  0.95%  1.04%
Return on Common Equity  9.69%  10.82%

(1) Non-GAAP Presentations: Management discloses certain non-GAAP financial measures to evaluate and measure the Company's performance, including the presentation of the net interest margin and efficiency ratio calculations on a taxable equivalent basis ("TE"). The net interest margin ratio is calculated by dividing net interest income on a tax equivalent basis by average earning assets for the period. Management believes this measure provides investors with information regarding comparative balance sheet profitability.

(2) The efficiency ratio is calculated as noninterest expense divided by the sum of net interest income on a TE basis, noninterest income less any securities gains (losses) or other gains (losses), and also includes a TE adjustment on the increases in cash surrender value of bank-owned life insurance.


  For the Quarter Ended 
  September 30,  June 30,  March 31,  December 31,  September 30, 
  2020  2020  2020  2019  2019 
  (Dollars in thousands, except per share data) 
Interest Income:               
Interest and fees on loans $8,671  $8,658  $8,033  $8,284  $8,580 
Interest on available-for-sale securities:                    
Taxable  1,607   1,618   1,505   1,496   1,591 
Tax-exempt  372   371   323   331   356 
Interest on other financial institutions  41   40   162   107   133 
Total interest income  10,691   10,687   10,023   10,218   10,660 
Interest Expense:                    
Interest on deposits  565   639   1,177   1,400   1,485 
Interest on subordinated debentures  42   45   53   58   61 
Interest on senior secured term note  119   111   156   165   173 
Interest on other borrowings  47   19   22   24   97 
Total interest expense  773   814   1,408   1,647   1,816 
Net interest income before provision for loan losses  9,918   9,873   8,615   8,571   8,844 
Provision for loan losses  2,615   2,505   765   980   580 
Net interest income after provision for loan losses   7,303   7,368   7,850   7,591   8,264 
Noninterest Income:                    
Service charges on deposits accounts  747   610   897   1,002   1,019 
Net gain on sale of loans  3,412   3,192   905   1,257   1,333 
Net loan servicing income  26   (389)  110   119   (91)
Debit card interchange fees  1,002   924   832   876   910 
Net gains on sales of securities available-for-sale  -   8   99   -   866 
Net other gains (losses)  58   6   -   (87)  81 
Increase in cash surrender value of bank-owned life insurance  76   74   85   75   74 
Other  344   425   273   632   455 
Total noninterest income  5,665   4,850   3,201   3,874   4,647 
Noninterest Expenses:                    
Salaries and employee benefits  5,585   5,477   5,035   4,964   4,992 
Occupancy and equipment  1,137   1,074   1,083   1,038   1,085 
Data processing  629   561   510   520   657 
Debit card processing and issuance  409   394   397   449   402 
Advertising and marketing  87   38   97   101   100 
Amortization of intangibles  107   107   115   119   119 
Professional fees  386   405   367   300   387 
Office Supplies  94   88   90   118   112 
Telephone  138   149   150   153   137 
Other  714   659   646   730   505 
Total noninterest expenses  9,286   8,952   8,490   8,492   8,496 
Income before income taxes  3,682   3,266   2,561   2,973   4,415 
Provision for income taxes  819   704   487   621   996 
Net income  $2,863  $2,562  $2,074  $2,352  $3,419 
Key Ratios                    
Basic Earnings Per Common Share $0.86  $0.77  $0.63  $0.71  $1.03 
Diluted Earnings Per Common Share  0.86   0.77   0.63   0.71   1.03 
Dividends Per Common Share  0.11   0.11   0.11   0.10   0.10 
Net Interest Margin (1)  3.83%  3.99%  3.83%  3.83%  3.93%
Efficiency Ratio (1)(2)  59.39%  60.43%  71.89%  67.25%  67.19%
Return on Assets  1.03%  0.96%  0.85%  0.97%  1.40%
Return on Common Equity  10.64%  10.16%  8.31%  9.60%  14.25%

(1) Non-GAAP Presentations: Management discloses certain non-GAAP financial measures to evaluate and measure the Company's performance, including the presentation of net interest income, net interest margin and efficiency ratio calculations on a taxable equivalent basis ("TE"). The net interest margin is calculated by dividing net interest income on a TE basis by average earning assets for the period. Management believes this measure provides investors with information regarding comparative balance sheet profitability.

(2) The efficiency ratio is calculated as noninterest expense divided by the sum of net interest income on an TE basis, noninterest income less any securities gains (losses) or other gains (losses), and also includes a TE adjustment on interest on tax-exempt securities, loans, and the increases in cash surrender value of bank-owned life insurance.

  September 30,  June 30,  March 31,  December 31,  September 30, 
  2020  2020  2020  2019  2019 
  (Amounts in thousands, except per share data) 
Cash and due from banks $17,403  $14,527  $15,240  $12,320  $18,778 
Interest-bearing deposits in banks and other  47,848   25,246   6,775   27,086   22,478 
Securities  317,761   301,726   265,165   237,448   232,165 
Net loans/leases  681,060   697,881   626,797   625,899   640,576 
Goodwill and core deposit intangible  12,125   12,232   12,340   12,455   12,575 
Other assets  50,105   49,485   50,688   48,653   49,786 
Total assets $1,126,302  $1,101,097  $977,005  $963,861  $976,358 
Deposits $960,773  $939,066  $843,061  $829,609  $843,703 
Subordinated debentures  5,155   5,155   5,155   5,155   5,155 
Senior secured term note  13,222   13,611   14,000   14,000   14,000 
Borrowings  29,000   29,000   10,000   10,035   10,042 
Other liabilities  10,161   9,758   6,083   7,738   7,516 
Stockholders' equity  107,991   104,507   98,706   97,324   95,942 
Total liabilities and stockholders' equity $1,126,302  $1,101,097  $977,005  $963,861  $976,358 
ASSET QUALITY DATA                     
(Amounts in thousands) September 30, 2020  June 30, 2020  March 31, 2020  December 31, 2019  September 30,
Non-accrual loans $8,584  $8,427  $9,680  $10,642  $5,524 
Accruing loans past due 90 days or more  196   -   845   -   104 
Troubled debt restructures - accruing  2,176   2,361   2,770   2,866   3,163 
Total nonperforming loans $10,956  $10,788  $13,295  $13,508  $8,791 
Other real estate owned  1   762   123   54   319 
Total nonperforming assets $10,957  $11,550  $13,418  $13,562  $9,110 
Total loans $691,003  $707,983  $634,957  $633,840  $648,900 
Allowance for loan losses $9,943  $10,102  $8,160  $7,941  $8,324 
  $681,060  $697,881  $626,797  $625,899  $640,576 
Nonperforming Assets to total Assets  0.97%  1.05%  1.37%  1.41%  0.93%
Nonperforming loans to total loans  1.59%  1.52%  2.09%  2.13%  1.35%
Allowance for loan losses to total loans  1.44%  1.43%  1.29%  1.25%  1.28%
Allowance for loan losses to nonperforming loans  90.8%  93.6%  61.4%  58.8%  94.7%
  For the Quarter Ended 
  September 30,  June 30,  March 31,  December 31,  September 30, 
ROLLFORWARD OF ALLOWANCE 2020  2020  2020  2019  2019 
Beginning Balance $10,102  $8,160  $7,941  $8,324  $7,749 
Provision  2,615   2,505   765   980   580 
Loans charged off  2,892   639   633   1,463   52 
Loan recoveries  118   76   87   100   47 
Net charge-offs  2,774   563   546   1,363   5 
Ending Balance $9,943  $10,102  $8,160  $7,941  $8,324 

Average Balance Sheet with Resultant Interest and Rates

(Dollars in thousands - unaudited)
(Yields on a tax-equivalent basis) (1)

  For the Quarter Ended 
  September 30, 2020  June 30, 2020  September 30, 2019 
  Average     Average  Average     Average  Average     Average 
  Balance  Interest  Rate  Balance  Interest  Rate  Balance  Interest  Rate 
Interest Earning Assets:                           
Interest-bearing deposits and other $42,716  $41   0.38% $17,056  $40   0.95% $23,356  $133   2.26%
Investment securities:                                    
Taxable investment securities  257,506   1,607   2.48%  241,831   1,618   2.69%  202,607   1,591   3.11%
Tax-exempt investment securities  47,090   372   4.09%  46,443   371   4.13%  43,558   356   4.10%
Total Investment securities  304,596   1,979   2.73%  288,274   1,989   2.92%  246,165   1,947   3.29%
Loans  693,418   8,670   4.97%  701,080   8,658   4.97%  633,215   8,580   5.38%
Total Earning Assets $ 1,040,730  $ 10,690   4.13% $ 1,006,410  $ 10,687   4.31% $ 902,736  $ 10,660   4.73%
Allowance for loan losses  (11,018)          (8,769)          (7,860)        
Cash and due from banks  18,901           15,232           16,131         
Other assets  58,022           58,475           59,817         
Total Assets $ 1,106,635          $ 1,071,348          $ 970,824         
Interest Bearing Liabilities:                                    
Interest bearing checking accounts $292,875  $166   0.23% $298,831  $157   0.21% $258,808  $399   0.61%
Savings and money market deposits  335,043   111   0.13%  305,966   105   0.14%  295,746   547   0.73%
Time deposits  91,366   288   1.25%  101,808   377   1.49%  118,910   539   1.80%
Total interest bearing deposits  719,284   565   0.31%  706,605   639   0.36%  673,464   1,485   0.88%
Subordinated debentures and notes  5,155   42   3.25%  5,155   45   3.53%  5,155   61   4.70%
Borrowings  42,637   165   1.54%  39,436   130   1.32%  32,870   270   3.25%
Total Interest-Bearing Liabilities $ 767,076  $ 772   0.40% $ 751,196  $ 814   0.44% $ 711,489  $ 1,816   1.01%
Interest Rate Spread          3.73%          3.87%          3.72%
Noninterest checking accounts  224,552           212,196           158,512         
Other liabilities  7,950           6,570           5,603         
Total liabilities  999,578           969,962           875,604         
Total Stockholders' equity  107,057           101,386           95,220         
Total Liabilities and                                    
Stockholders' Equity $ 1,106,635          $ 1,071,348          $ 970,824         
Net Interest Income/Margin     $ 9,918   3.83%     $ 9,873   3.99%     $ 8,844   3.93%

(1) Management discloses certain non-GAAP financial measures to evaluate and measure the Company's performance including a presentation of net interest income with a net interest margin ratio on a tax-equivalent (TE) basis. The net interest margin is calculated by dividing net interest income on a TE basis by average earning assets for the period. Management believes this measure provides investors with information regarding comparative balance sheet profitability. Nonaccrual loans are included in the above-stated average balances.

Average Balance Sheet with Resultant Interest and Rates

(Amounts in thousands)
(yields on a tax-equivalent basis)(1)

   For the Nine Months Ended 
   September 30, 2020    September 30, 2019 
   Average         Average    Average         Average 
   Balance    Interest    Rate    Balance    Interest    Rate 
Interest Earning Assets:                             
Interest-bearing deposits and other  32,518    244      1.00%  23,901    421      2.37%
Investment securities:                                               
Taxable investment securities    234,704      4,729      2.69%    194,127      4,594      3.16%
Tax-exempt investment securities    44,811      1,067      4.10%    53,331      1,256      4.04%
Total Investment securities    279,515      5,796      2.92%    247,458      5,850      3.35%
Loans    674,503      25,362      5.02%    599,712      24,165      5.39%
Total Earning Assets  986,536    31,402      4.29%  871,071    30,436      4.73%
Allowance for loan losses    (9,274)                    (7,652)               
Cash and due from banks    16,594                      15,953                 
Other assets    58,483                      57,443                 
Total Assets  1,052,339                    936,815                 
Interest Bearing Liabilities:                                               
Interest bearing checking accounts  287,538    657      0.31%  253,795    1,122      0.59%
Savings and money market deposits    307,807      578      0.25%    284,070      1,725      0.81%
Time deposits    102,306      1,146      1.50%    116,247      1,559      1.79%
Total interest bearing deposits    697,651      2,381      0.46%    654,112      4,406      0.90%
Subordinated debentures    5,155      141      3.64%    5,155      191      4.94%
Borrowings    35,584      473      1.78%    28,123      726      3.45%
Total Interest-Bearing Liabilities  738,390    2,995      0.54%  687,390    5,323      1.04%
Interest Rate Spread                    3.75%                    3.69%
Noninterest checking accounts    203,854                      154,084                 
Other liabilities    7,131                      5,723                 
Total liabilities    949,375                      847,197                 
Total Stockholders' equity    102,964                      89,618                 
Total Liabilities and                                               
Stockholders' Equity  1,052,339                    936,815                 
Net Interest Income/Margin          28,407      3.89%          25,113      3.91%

(1) Management discloses certain non-GAAP financial measures to evaluate and measure the Company's performance including a presentation of net interest income with a net interest margin ratio on a tax-equivalent (TE) basis. The net interest margin is calculated by dividing net interest income on a TE basis by average earning assets for the period. Management believes this measure provides investors with information regarding comparative balance sheet profitability. Nonaccrual loans are included in the above-stated average balances.


As of 9/30/20 (balance in thousands)                  
     Balance of Loans by Modification Type    
Industry Portfolio Balance*  Payment Deferrals  Interest Only  Other  Total Modified  Percent of Portfolio Modified 
High Risk Industries                  
Arts, Entertainment and Recreation  4,208   -   -   -   -   0%
Health Care and Social Assistance  49,250   2,441   2,720   -   5,161   10%
Hospitality and Food Services  29,505   4,149   7   -   4,156   14%
Other Services (except Public Admin)  14,401   1,098   -   -   1,098   8%
Real Estate Rental and Leasing  108,882   -   814   -   814   1%
Retail Trade  40,798   1,078   -   -   1,078   3%
High Risk Industries Total  247,044   8,766   3,541   -   12,307   5%
Other Industries and Consumer Total                        
Construction  32,247   -   387   -   387   1%
Manufacturing  102,404   309   -   -   309   0%
Other Industries  100,440   2,587   3,519   -   6,106   6%
Consumer, Mortgage and Other  113,071   467   -   3,600   4,067   4%
Other Industries and Consumer Total  348,162   3,363   3,906   3,600   10,869   3%
Grand Total  595,206   12,129   7,447   3,600   23,176   4%
*Excluding loans held for sale and PPP loans                        
As of 6/30/20 (balance in thousands)                  
     Balance of Loans by Modification Type    
Industry Portfolio Balance*  Payment Deferrals  Interest Only  Other  Total Modified  Percent of Portfolio Modified 
High Risk Industries                  
Arts, Entertainment and Recreation  4,363   219   1,101   -   1,320   30%
Health Care and Social Assistance  50,855   3,176   6,342   -   9,518   19%
Hospitality and Food Services  27,540   8,766   9,578   -   18,344   67%
Other Services (except Public Admin)  16,164   7,809   1,702   -   9,511   59%
Real Estate Rental and Leasing  121,187   5,761   3,687   -   9,448   8%
Retail Trade  43,898   261   3,444   -   3,705   8%
High Risk Industries Total  264,007   25,992   25,854   -   51,846   20%
Other Industries and Consumer Total                        
Construction  33,956   255   387   -   642   2%
Manufacturing  109,364   1,744   1,829   -   3,573   3%
Other Industries  93,981   2,361   5,106   200   7,667   8%
Consumer, Mortgage and Other  110,229   529   -   4,464   4,993   5%
Other Industries and Consumer Total  347,530   4,889   7,322   4,664   16,875   5%
Grand Total  611,537   30,881   33,176   4,664   68,721   11%
*Excluding loans held for sale and PPP loans                        
Net Change (balance in thousands)               
     Balance of Loans by Modification Type 
Industry Portfolio Balance  Payment Deferrals  Interest Only  Other  Total Modified 
High Risk Industries               
Arts, Entertainment and Recreation  (155)  (219)  (1,101)  -   (1,320)
Health Care and Social Assistance  (1,605)  (735)  (3,622)  -   (4,357)
Hospitality and Food Services  1,965   (4,617)  (9,571)  -   (14,188)
Other Services (except Public Admin)  (1,763)  (6,711)  (1,702)  -   (8,413)
Real Estate Rental and Leasing  (12,305)  (5,761)  (2,873)  -   (8,634)
Retail Trade  (3,100)  817   (3,444)  -   (2,627)
High Risk Industries Total  (16,963)  (17,226)  (22,313)  -   (39,539)
Other Industries and Consumer Total                    
Construction  (1,709)  (255)  -   -   (255)
Manufacturing  (6,960)  (1,435)  (1,829)  -   (3,264)
Other Industries  6,459   226   (1,587)  (200)  (1,561)
Consumer, Mortgage and Other  2,842   (62)  -   (864)  (926)
Other Industries and Consumer Total  632   (1,526)  (3,416)  (1,064)  (6,006)
Grand Total  (16,331)  (18,752)  (25,729)  (1,064)  (45,545)

SOURCE: Blackhawk Bancorp, Inc.

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